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Pakistan Army APC Inventory

How was Dragoon a disaster?
The need was for an 8x8 apc. Dragoon is 4x4. Did the military adopt it?? Did the military want to use it in Zarb e Azb?? Why did PakMil buy Maxxpro and BMC Kirpi?? Why only ASF adopted it?? Why didn't even the police adopt it??

See doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

This BTR stuff is a little too late. I think its just the Uncles trying to buy whatever they remember from their UN tours of duty. There are much better options available for 8x8 APCs from Turkey, Serbia, China, Finland and others. Almost every country in the world is making their own 8x8 apcs.
Two different roles:
1. Battle Taxi: Primary role to transport troops into combat zones

2. IFV: Primary role is to act in support/complement tanks in armored formations along with troop transport.

You are unlikely to see all APC’s replaced with IFV’s given the cost and the fact that the PA may not see any need for huge numbers of IFV’s supporting tanks.

This has nothing to do with corruption or incompetence - it is purely a PA assessment of whether the investment in significant numbers of IFV’s is justifiable, and the advantages significant enough, given the PA’s war fighting doctrine.
IFVs are supposed to assist the troops in laying down suppressing fire and helping them advance within the U.S mil doctrine. With a secondary role of backing up tanks with ATGMs. The U.S has also long ago done away with the "battle taxi" concept our uncles are still stuck with.
Unlikely we bought any, there was talks of an order but it never seems to have gone through. I’ve never seen a Kipri in PA service. Only Maxxpro and casspir MRAPS.
@farooqbhai007 might know better.
I have seen pictures of Kirpi with SSG somewhere on PDF.
Unlikely we bought any, there was talks of an order but it never seems to have gone through. I’ve never seen a Kipri in PA service. Only Maxxpro and casspir MRAPS.
@farooqbhai007 might know better.
I have seen pictures of Kirpi with SSG somewhere on PDF.
First of all the idea of battle taxis is just absurd long gone are the days off battle taxis ifvs can play the same role and much more also even help support the dismounts to launch attacks but most important of all it can play hunter killer role destroy enemy tanks, ifvs, low flying aerial vehicle and much more its just that our generals are living in 1940s just look at the marines they are supposed to be a 3 dimensional force but they are assigned to border patrols and being used as cheap AAD they should be deployed in hot zones throughout the country in various terrains in addition the training infrastructure needs major revamp our marines can play a major role in case of war but for that right mindset is needed right now they are a bunch of jokers
Bro truer words have never been spoken we've got too many uncles. Our military usually needs a huge kick up its @ss to actually do something creative and not something the gora left behind in 1940.
1. You clearly dont understand the security situation in Balochistan , most attacks are being done on soldiers doing logistics , there was even a attack on a water truck near the city of quetta i mean last month ,
2. Lets say the PA equips all of its units with IFVs and armored vehicles , what would be the next case of action , the BLA would probably improvise and use bigger ied's which then again can blow up mraps as we have seen in Afghanistan , and the bla would also end up getting atgm,s just how ttp got limited numbers of milan's from indian retards ( who happen to have closed the kandahar consulate today :) since they are running for there life in Afghanistan now )
3. There is a massive crackdown underway since past few weeks , the peace on loc has given a oppurtunity to get things right and it seems to be happening that way , ( see IK meeting Bugti's and IK saying that they are willing to do peace talks with the bla ) , and as we know doing peace talks is the stanard PA doctorine before it uses a hammer just like before Zarb e azab we offered peace talks .
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In future, instead of water in the water truck, it should be carrying troop, who jump out from the fake "water tank" and take down the ambushers. Tactics mate. You dont need to spend millions of $$$. Next time, the attackers will think ten times before taking down a vulnerable "sleeper", an un armed truck.
In future, instead of water in the water truck, it should be carrying troop, who jump out from the fake "water tank" and take down the ambushers. Tactics mate. You dont need to spend millions of $$$. Next time, the attackers will think ten times before taking down a vulnerable "sleeper", an un armed truck.
Have you been watching fast and furious again?
Have you been watching fast and furious again?
Baluchistan is too massive to be covered for all kinds of ops against them. Bring them where you want them. Dont go out trying to find them instead lure them in and eliminate them. Drill in their minds that if they visit populated areas like towns and cities, they will never go back alive while failing their missions. Step 1 is to scare them from entering cities. They will then come on highways, use same tactic but a bring in air support and start killing them out in the open on the roads. If possible, use un manned (RC) vehicles (Hilux's) filled with dummies. Step 2, Let the attacks begin on the roads, then pin point their locations and take them out. After a few attacks fail, they will stop attacking convoys. Step 3 is to locate their hideouts in the caves and mountains and bomb the hell out of them. Step 4 is going across the border in Afghanistan when necessary.
Baluchistan is too massive to be covered for all kinds of ops against them. Bring them where you want them. Dont go out trying to find them instead lure them in and eliminate them. Drill in their minds that if they visit populated areas like towns and cities, they will never go back alive while failing their missions. Step 1 is to scare them from entering cities. They will then come on highways, use same tactic but a bring in air support and start killing them out in the open on the roads. If possible, use un manned (RC) vehicles (Hilux's) filled with dummies. Step 2, Let the attacks begin on the roads, then pin point their locations and take them out. After a few attacks fail, they will stop attacking convoys. Step 3 is to locate their hideouts in the caves and mountains and bomb the hell out of them. Step 4 is going across the border in Afghanistan when necessary.
You are right how about we buy some UGV's from Russia. I just saw a vid of a Russian ugv attacking ISIS it killed some 20 ISIS militants.
Baluchistan is too massive to be covered for all kinds of ops against them. Bring them where you want them. Dont go out trying to find them instead lure them in and eliminate them. Drill in their minds that if they visit populated areas like towns and cities, they will never go back alive while failing their missions. Step 1 is to scare them from entering cities. They will then come on highways, use same tactic but a bring in air support and start killing them out in the open on the roads. If possible, use un manned (RC) vehicles (Hilux's) filled with dummies. Step 2, Let the attacks begin on the roads, then pin point their locations and take them out. After a few attacks fail, they will stop attacking convoys. Step 3 is to locate their hideouts in the caves and mountains and bomb the hell out of them. Step 4 is going across the border in Afghanistan when necessary.
Well the best solution for Balochistan's problem is to send a few waderas/sardars to the firing squad, bring connectivity roads/technology/infrastructure, resources(water is a huge one), industry, business and relocate people from other provinces there.

Would help a lot.
Well the best solution for Balochistan's problem is to send a few waderas/sardars to the firing squad, bring connectivity roads/technology/infrastructure, resources(water is a huge one), industry, business and relocate people from other provinces there.

Would help a lot.
Numbers war.The more numbers killed, the more it becomes a double war- a weapons war and a psychological war. The PsyOps department of PA is weak. ISPR can play its role but the number of causalities have a psychological effect. You see the resources which Pakistan has its disposal, Pakistan cannot lose a war. In past 20 years, Pakistan has sustained damage after damage, in fact colossal damage in human lives, material, infrastructure and economy, but Pakistan didn't lose. So, if its a war using weapons, Pakistan can win or sustain since the military is huge. But its the psychological war against terrorists that Pakistan needs to win, the war leading towards 5th gen warfare. There are very few cures for brainwashed extremist individuals.
Numbers war.The more numbers killed, the more it becomes a double war- a weapons war and a psychological war. The PsyOps department of PA is weak. ISPR can play its role but the number of causalities have a psychological effect. You see the resources which Pakistan has its disposal, Pakistan cannot lose a war. In past 20 years, Pakistan has sustained damage after damage, in fact colossal damage in human lives, material, infrastructure and economy, but Pakistan didn't lose. So, if its a war using weapons, Pakistan can win or sustain since the military is huge. But its the psychological war against terrorists that Pakistan needs to win, the war leading towards 5th gen warfare. There are very few cures for brainwashed extremist individuals.
ISPR has been canned it was becoming voice of the nation. But it has now been put on a leash. Terrible.
IFVs are supposed to assist the troops in laying down suppressing fire and helping them advance within the U.S mil doctrine. With a secondary role of backing up tanks with ATGMs. The U.S has also long ago done away with the "battle taxi" concept our uncles are still stuck with.

I have seen pictures of Kirpi with SSG somewhere on PDF.

I have seen pictures of Kirpi with SSG somewhere on PDF.

Bro truer words have never been spoken we've got too many uncles. Our military usually needs a huge kick up its @ss to actually do something creative and not something the gora left behind in 1940.
Unlikely they were kipri, you’re probably confusing them for Casspir or Maxxpro, If there was a photo of PA with Kipri, we would have seen it by now.
ISPR has been canned it was becoming voice of the nation. But it has now been put on a leash. Terrible.
ISPR is just one part of the jigsaw. Multiple voices are needed especially a Baluchi voice which the Baluchi people understand. You don't always need a military voice, a military mind and a military solution. Putting down more boots and more APCs in Baluchistan may not be the best idea. Policing isn't needed, weeding is needed. The best minds of the nation need to sit down at some level, even govt level and propose solutions which brings prosperity to the province and eliminates all threats. Everyone looks at the military not coz of its might because the military training institutions of the country are the best. What about the civilian training institutions churning out CSS officers and other bureaucrats. Some problems are not for military to solve, but they are handed as last resort to military. Probably this last resort should never come, the brains in upper echelons are there, or are they not.
ISPR is just one part of the jigsaw. Multiple voices are needed especially a Baluchi voice which the Baluchi people understand. You don't always need a military voice, a military mind and a military solution. Putting down more boots and more APCs in Baluchistan may not be the best idea. Policing isn't needed, weeding is needed. The best minds of the nation need to sit down at some level, even govt level and propose solutions which brings prosperity to the province and eliminates all threats. Everyone looks at the military not coz of its might because the military training institutions of the country are the best. What about the civilian training institutions churning out CSS officers and other bureaucrats. Some problems are not for military to solve, but they are handed as last resort to military. Probably this last resort should never come, the brains in upper echelons are there, or are they not.
Civil service recruitment is soooo broken. Like broken on astronomical levels. In America you actually have to compete tooth and nail for civil service jobs. You have to have tons of experience or at least a PhD to get Pakistani equivalent of babu jobs. That's why Pakistani babus are no match for American babus. That and the fact Pakistani uncle minded paindu babus melt right when they see white skin ladies and men. Ladies more than men.
Any idea how big the IED was?
The explosion was caused by a TM-62M mine, and the crew was left uninjured. 7.5 kg of explosives.

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