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Pakistan Air Force Il-78MP refuelling a Mirage IIIDP Somewhere over Balochistan Flag of Pakistan

Shahzaz ud din

Jun 12, 2017
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Pakistan Air Force Il-78MP refuelling a Mirage IIIDP Somewhere over Balochistan
Flag of Pakistan


With the Americans gone from Afghanistan, there is nothing to resist PAF operations over Afghanistan. If things stablise and Afghans are truly interested in making their country better - then there is no need for operations over Afghanistan.

If not - then from time to time - the Afghans will need a clip around the ear to behave.
Next stop: deep inside Afganistan over TTP/BLA etc. camps painted with guided munitions....
No we don't need to attack inside Afghanistan. It will create more hate towards pak. india n hostile agencies will take full benfit of it. We need safe friendly Afghans. They will be backbone of pak security when pak need proxy againt india.i hope pak will not do those stupid things. Let talib handel this bla and raw elements. We need to help Afghans to fix their own issues. We must give them space
No we don't need to attack inside Afghanistan. It will create more hate towards pak. india n hostile agencies will take full benfit of it. We need safe friendly Afghans. They will be backbone of pak security when pak need proxy againt india.i hope pak will not do those stupid things. Let talib handel this bla and raw elements. We need to help Afghans to fix their own issues. We must give them space
Spare the rod, spoil your child.....

Non-Muslims are like milk. When it gets adulterated still its useful since it turns into yogurt, cream etc....

Muslims are like oil. When it gets adulterated it turns into poison.....

Hence, the Muslim ruler needs to be more principled, pious and ruthless than the unscrupulous mobs....
Considering USA/NATO could not subdue Afghans using the most sophisticated use of airpower over a long period, it would be the height of stupidity to imagine PAF doing the same and creating a usual outcome other than to make additional enemies.
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