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Pakistan aims for transformative $30-50b investment boost in agri sector

Basically a sham for investors, these thugs want a piece of areas such as Thal and Bhakkar, so they can hand out acres to ministers and fauj generals and leave some for "farming".

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Monday said that the government expected investment worth billions of dollars in the next four to five years in the agriculture sector in Pakistan.

He expressed these remarks during a seminar on agriculture and food security held in Islamabad. Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir attended the seminar as the guest of honour.

The premier highlighted the importance of agriculture for the economy of Pakistan and the landmark steps being undertaken by the government to exploit its full potential in agriculture and other domains under the ambit of the recently launched Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC).

PM Shehbaz said that Green Pakistan Initiative would be the second green revolution, paving the way for prosperity and progress in the country


He stated that under this programme, the government anticipated an average investment of 30 to 50 billion dollars in Pakistan over the next three to four years. “Our efforts are focused to enhance productivity and transform barren land into fertile ground which will significantly bolster our revenues."

He revealed that during a recently held meeting, the envoys of many Gulf countries expressed their interest in investing in Pakistan.


“Pakistan cannot take further loans. I, COAS or the finance minister cannot reveal how we managed to acquire loan to try and avert a default. Thankfully, due to our teamwork, SLA happened and after two days, IMF’s board meeting is also scheduled. But this is not enough and it is just the beginning of a long journey of untiring efforts and we need a vision for it,” he added.

He lamented that many research centres had been established in Pakistan but many of them became unproductive after the 1960s.

The premier said that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) were bleeding Rs600 billion from Pakistan’s scarce resources. “We have all the resources and all seasons… still we have been unable to become a prosperous country,” he regretted.

“We are importing $4.5 billion worth of palm oil. We’re a developing country we cannot spend such a huge amount on palm oil,” he added.

Shehbaz said that there was a time Pakistan used to produce more cotton than our neighbouring country but today we’re lacking behind in cotton, wheat and other agricultural products.

He said that Pakistan produces great Basmati rice but now it has many competitors. “In a year or two, our agri-based economy will be revived. We will not have to seek further loans but investors will come by themselves,” he said


The army chief also addressed the participants and assured the people of Pakistan and the government of the army’s full support for all the initiatives being initiated under the ambit of SIFC including the Green Pakistan Initiative.

The seminar was attended by federal ministers, chief ministers of Punjab and Sindh provinces, chief secretaries, agricultural experts and farmers from all the provinces.

Foreign dignitaries and potential investors and experts from the UK, Italy, Spain, China, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkiye and various other countries also attended the seminar.

Sequel to the inauguration of Land Information Management System - Centre of Excellence (LIMS - COE), Green Pakistan initiative is being undertaken to enhance the food security of Pakistan, increase exports and reduce the agriculture-related imports, thereby, contributing towards the national economy.

Agriculture experts and farmers highly appreciated the government's landmark initiative and the Pakistan Army's special focus on revolutionising the agriculture sector by promoting modern contemporary technology, collaboration of public and private sectors and trickling down dividends to the local farmers to alleviate poverty.

The participants hailed the conduct of the seminar and its attendance by experts, government representatives and potential investors as a success and the first step towards bringing positive change in the agriculture and livestock sectors.

The attendees especially lauded the Pakistan Army's efforts in boosting the national economy by focusing on this critical sector.

MASHALLAH ALL AGRI LAND OCCUR BY Waderas, chudaries, other mafia nick names n The Establishment.
When they will growup ? When they will start to think about IT, Mining, semi conductor, electronics, Bio Medical, Medicines, chemicals, other Manufacture sectors ? Why they dont get data from HEC n PEC how many students gets degrees in what field and make ecnonmy poilcies related to them not for fking MAfias.
like how would this benefit the average farmer who is on the brink of suicide? anyone asked that question?
If you know a trade or skill try Dubai. But I would recommend getting out and starting over never too late.
the only thing that I fear in Dubai, is that I heard that Arabs generally look down upon Pakistanis?
If you know Urdu, then here is a video on this topic from the very beautiful Sumaira Khan. I had not seen her videos since her coverage of the American exodus from Kabul in August 2021. As she says, rise above your political differences and think for your country.

If what she says is true, these are normal reforms, projects and schemes that come from the budget.
"Investment" for these means loan that will fill the budget gap?
should we fly the PTI flag, we always fly the Pakistani Flag above it, still can recognize a good thing when they see it, and will never give up on Pakistan, land of my birth and of my kith and kin.

We should fly the PTI flag above the Pakistan flag.

still can recognize a good thing when they see it

Its about recognizing patterns. We heard the exact same thing about Gwadar since 2007.

What has transpired out of Gwadar?

like how would this benefit the average farmer who is on the brink of suicide? anyone asked that question?

Are farmer suicides common in Pakistan?
We should fly the PTI flag above the Pakistan flag.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sounding like Abdul Rehman Majeed here

Youthiya behaviour, might as well make the PTI flag the official Pakistan flag at this point

Just saying
And like everything army runs, fauji foods is not a productive entity
Fuedalism 2.0

Let private sector take charge, help small famers through cheap loans, solar panels etc
Yo what the actual ****, is that real?

Someone please tell me that's no real. That's a legit criminal gang in uniform they aren't even working for the state
You and I, along with some others in this forum--and they know when I write this-- have differences but we have civility in our discourse.

I don't think the current ruling party as well as the Army, can get away from any non-performance going forward. There isnt any room to keep the old order going. They will HAVE to deliver. And I am cautiously optimistic. And this Green Pakistan initiative sounds like a good start: As you said above, when you are that much fallen in your economy, then starting from the dirt (the soil, in case of agriculture), is not a bad idea.
unbelievable how low can Pak get.

Where are the agriculutural universities and research centers. WTF -- does your army not have their own work now they will sit do corporate farming.

Another feudals lords in the making.

Reminds me of Burmese junta
Basically the country was de-industrialized/canabalized over he last 50 years to serve the interests of elite capture.

News to me Israel provides funding and/or cheap loans to India in the agri sector? I always thought India-Israel cooperation in agri relies on sharing of technology and other know-how to increase productivity (for which India PAYS).
They are helping to grow the Indian market so they can afford to buy more from them. Something China should replicate in BRI and Pakistan should convince investors is the why will happen when they do business in Pakistan.

We should fly the PTI flag above the Pakistan flag.

Its about recognizing patterns. We heard the exact same thing about Gwadar since 2007.

What has transpired out of Gwadar?

Are farmer suicides common in Pakistan?
PTI flag is the current expression of the aspirations of most of the Pakistani people, but it still comes after being a citizen of Pakistan.

Pakistan’s economic state is so obviously bad now, unlike in 2007, and that the window for results in smaller.
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Chutiya banao for general elections campaign has been officially launched by army.
The whole world now knows about your reality. Let's see who is the dumb foreign investor to invest even his $1 in your investment projects.
the only thing that I fear in Dubai, is that I heard that Arabs generally look down upon Pakistanis?

Bhai sab, Pakistanis are looked down upon wherever they go, including in the States; Indians are no different either in the States, and that is because of their habits and character.

But the main thing is how you stand out from the group. Hold yourself to a higher standard, and do not put too much effort into saving pennies while losing dollars.

There is a saying among Pakistani-German residents regarding Germans that they have sariya down their throats due to them taking on the world in two world wars, and the Arabs are no different now due to their oil wealth; you have to look past there egos and advance.
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starting from China.
The uniform comes as somewhat of a guarantor where aid and loans are involved looking at political conditions. Military is another guarantor for CPEC. In Pakistan, politically, governments change but Army stands. Tomorrow PTI or PPP may be in power but China will look towards Pakistan Military where China has also invested in bringing up 34 and 44 LIDs for CPEC security along with subs and other surface combatants for Navy and then the J-10s with another rationale for protecting investments in Pakistan. Similar pathways for other parties like, IMF or KSA.
If you know Urdu, then here is a video on this topic from the very beautiful Sumaira Khan. I had not seen her videos since her coverage of the American exodus from Kabul in August 2021. As she says, rise above your political differences and think for your country.

Don't expect much.

Pakistanis are the most "weily kom" (nothing to do) who have politics running deep in their veins evident from the fact that they will discuss politics at every given opportunity to pass time and then sleep peacefully through the blame games on Government and now military showing they are not ready to take on responsibility for their own life or family or job or country.

Even on PDF, which is a defence forum, mostly politics is discussed, not defence, weapons, strategies, tactics, wars etc. Sonay pe sohaga yeh (on top of that), that learned members like mods and TTs have shown their confused state of mind. Titles like Is Pakistan Army not defending us ? and statements like I used to love armed forces but now i loathe them. Its ironic when learned members are this dumb. Take for example, who made MQM ? ISI. How many coups and martial laws has Pakistan seen ? Many. So these happened before these members were born or maybe after, but didn't they know already ? and if the Pakistan Military has become "evil" now (Big LOL), then the good and bad commanders keep coming and going, we have examples of RS and then some Chiefs of 90s and even before. If IK comes and open their eyes now, then lets wait for somebody else who will make them move their a$$ around, then somebody else will come who will thrash their a$$e$$ so they do something for Pakistan ? The Pakistani public is itself shameless with expertise in cursing and vulgarism. Don't expect much.
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