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Pak school observes Kashmir Black Day


Sehar Kamran, the school’s principal, warmly welcomed the guests who included prominent Saudi citizen Sultan Asad, Samar Fatany, Hassan Abdeen, special officer for communities at the OIC Secretariat-General, and Qamar Siddique Raja, consul for community affairs at the Pakistani Consulate General and link officer of the school.

Is it coincidence that the poster and the school principal have the same name?
What does it matter whether Pakistan observes Black or White day ? They are free to do what they want to do in their country. What really matters is what we observe for our country and 29 states. :tup:
Indians and their bloated ego - I could easily make inflammatory posts here and on many other threads and Indians will be on fire reporting my posts calling me low quality member etc.Why don't you guys shut the f@uck up if you don't have any thing constructive to say?
Indians and their bloated ego - I could easily make inflammatory posts here and on many other threads and Indians will be on fire reporting my posts calling me low quality member etc.Why don't you guys shut the f@uck up if you don't have any thing constructive to say?

We will always support the struggle of Kashmiris. The world might have given up on them but we will never give up on our Kashmiri Brothers.



lol in IOK, Kashmiris continue to raise the Pakistani flag in lal chowk.

It shows how much they want Pakistan, and not India.

The Indian government is savage and stupid for not letting the Kashmiris in IOK have their freedom to choose Pakistan or to be independent.
We will always support the struggle of Kashmiris. The world might have given up on them but we will never give up on our Kashmiri Brothers.

The feeling's mutual, mate. Mutual. :devil:

---------- Post added at 11:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 PM ----------

Why indians so butthurt?

The same reason why you are when wailing and bawling about (not) Kashmiris.
lol in IOK, Kashmiris continue to raise the Pakistani flag in lal chowk.

It shows how much they want Pakistan, and not India.

The Indian government is savage and stupid for not letting the Kashmiris in IOK have their freedom to choose Pakistan or to be independent.

same could be said about the people in balochistan.
pakistan should not take politics to the school kids. :disagree:

As recently published US study have said that pakistan seeds hate to kids get proved again.
Legally, Jammu & Kashmir is an integral and inseparable part of India. The British had ruled India as one undivided country made up of many provinces and princely states. When they left, India was partitioned into two separate countries. The new country, as mentioned earlier, was called Pakistan. The British as well as the leaders of both India and Pakistan had agreed to one basic principle - every inch of land must go either to India or to Pakistan. In other words, people living in India before the partition of 1947, had only two options: they could either join Pakistan or they could join India. They could not remain independent.

Jammu & Kashmir was actually an exception. The Maharaja of the State had wanted time to decide whether he should join Pakistan or join India. But the rulers of Pakistan did not want to give him the opportunity to decide and instead attacked his state, killing hundreds of people and causing extensive damage to property. The Pakistani action forced the Maharaja to join India.

It was absolutely legal. According to the agreement on which the partition of India was based, the rulers of princely states, like Jammu & Kashmir, had the absolute right to decide whether they wanted to join Pakistan or India. There was never any question of holding a referendum or a plebiscite. All the same, the then Prime Minister of India, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, agreed to hold a plebiscite because he was a democrat and wanted to find out what the people of the state of Jammu & Kashmir wanted.

In 1947, when the Pakistanis attacked Jammu & Kashmir, the most popular leader of that state was a man named Sheikh Abdullah. He was a friend of the Indian Prime Minister, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru. Both men believed in secularism, which is a concept that allows people of all religions and creeds to live together. Pakistan, on the other hand, was created on the basis of religion. The leaders of Pakistan wanted a country where only Muslims would rule. Indian leaders, on the other hand, felt that anybody could rule as long as the people elected that person. Sheikh Abdullah preferred the idea of secularism. He therefore wanted Jammu & Kashmir to be part of India rather than part of Pakistan. At the same time, the Hindus who were a majority in the Jammu region, also did not want to join Pakistan. Nor did the Buddhists of Ladakh. Since all these groups wanted to be with India, there was no point in holding a referendum on the Indian side of Jammu & Kashmir. Also, in 1954, the people on the Indian side of Jammu & Kashmir elected a government of their own. This government made it clear that their state was part of India and not part of Pakistan. Officially speaking, they "ratified Jammu & Kashmir's accession to India". This meant that henceforth there could be no question of holding a plebiscite in the state of Jammu & Kashmir.

A plebiscite cannot be held today for two reasons. Firstly, Pakistan continues to illegally occupy a large chunk of Jammu & Kashmir and does not allow the people here any freedom of choice. In most parts of the Pakistani occupied part of Jammu & Kashmir, the local people have no democratic rights. They cannot elect a government and they cannot dare to even talk against Pakistan for fear of being killed. For all practical purposes, the territory and the people captured by Pakistan in 1947 have been incorporated into Pakistan. These people have always been ruled by Pakistan and have not been given the opportunity to learn what democracy is all about. Unless, Pakistan agrees to give them a chance to participate in a plebiscite, it will be of no use. Secondly, Jammu & Kashmir became a legal, integral and inseparable part of India many many years ago. Today, no Indian government can allow some people in Jammu & Kashmir to break away from India. The Indian government tolerates some people in Jammu & Kashmir who talk about separation from India but does not like them. In other countries, people who want to break apart a country by creating a separate independent country are called traitors. They are usually punished by hanging. India is a more tolerant country.

This is because a section of leaders belonging to the Kashmir Valley want to break away from India. Some of them want to form a separate country while others want to join Pakistan. Making such demands is against the law. The Indian government has been forced to arrest some of these leaders and put them in prison. Most of them have later been released. Some of them, however, decided to become terrorists and started to kill people in the Kashmir Valley and in other parts of the state. To protect the lives of people and to counter these terrorists, the Indian government posted soldiers in the Kashmir Valley. The terrorists then started killing these soldiers as well. The soldiers started fighting back and for all practical purposes, the Kashmir Valley became a battlefield. Indian soldiers have killed many terrorists but some remain to this day and continue to frighten the people of Jammu & Kashmir.

Kashmiris are basically a proud people. The younger generation also showed that they are a brave people. When their elders and intellectual leaders told them about the glorious victories of Islam and how India had reneged on its promise for a plebiscite, the Kashmiri youth felt they had to take up the gun against the Indian security forces. This happened because some leaders in the Kashmiri Valley, who were unhappy about the fact that they could not rule, decided that they would force the Indian government to leave the Valley. These leaders knew they could not fight the Indian government by themselves. So they went to Pakistan. There the Pakistani leaders assured them all help because the Pakistanis felt that if India was forced to give up the Kashmir Valley, then they would grab it for themselves. They decided to help the Kashmiri leaders who wanted to separate from India. The Pakistanis trained Kashmiri youth to fight, set off bombs and carry out assassinations. They also gave them money and weapons of all kinds. These Kashmiri youth went back to the Valley and started a reign of terror in 1989. They became known freedom fighters as first and then later as terrorists. Now most Kashmiri youths are disillusioned and have stopped fighting but are still called terrorists, when actually those fighting are mainly from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, Pakistan and Afghanistan. These people are also looting Kashmiris and indulging in forced adulterous relations with many Kashmiri women.

Most Kashmiris are disillusioned with all the killing and fighting. They want peace. Elections were held in Kashmir and Dr. Farooq Abdullah, the leader of Jammu & Kashmir's main political party, the National Conference (NC), was elected Chief Minister. He is ruling the state today and has clearly said that Jammu & Kashmir cannot and will not be part of Pakistan. He has pledged full support to the Indian government to fight against the terrorists and the traitors who want to break away from India. There are other Kashmiri leaders, who wish to see the state return to normalcy and the people have a better life. The Pakistani side of Jammu & Kashmir has been divided into two main parts. The largest part is called the Northern Areas. Here the people have no political or human rights and are ruled directly by Pakistan. They cannot express an opinion. But of late they have begun to rebel against Pakistan. The Pakistani Army has crushed these rebellions with brute force. The other part of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir is a tiny portion called Azad Jammu & Kashmir. Azad in the Urdu language means free. The people settled here are also not very happy with Pakistan but know that they cannot gain independence even though theirs is a supposedly a "free" country. Their leaders are supported by Pakistan and given lots of money. These leaders are comfortable with Pakistan and want to remain in Pakistan. Others do not want to stay in Pakistan but most do not dare protest for fear of being killed or imprisoned.

The violence in Jammu & Kashmir continues because terrorists fighting here are helped by Pakistan. The government of Pakistan refuses to reconcile to the fact that Jammu & Kashmir is part of India. Therefore, the Pakistanis do not want peace to return to Jammu & Kashmir. They are determined to keep the fires of violence and hatred burning on the Indian side of Jammu & Kashmir. In the meanwhile, innocent people in Kashmir are getting caught in the crossfire. People from all over the world can help by urging their leaders to tell Pakistan to accept the reality in Kashmir and negotiate a final settlement with India so that both countries can live in peace. The government of India and Pakistan also must be told that there can be no solution to the problem of Jammu & Kashmir without consulting all the peoples of the state, including those living outside the Kashmir Valley. Everybody can help by further urging Pakistani leaders to stop sending mercenaries to the Kashmir Valley and urging the Indian government to treat all Kashmiri fighters as freedom fighters and not terrorists. The Government of India must also be urged to recall most of its troops from the state and accord it the autonomy promised by the late Pundit Nehru. If this can be done, then Jammu & Kashmir and the world would be a safer place to live in.
Legally, Jammu & Kashmir is an integral and inseparable part of India. The British had ruled India as one undivided country made up of many provinces and princely states. When they left, India was partitioned into two separate countries. The new country, as mentioned earlier, was called Pakistan. The British as well as the leaders of both India and Pakistan had agreed to one basic principle - every inch of land must go either to India or to Pakistan. In other words, people living in India before the partition of 1947, had only two options: they could either join Pakistan or they could join India. They could not remain independent.
Jammu & Kashmir was actually an exception. The Maharaja of the State had wanted time to decide whether he should join Pakistan or join India. But the rulers of Pakistan did not want to give him the opportunity to decide and instead attacked his state, killing hundreds of people and causing extensive damage to property. The Pakistani action forced the Maharaja to join India.

BlahBlahBlah! Bharatis humming the same old tune again and again. :whistle:

They have the right to take a plebiscite, but India being a democrazy will not allow them.

My heart goes out to the Kashmiri people.
Good to see that Pakistani School kids care for Azad Kashmir.
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