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Pak-Saudi joint naval exercise from tomorrow



Commander Pakistan Fleet (COMPAK) with Saudi ambassador
To-date nine exercises in the NAB series have been held, each being refined in light of the lessons learnt from previous encounters. In the last decade, regional security in the maritime domain in the rapidly evolving geo-political environment has added a new dimension to the challenges being faced by both navies, prompting the planners to include counter terrorism and convoy protection in light of the onset of maritime piracy, in addition to anti-air, anti-submarine, mine counter measures and intelligence based operations conducted in a multi threat environment.

Set for executing naval maneuvers in the North Arabian Sea, the tenth exercise in the series is being launched from the Jinnah Naval Base at Ormara for the first time, adding a significant milestone for PN in its overall quest for operationalization of the Western sea board.

Scheduled from January 12 to 22, 2013, the joint exercise is not merely based on physical maneuvers of various surface, aerial and sub-surface naval platforms but involve the entire gamut of maritime operations; planning, executing and drawing lessons from NAB-X. The tempo of the exercise will be built progressively, with seminars on maritime strategy, followed by tactical war-games, conducted during the harbour phase at the PN Tactical School for rehearsing the tactical procedure before entering the sea phase. Every major exercise entails extensive planning activities and practice including the determination of safety parameters to accrue maximum tactical/operational training values as well as maintain safety and security while operating in a realistic environment including the shadow of Electronic Warfare.

Beyond the pale of the planning segment, the sea phase will be conducted in two parts: workup phase for tactical training; and war at sea phase for operational/tactical training; culminating in live weapon firing display by both navies involving a wide array of weaponry from their arsenal, witnessed by VVIPs from both nations. Simultaneously, PN Marines and their Saudi counterparts will conduct a joint counter terrorism tactical exercise in the Ormara Hills.

All in all NAB-X is designed and planned to assess operational readiness of participating units, improve inter-operability and tactical proficiency in the execution of combined operations, conduct defence of port infrastructure including anchorage against an asymmetric threat and draw pertinent lessons.

whats ships taking part and whats the may time period :woot:

I will love to see beauties. in KSA navy they are called "Al Riyadh class" .
these are state of the art French custom made Frigates for KSA Navy

These frigates were referred to as "stealth" frigates. Their reduced radar cross section is achieved by a very clean superstructure compared to conventional designs, angled sides and radar absorbent material, a composite material of wood and glass fiber as hard as steel, light, and resistant to fire. Most modern fighting ships built around the world since the introduction of the La Fayette have followed the same principles of stealth.

note: my humble request to all posters to refrain from off topic rants & sectarian mud slinging, dont quote inflammatory posts just report them.
Well this is great.... Any training is good training and thus would allow us to harness our skills even more.
There has been a negotiation, proposal was placed but no further details. Pakistan and SA are working on something smilier in cooperation with china, no more 2 say never heard of any updates ever since..

I think Al Riyadh class Frigates will be the KSA flag ships for foreseeable future, they are awesome platforms. these ships are featured in the Golden eye movie as well when the eurocopter is hijacked by the bad guys.
So no pic's nor important info rather BS from guys who want to destroy every single thread in the site unreal...
Beyond the pale of the planning segment, the sea phase will be conducted in two parts: workup phase for tactical training; and war at sea phase for operational/tactical training; culminating in live weapon firing display by both navies involving a wide array of weaponry from their arsenal, witnessed by VVIPs from both nations. Simultaneously, PN Marines and their Saudi counterparts will conduct a joint counter terrorism tactical exercise in the Ormara Hills.

God Speed my brothers

in the longer run, such exercises between Muslim countries will be more beneficial because the West is now paranoid due to Al Qaeda terrorism and countries like USA and UK are known to keep the students from Muslim countries out of those parts of training that are far more advance and consist of modern technology. these are the words of an SSG officer who said that he was short listed for US Army rangers special course but he opted for Chinese course in order to learn something new rather than being made to run around silly and kept out of special classes on tactical training and use of specialised equipment
Pak-Saudi Naval Exercises to Begin on January 12

Naseem Al-Bahr, or gentle sea breeze as the word signifies in the Urdu lexicon, is the code name for the bilateral naval exercises between the Pakistan Navy (PN) and the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF).

The exercises are set to begin on January 12 this year. The relationship between the two navies has a long history that dates back to the period of 60s when the Pakistan Navy offered to train Saudi naval cadets at the Pakistan Naval Academy, Karachi. The ties have since grown in size and stature. The relations now envelop several mutually beneficial areas covering professional, academic and operational fields.

The Saudi officers are regular recipients of mid -career professional as well as advance BE engineering courses at the NUST-affiliated Pakistan Navy Engineering College, PNS Jauhar. In addition, a number of seats are availed by the RSNF each year in the PN staff course.

Numerous first generation Pakistan Navy-trained Saudi naval officers have held key positions in the RSNF hierarchy in the past while countless others from later generation are now in the top slots.

In an attempt to reinforce cooperation and expand the mutually beneficial ties, exercise Naseem Al-Bahr was formalised ipso facto between the PN and the RSNF in 1993. Held every two years the exercise usually begins with combined seminars that examine various maritime security challenges from each side’s perspective. The seminar proceedings are followed by simulated war games at PN tactical training centres ashore. In the final phase, major naval combatants, including aircraft from each side, conduct joint manoeuvres at sea. The biennial exercise has matured and now advanced level maritime drills are accompanied by weapon sensors evaluation, test firings of missiles and honing of various doctrines as well as interoperability procedures. Special Forces from both sides conduct anti-terrorism and other simulated exercises alongside.

From a small fledgling force in 1950 with a few coastal vessels, the Royal Saudi Naval Force has developed and now exerts considerable sway over the Persian Gulf and Red Sea region through its eastern and western fleets headquartered at Jubail and Jeddah respectively.

The Pakistan Navy has meanwhile also morphed into a regional force over the past decade or so. The makeover facilitated through new platform acquisitions, cutting-edge technology and distant operations now allows the PN to wield influence in much of the western Indian Ocean. This is manifested through sustained presence and engagement with multinational naval task forces.

Both PN and RSNF are major players in their respective areas of interest within the western Indian Ocean. Given the convergence of interests, robust capabilities to radiate influence far and beyond, the two navies can synergise their potential to significantly advance the cause of maritime security and stability in the wider arc of the Indian Ocean. Exercises like Naseem Al-Bahr, whilst deepening the time tested ties, continue to serve such a purpose and concomitantly stimulate peace and harmony for the larger good of the region.
Pak-Saudi Naval Exercises to Begin on January 12 | PakSoldiers
Pak-Saudi Naval Exercises to Begin on January 12

Naseem Al-Bahr, or gentle sea breeze as the word signifies in the Urdu lexicon, is the code name for the bilateral naval exercises between the Pakistan Navy (PN) and the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF).

The exercises are set to begin on January 12 this year. The relationship between the two navies has a long history that dates back to the period of 60s when the Pakistan Navy offered to train Saudi naval cadets at the Pakistan Naval Academy, Karachi. The ties have since grown in size and stature. The relations now envelop several mutually beneficial areas covering professional, academic and operational fields.

The Saudi officers are regular recipients of mid -career professional as well as advance BE engineering courses at the NUST-affiliated Pakistan Navy Engineering College, PNS Jauhar. In addition, a number of seats are availed by the RSNF each year in the PN staff course.

Numerous first generation Pakistan Navy-trained Saudi naval officers have held key positions in the RSNF hierarchy in the past while countless others from later generation are now in the top slots.

In an attempt to reinforce cooperation and expand the mutually beneficial ties, exercise Naseem Al-Bahr was formalised ipso facto between the PN and the RSNF in 1993. Held every two years the exercise usually begins with combined seminars that examine various maritime security challenges from each side’s perspective. The seminar proceedings are followed by simulated war games at PN tactical training centres ashore. In the final phase, major naval combatants, including aircraft from each side, conduct joint manoeuvres at sea. The biennial exercise has matured and now advanced level maritime drills are accompanied by weapon sensors evaluation, test firings of missiles and honing of various doctrines as well as interoperability procedures. Special Forces from both sides conduct anti-terrorism and other simulated exercises alongside.

From a small fledgling force in 1950 with a few coastal vessels, the Royal Saudi Naval Force has developed and now exerts considerable sway over the Persian Gulf and Red Sea region through its eastern and western fleets headquartered at Jubail and Jeddah respectively.

The Pakistan Navy has meanwhile also morphed into a regional force over the past decade or so. The makeover facilitated through new platform acquisitions, cutting-edge technology and distant operations now allows the PN to wield influence in much of the western Indian Ocean. This is manifested through sustained presence and engagement with multinational naval task forces.

Both PN and RSNF are major players in their respective areas of interest within the western Indian Ocean. Given the convergence of interests, robust capabilities to radiate influence far and beyond, the two navies can synergise their potential to significantly advance the cause of maritime security and stability in the wider arc of the Indian Ocean. Exercises like Naseem Al-Bahr, whilst deepening the time tested ties, continue to serve such a purpose and concomitantly stimulate peace and harmony for the larger good of the region.
Pak-Saudi Naval Exercises to Begin on January 12 | PakSoldiers

Saudi Arabia should buy more Frigates and specially need to buy and establish its submarine force these days Submarines are vital and most essential part of navies and Saudi Arabia should buy them soon and as they can afford to buy the best one they should do it really very soon

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