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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

Celebrate the J-10C, plz leave the F-16 out of this thread.

Is PAF planning to give J-10C a local name? To me the J-10C looks like a 'Gyrfalcon'. Google if you don't know what that is.

Few questions @PanzerKiel @kursed

Which PAF squadron is going to get it first?

Any idea about the cockpit layout? Three MFDs or single MFD?
Celebrate the J-10C, plz leave the F-16 out of this thread.

Is PAF planning to give J-10C a local name? To me the J-10C looks like a 'Gyrfalcon'. Google if you don't know what that is.

Few questions @PanzerKiel @kursed

Which PAF squadron is going to get it first?

Any idea about the cockpit layout? Three MFDs or single MFD?
Fierce Dragon.
As far as I have been reading India; it is my personal assessment in nutshell that Indians don't even think or compare both the circumstances at all when it is about achieving their goals. I mean, when it comes to achieve their political goals and boast the electoral process for BJP Victory; empty skulls don't even know what is a conventional capability and what could mean by a military skirmish at all. However, their defence/Military personnel do know the outcome but since a decade they too have become the election campaigners under Modi regime. The religious hate, personal greed, the so much of caste superiority, the brahmin mindset and all the falsified glorification have made them like a perfect couple to burn this region.

For Pakistan, I think we will have to keep building the defence walls since we are living with a crazy neighbour that solely believes in his caste superiority being inspired by Nazi movement.
I don't know why but our military officials, specially the PAF ones still think that normal civilian person is still illiterate and naive to grasp the basic facts about the arms industry. He intentionally severely downplayed the capabilities of the Rafales despite being aware of that Public knows for the fact that Rafale is as much battle proven as any other modern platform and how french air force successfully used Rafales as their first offenders in recent campaigns even before other NATO allies started their cruise missile strikes, followed by stealth fighter/bomber sweeps to completely neutralize the adversary's capability to respond before getting their 4th 4.5Gen fighters into that airspace. Most of the ex PAF officers interviews tend to misguide people and get them to look in the wrong direction. May be PAF deliberately do this on purpose to keep them far away from public spotlight
Celebrate the J-10C, plz leave the F-16 out of this thread.

Is PAF planning to give J-10C a local name? To me the J-10C looks like a 'Gyrfalcon'. Google if you don't know what that is.

Few questions @PanzerKiel @kursed

Which PAF squadron is going to get it first?

Any idea about the cockpit layout? Three MFDs or single MFD?

JF-17 is thunder, so probably something elemental. Too bad F-35 is already lightning. Maybe like hurricane or something.

To me it will always be halal dragon.
AESA radars are not created equal. In F-16s case, it's airframe has already been pushed to the limit. The internal layout for Block 50 or F-16V were not originally designed for AESA radar. Due to space constraints, heat management and such, there is limit on what kind of AESA radar could be installed in there.
Wait what?! Yes all radars, AESA or otherwise, are not created equal. In fact if Given a choice to pick any, I would always pick US radars over others as they are not just the market leaders in tech, but have the most number of different AESA radars in service and for far longer than anyone else.
The part about F-16 also applies to J-0, or infact every fighter flying including F-15/F-18/Typhoon etc. Changes are normal and F-16 has had no issues with three different AESA radars tested in it's airframe. The UAE ones have been operational with one for over a decade so you point is mute.
In all this discussion we all missed one major point of j10cp capability and that is internal fuel capacity. I have yet to find a non 5th gen fighter with 4500kg of internal fuel. This is simply awesome capacity
People who are in power talking deals are not dumb they see everything and if they still let's suppose discussing EF or F-16 Block 72 or something else then they consider it fully viable and not suicide. So just relax and ready to celebrate when they INSHALLAH brake the news.
Hazrat funds for purchasing a squadron of EFT would be enough to fund the whole project AZM R&D obviously in collaboration with the Chinese and(or) the Turks.

Turkey has all the necessary western tech and we can get western tech ToT and excel in indigenous solutions by just getting joint ventures with best of our allies Turks. Turks are in a learning curve where Chinese were a decade or so ago. Turkey would highly regard our cooperation and support now and would be willing to share all the tech and R&D with us so in near future Pakistan would be able to build our own radars, sophisticated guided missiles (AA/SAM), cutting edge military aviation products like drones, gunship helicopters, fighter jets etc. We would also benefit in terms of $$$ from the explosive growth of Turkish arms export market. It's truely a win-win situation and there isn't much time left to ponder as if Turkey achieved it's goal of establishing a robust defense industry capable of creating cutting edge big ticket defense items then they would soon loose the appetite and interest in any JV projects with Pakistan as they would completely be redundant to them.
Down the road we need stealth planes F-35 types; we can't wait for India to induct and then we counter we need to stay multiple steps ahead and integrate these assets.
We are multiple steps ahead of India in future planning stages but due to obvious reasons don't wanna start arms race with India which won't be able to win as of now
AH.... Your brain can't except the truth.... You know what a latest variant of a fighter jet with serving a fleet of 1000 in PLAAF is certainly better than rafale
Just remember two simple things
1 It is the "C" variant
With better AESA radar than rafale
And better missile package like PL-15
2 Better thrust to weight ratio
Engine thrust is also same
75KN+75KN=150KN for rafale
145KN for J-10C but
Remember J-10C is one Ton(80kg) less in weight than rafale
I can say some SPECTRA EW suit capability is better in rafale but still It can be upgraded in J-10C with time So it doesn't matter and don't try that retard man argument !

Why do you think the B-variant provides 145 kN? This is the number stated for the J-20‘s C variant only.

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