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PAF Exercise High Mark - 2010

Just as our Mirages tore down the US naval carrier defences and zoomed over it.... :pakistan:

When did that happen?
Wasn't they informed earlier the USA & Nato forces in the region?
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Couldnt believe it, does the raptor need escorts over UAE.... looks like our boyz hav surprised the raptor by sneakin up to it and now taken it in SIGHT....:sniper:

Just as our Mirages tore down the US naval carrier defences and zoomed over it.... :pakistan:

Hmm nice shot.

A couple of questions that maybe only the F-7pg pilots can answer....

At such a close range was the F-22 on their Radar?
How was the interception ability of the PGs versus the F-22?

Lastly, are you sure the picture is a real one? I mean looking at the Two F-7PGs and F-22, the F-22 doesn't look too big, for the fact that F-7 is a light weight aircraft...........hmm
Does anybody know when the PAF would be flying sorties near Jinnah terminal or Faisal airbase? I really wanna look at the planes.....like approximate time would be useful
Azm-e-Nau & renewed security trends
April 9, 2010

By Lubna Umar

The production of indigenous unmanned aircraft famously known as drones by the collaboration of an Italian company at Kamra based Pakistan Aeronautical complex is one of the biggest achievements so far in the war against terrorism that may aid the Pakistan Army to root out extremist occupation on its land with much more ease and efficacy. This can be done without the need for US intervention as the US drone strikes had caused severe collateral damage while infuriating the inhabitants of tribal areas that in turn resort to violent reaction against them by targeting various sensitive institutions.

The drone codenamed ‘Falco’ which according to a Pakistan Air Force spokesperson, is an advanced, tactical UAV designed by Selex Galileo Italy which would address current and future surveillance and reconnaissance needs of the Pakistan Air Force.

Apparently, the Pakistan government had been for a long time now, urging the US to provide drone technology so that aid the forces in combating militancy as the Pakistani forces were way behind in technology in comparison to the militants who possessed arms and war gadgets of a much technologically higher quality. The constant and vehement denial of the US in supplying drone technology despite continuous and repetitive demands from president Zardari based on allegations on Pakistan for being susceptible to leak precious information to the Taliban by warning them prior to the attacks, had changed into semi acceptance after the strategic dialogue as the US had agreed to provide the technology which portrays a changed US stance towards Pakistan. This enables the Pakistan armed forces to take matter into their capable hands to carry out a productive, and less destructive in terms of collateral damage, operation to rid their soil from a deeply infested evil.

However, the armed forces of Pakistan are seen to be conducting various exercises in which the PAF war exercise named ‘High Mark 2010’ in which the pilots of the Pakistan air force have successfully conducted landing and takeoff operations from the motorway. This has come as a response to the blatant Indian show of air power conducted a few months back, a demonstration of war exercises during which mock enemy bunkers were hit and targeted with rockets and bombs that hid the entire desert of Pokhran on the Pakistan border in dust. A display of Indian air power right on the border had signified India’s deep rooted need to establish supremacy by revealing its war readiness which the PAF has shattered as the Indian exhibition was nothing in match to the awesome presentation of firepower and aerobatics by the Pakistan Air Force. There has always been a trust deficit between the two countries as the biggest hindrance in the initiation of peace process has remained India’s hegemonic mindset.

Apparently this lack of trust compels India to keep a high vigilance on its borders with Pakistan, a fact that is confirmed by India’s jumping to the immediate conclusions of blaming Pakistan for the 26/11 attacks which legitimizes India’s occupation in building a war empire as it is seen busy in modernizing itself militarily.

This exercise ‘High Mark 2010’ has proved as a landmark development in the defense of the country as it is for the first time ever that such a feat was accomplished. This valiant act of flawless accuracy and precision shows a newly developed flexibility in the security doctrine of the air force which aims to address the internal threat while making it clear that this exercise is not aimed to threaten but to defend the space against India. This has helped to include Pakistan in the short list of countries that are able to use the motorway as a runway in cases of emergencies. Many witnessed this sheer display of metal and might which made the nation proud of its guardians and protectors. Furthermore, one of the biggest field exercise ‘Azm-e-Nau of the Pak army is scheduled on the 10th of May 2010 during which more than 20000 jawans and officers will take part. This exercise would basically revolve around fighting terrorism along with traditional warfare as it encompasses a comprehensive conceptual framework of warfare that deals with a much wider and diverse threat. This exercise that is to follow shortly after the PAF war exercise ‘High Mark 2010’ is indicative of the strength of the Pakistan armed forces that addresses the aggressive enemy policy which has been displayed in various instances. Chief of army staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani had declared the years 2009-2010 as the ‘year of training’ based on the current security scenario that engulfs the nation in the clutches of the terrorists while a threat lies on the eastern borders as well. Under this back drop the army exercise Azm-e-Nau has come as the most significant episode of the ‘year of training’ as it aims to fulfill the main objectives that had been set forth for this training that was supposed to spread over a period of two years.

Apparently, the Pakistan armed forces have modified their doctrine, which was much needed, as Pakistan is facing an increased threat from multiple horizons on both the western and eastern borders, which compels Pakistan to use both air and land forces simultaneously while launching operations against the terrorists. The previous India-centric policy has seen a major shift as it incorporates skillfully delineated plan to counter home grown insurgents most effectively and completely by using similar guerilla tactics used by the militants themselves.

While the acquisition of drone technology that finally has materialized plays a pivotal role as it would increase the efficiency that may result in a quick and immediate conclusion to this war that has besieged the nation in its clutches. It is hoped that with this shift in the war paradigm and a renewed security trend Pakistan will finally be free from a grotesque era of an interminable conflict to move towards genuine progress that every citizen desperately awaits.

- Pakistan Observer
Hmm nice shot.

A couple of questions that maybe only the F-7pg pilots can answer....

At such a close range was the F-22 on their Radar?
How was the interception ability of the PGs versus the F-22?

Lastly, are you sure the picture is a real one? I mean looking at the Two F-7PGs and F-22, the F-22 doesn't look too big, for the fact that F-7 is a light weight aircraft...........hmm

The picture is very real.

Stealth does not mean that radar cannot see. It can but its limited. As to your questions, you are right, someone who was there could answer those.
tum 3 din se yehi bol rahay ho lol itna mat sar maro phat jayega ....:smokin:

bhai jann,
words and articles dont work all the time.we have been listening about these two STANDOFF weapons H-2/4 since 2003 and no authentic source,detail or picture till now,except of few artist's portraits.
even recently H2 tested at THAL range and no footage.:undecided:
we are claiming to have a advance weapon but no picture at all.
is it so dangerous like nuks,that after its exposure to world we would have to face different restrictions from USA or UN.
what is this?would u like to explain it so i save my head.:coffee:
bhai jann,
words and articles dont work all the time.we have been listening about these two STANDOFF weapons H-2/4 since 2003 and no authentic source,detail or picture till now,except of few artist's portraits.
even recently H2 tested at THAL range and no footage.:undecided:
we are claiming to have a advance weapon but no picture at all.
is it so dangerous like nuks,that after its exposure to world we would have to face different restrictions from USA or UN.
what is this?would u like to explain it so i save my head.:coffee:

its not new that PAF dun want to reveal anythng fully ...they want to put some kinda curtain on that so the enemy will not b aware of wat PAF got,so they will b unable to counter that.

Its a surprise element strategy u can say...if PAF hvnt shown that it doesnt mean that they dun have them ...today we are unaware of many thng about jf-17 so do u say that they dont even exist?

We dun have IAF like strategy to show off thngs to gain intrest of big guns ready to sell their products ,we have limited budget in that we have to make evrythng as well as kept it secret so in case of war it will b used more effectively

This is all wat i can say rest upon you ,
wel some weapons are not fully integrated and the r in the process of testing like raad criuse missile h-2/h4 long rang glid bombs
its not new that PAF dun want to reveal anythng fully ...they want to put some kinda curtain on that so the enemy will not b aware of wat PAF got,so the will b unable to counter that.

Its a surprise element strategy u can say...if PAF hvnt shown that it doesnt mean that they dun have them ...today we are unaware of many thng about jf-17 so do u say that they cant even exist?

We dun have IAF like strategy to show off thngs to gain intrest of big guns ready to sell their products ,we have limited budget in that we have to make evrythng as well as kept it secret so in case of war it will b used more effectively

This is all wat i can say rest upon you ,


An excellent post! This has been the crux of the Pakistani strategy all along. If it were up to the PAF, they would not even disclose having acquired F-16s. There is an inherent benefit in maintaining confidentiality over the capabilities on hand. It keeps the other side guessing, which is a huge benefit to the smaller country. If everything is known and public, the other side with greater purchasing power can always go for counter.

Sometimes members here do a disservice by posting things that should stay off public forums.

There are very many capabilities still over which the cloak of secrecy remains and its best left this way. This age of internet tends to dispel the impression that anything can or should remain hidden, however in many cases, it is just smart holding information back.
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Couldnt believe it, does the raptor need escorts over UAE.... looks like our boyz hav surprised the raptor by sneakin up to it and now taken it in SIGHT....:sniper:

Just as our Mirages tore down the US naval carrier defences and zoomed over it.... :pakistan:

nope.....no one sneaked in....its just a formation flying pic.....
well said......agreed......:fans:


there wer international members too in Thal with cams,what if they took photos of it or made movie.:woot:
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Hmm nice shot.

A couple of questions that maybe only the F-7pg pilots can answer....

At such a close range was the F-22 on their Radar?
How was the interception ability of the PGs versus the F-22?

Lastly, are you sure the picture is a real one? I mean looking at the Two F-7PGs and F-22, the F-22 doesn't look too big, for the fact that F-7 is a light weight aircraft...........hmm

lol...at such a close range no AI can pick a target...the reason is its in the blind zone of the radar....i.e when the energy returns from a target so close it doesn't go to the receiver cuz at that time the radar transmitter is still transmitting energy and the reception is blocked till the transmission time is over.
secondly F-22 is stealthy but not so much and lastly you dont have to compare the two....cuz there isnt much to compare because of the big generation gap between the the avionics and on board weapon
Actually, H-2 was shown on TV live. The news reports have failed to provide real time footage of the demo. I saw the demo on live tv. H-2 was displayed. The lady announced it. Further more, you could actually hear the radio from pilots. For example, when sherdils were performing a bomb burst you could hear the leader say B burst, B burst, B burst, NOW!.
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