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Overpopulation is killing INDIA

India should never be apologetic about population. It's not really high, India and China being oldest civilizations always were home to largest populations. It is Europe (white people) and Muslims that are overpopulated.

Family planning methods became widely available in 20th century and unlike Islamic world, India has adopted them quickly and Indian population growth rate is already declining. Before that for couple of centuries, Indians were colonized and made poor by Europeans. In artificially created droughts every few years, hundreds of thousands of people used to literally starve to death; you can imagine how horrible the maternal mortality rates and child mortality rates must have been. During the same time period, when Indians were dying, dying and dying, for centuries, with industrial revolution, looted wealth from colonies and high life expectancy thanks to modern medicine, the Europeans were breeding, breeding, breeding and getting fat eating stolen Indian food. Half of European people were exported to to Americas, Australia, Africa, etc. It was only in late 20th century that their growth rate went down thanks to availability of contraceptives.

The western people keep ridiculing India's population, but just take back all the white people from Americas and Africa to Europe and then see their population density, especially considering that their civilizations started very late.
The Muslims, at least non-Indian ones (including Pakistanis) were multiplying when Europeans were multiplying, and they are still multiplying (deliberately) even after a a century of availability of contraceptives.
If the western people are genuinely concerned about India's population growth, Considering that Europeans have exported half their population to the colonies, they should start a movement for open border policy for Indians in U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand till at least 1/4th if not 1/2 of Indian population migrates to these countries. Of course this should not apply to Pakistanis and Chinese.

The white people keep ridiculing India's population, but just take Back all the white people from Americas and Africa to Europe and then see their population density, especially considering that their civilizations started very late.
The Muslims, at least non-Indian ones (including Pakistanis) were multiplying when Europeans were multiplying, and they are still multiplying (deliberately) even after a a century of availability of contraceptives.

:disagree: ahhhhhhhh Indians never stop
:disagree: ahhhhhhhh Indians never stop
West Pakistan population at time of Independence:3.5 crores; now: 20 crore
Indian population at time of independence: 35crore; now: 1.2billion
Conclusion: If Indian population was growing like Pakistan, India's population would have been 2 billion by now.
(approximate figures)
West Pakistan population at time of Independence:3.5 crores; now: 20 crore
Indian population at time of independence: 35crore; now: 1.2billion (includes rapidly growing Indian Muslims)
Conclusion: If Indian population was growing like Pakistan, India's population would have been 2 billion by now.

Whatever. why you need to compare Pakistan to justify your population ?
Pollution,stress in life, unbalance life style etc are slowly (very) changing the scenario.
100 years predict who knows....
maybe after 100 years. india will become islamic republic of india.
and then there will be a Islamic south asia union.

but maybe before that happen, yindoos will unit with chinese to stop this kind of things from the begining. who knows

Dont worry..Ynidoos will develop wonderful relations with Christian PRC.
I didn't know that blogs were allowed, as source or news?

They are not allowed as a source if they are against India But in case they are Pro India then they are acceptable source.

Harvard Business Review Magazine, Blogs, Case studies, Articles, Books, Webinars

I THOUGHT BLOGS weren't allowed to be used oh wait my bad this blog is pro India.

Don't just take the Head lines and run with it read it.

India is now home to 17 per cent of the world's people as its population climbed to 1.21 billion this year, though growth actually slowed for the first time in 90 years, census officials said yesterday.

The country – second only to China in number of people – added 181 million in the past decade, said Dr C Chandramouli, the census commissioner. That increase alone is nearly the entire population of Brazil. United Nations projections show that India could overtake China and its 1.34 billion people as the world's most populous nation by 2030, though Dr Chandramouli said a more rigorous analysis of data would be needed before India made its own projections.

India's population is now nearly equal to the combined populations of the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Japan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, he said. Yet, the 17.6 per cent increase was down from 21.5 in the last count a decade ago.

17.6 is increase not a decline

you got too excited that posted the same URL Twice

L O L dude you are not helping your case Read the articles first before using the URL plus stop using Blogs.
experts say India will cross mark of 2 billion in 2100
Doom for the Scatland. All these mouth to feed. Hopefully there are the bollywood films to dream on and to forget. The Scatlanders are living in a dream world where everyone is rich, beautiful and with white skin while in reality, it is exactly the contrary.
Doom for the Scatland. All these mouth to feed. Hopefully there are the bollywood films to dream on and to forget. The Scatlanders are living in a dream world where everyone is rich, beautiful and with white skin while in reality, it is exactly the contrary.

Are you referring to Pakistan by any chance?
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