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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So no case on her? sitting CJ threating

Can someone share the full video. What did she mean by it, that will she get their houses burnt or did she mean the rioters will.
Can someone share the full video. What did she mean by it, that will she get their houses burnt or did she mean the rioters will.
video will come later just read ticker on ary and they are running this. when twitter opens
If that is not possible for you, don't blame me at least.
Sir It is achieved by your acts and intentions. By truly being unbiased. Not by saying "I am the mediator, You are all fools"
Behave like one. Point out what is wrong. Dont start with this one way traffic. We all know what is happening in the country. Even a layman knows it. This narrative is hogwash.
Life would have been so simple If it was so easy to just say "i am right" made us right.
The SC will give him some respite in this case but will drag other cases.

So nothing good expected from them.

There is no comparison between PTI and PDM/Establishment. The latter is engaged in outright criminal activities.
Sharifs have a network which extends into all institutions including the army. The instigators and perpetrators are always the Sharifs.


If no pti worker allow in court, looks like imran khan will not release or lawyer of imran khan is there?
you heard it correct!

She is trying to instigate a lay man excuse if IK is released. In other words, she is actually blaming SCP for falling under pressure due to PTI. She is using current situation as a reference. So also, a malicious act to influence any possible judgment. Otherwise, these thugs have done far more worse than such a threat alone. She is just another nurse, awarded with special quota seat and made a spokeswoman.
The SC will give him some respite in this case but will drag other cases.

So nothing good expected from them.

There is no comparison between PTI and PDM/Establishment. The latter is engaged in outright criminal activities.
PTI needs to take the Tyrian White case to the Supreme Court ASAP.

The Army+PDM tout Aamer Farooq was sitting on the judgement for months because the other 2 judges disagreed with him and had ruled to dismiss the case.

There is clear bias here and just because someone posted the majority decision on the SC website does not invalidate an entire bench and all the time and resources that went into hearing the case.

This is all to set up a bench that will function according to Army+PDM diktat and rule against PTI.

The decision was delayed by Aamer Farooq because it would have been challenged in Supreme Court which would have also likely ruled to dismiss since it is a completely personal matter between the alleged daughter and father. If the daughter is not pursuing the case, then the case has no legs since the first step is for Tyrian White to sue IK to establish paternity. Once paternity is established in Pakistani courts, only then can the nexts steps (disqualification) be looked at.
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