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Our Afghanistan policy

Point you are missing is there nothing that Pakistan has which we desire for that we will attack. It's a god forsaken shit hole that we won't touch by barge pole let alone attack, unless pak initiates war.

So says the person who's race and nation have 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earths most severely deformed, malnourished and extreme poor:lol::






Not to mention this:lol::


india is officially the BIGGEST shithole ever known to mankind. The above proves it:lol:

PS india is home to the most ugliest and physically repulsive race on earth. Please solve that problem before you comment on Pakistan..........oh wait, you can't. It's in your blood.............:lol:
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There is no valid and better incentive than Talis participating in free and open elections at all levels be it at the provincial, parliamentarian and EVEN presidential. It is an absolute of paramount issue for Afghanistan that all terrorist groups and organisations such as Talibs are fully disarmed and neutralised in to a political entity only. Peace that is sustainable will be the only choice guiding Afghanistan's dealing with terrorists and their patrons, make no mistake.

That is the concession, nothing less or more.

I am sure Talib terrorists and their Pakistani patrons would prefer them to remain a paramilitary group and continue to retain form of capacity to resort to terror and their brand of instability and horror. That is not going to happen. Afghanistan will continue to fight Taliban and confront Pakistani policies against its stability and core interests.

Pakistan has a clear choice between siding with terrorists or to pursue its legitimate interests through their appropriate means.
In a perfect world, yes the state should have monopoly on violence. But you are not living in a perfect world, are you? There are currently 4000 armed militias in your country, not counting the Taliban and other groups fighting the Kabul regime.

So how do you propose that you'll disarm Taliban while these 4000 militias roam freely in your land and why on earth would Taliban agree to that.

You have a very weak state, with no writ outside of some major urban centers. These militias provide security to your state apparatus and foreign contractors, at least for now. Many of them would have grievances against Taliban, so if Taliban agree to lay down their arms what guarantee can your state provide for their security?

Or are you going to make sure that these 4000 militias will be disarmed along with the Taliban?

Its a pipe-dream my friend.

You can continue to fight them but if you could not achieve victory in last 17 years with all that foreign support, what makes you think you going to succeed now. You will exist in a perpetual conflict, a never-ending misery for your people.

Afghanistan needs pragmatic approach to solve this decades old problem. You need a true statesman to lead you through these times, and unfortunately like the rest of the Muslim world, Afghanistan is not blessed with one.

As for Pakistan, we need to change our policy, bring Taliban to talks and if it fails treat Taliban as our enemy.
So says the person who's race and nation have 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earths most severely deformed, malnourished and extreme poor:lol::






Not to mention this:lol::


india is officially the BIGGEST shithole ever known to mankind. The above proves it:lol:

PS india is home to the most ugliest and physically repulsive race on earth. Please solve that problem before you comment on Pakistan..........oh wait, you can't. It's in your blood.............:lol:
I can see severe heart burn by my comments that's a reality. You may say anything about India and Indians but we have de cent reputation compared to Pakistan.
I can see severe heart burn by my comments that's a reality. You may say anything about India and Indians but we have de cent reputation compared to Pakistan.

Lol.........:lol:......I could not care less what anyone thinks or says about us.

Before you wallow in your reputation, it would be better if you indians manage to help 30-40% of the ENTIRE earth's MOST severely deformed, malnourished and extreme poor whoch happen to be members of your race and nation :lol::



The above seems to be a more pressing issue for indians than Pakistan, Afghanistan etc. You worry about your race and indian problems and we'll worry about Pakistan 8-)
You are playing with words my friend :) next time you lose KPK to Afghanistan, you will call that eternal blood lines that existed between the Pakhtoons.

Anyways I believe in a modern state and I couldn't care less for the Pakhoons on the other side of the line. For me an Afghan Tajik closer than a Pakistani Pakhoon.


You can't trap me on this one :) Pakistan traded bases when it suited her, it is all about interests.
Lose KPK to Afghanistan :lol::lol::lol::cheesy:

The ties with Afghanistan have been broken
A enemy needs to be treated like a enemy snd Afghanistan is our enemy

It is a waste of time, effort to help Afghanistan and Pakistan must do what it can to ensure that the borders are sealed, no trade crosses and leave Afghanistan to its own mess
You are playing with words my friend :) next time you lose KPK to Afghanistan, you will call that eternal blood lines that existed between the Pakhtoons.

Anyways I believe in a modern state and I couldn't care less for the Pakhoons on the other side of the line. For me an Afghan Tajik closer than a Pakistani Pakhoon.


You can't trap me on this one :) Pakistan traded bases when it suited her, it is all about interests.
There is no trap. When did China invade Pakistan with armies and bombed the hell out of her? Answer this if you can.

Next time what? Did Pakistan lose something to Afghanistan in the past? Pukhtoons of Pakistan are happy with Pakistan. Do you forgot the betrayal of the Afghan King? Beside KPK would prefer to become a separate country rather than join Afghanistan.

Pakistanis! Read between the lines. Even this well mannered and diplomatic Afghan cannot contain his climatic desire of the destruction of the weak social contract between DaalKhor and PunjabiGhulaam.
Pakistanis! Read between the lines. Even this well mannered and diplomatic Afghan cannot contain his climatic desire of the destruction of the weak social contract between DaalKhor and PunjabiGhulaam.

Ok this is not fair, I never desired anyones destruction and stop putting Daalkhor etc or that nonsense in our discsussions
I am stating my interpretation on how nations and state differ. My argument is that Afghanistan stands a better chance of being Afghanistan for centuries to come because at its core every ethnic group in the country believes in the Afghan identity. Look Afghans are dirt poor, but there has never been any mention of disintegration of the country. I would say Pakistan is more like the Balkans, former Yugoslavia which was bound together by strong Tito, when he was gone it disintegrated.

You know very well that there is no morality in politik, my personal belief ( being pacifist) has no bearing on how the real world function.

Personally I would love to have European type setup between Pak, Afghanistan, China, India, Iran where we can compete in commerce, technology etc with the rest of the world. I am not into pity zero-sum games.

Ok this is not fair, I never desired anyones destruction and stop putting Daalkhor etc or that nonsense in our discsussions
I am stating my interpretation on how nations and state differ. My argument is that Afghanistan stands a better chance of being Afghanistan for centuries to come because at its core every ethnic group in the country believes in the Afghan identity. Look Afghans are dirt poor, but there has never been any mention of disintegration of the country. I would say Pakistan is more like the Balkans, former Yugoslavia which was bound together by strong Tito, when he was gone it disintegrated.

You know very well that there is no morality in politik, my personal belief ( being pacifist) has no bearing on how the real world function.

Personally I would love to have European type setup between Pak, Afghanistan, China, India, Iran where we can compete in commerce, technology etc with the rest of the world. I am not into pity zero-sum games.


Afghanistan does not accept Pakistan's existence because she believes that the ethnic groups in Pakistan do not strongly believe in their Pakistani identity? Is this what you are trying to say? So in order to undo Pakistan you wish for the military to fail? Then it will be easier for Afghans to rule over the descendants of idol worshippers?

An EU set up can work if all parties accept each other's existence. You mentioned about having a referendum on the border - this implies that you do NOT accept Pakistan's existence therefore no EU set up.

Yugoslavia was brought down by destabilization from outside forces and 4th Gen Warfare by excerbating ethnic tensions. The same is being done to Pakistan.

Give Pakistan time. As a state Afghanistan has had a head start than Pakistan. With centuries to come she will become more solidified in her identity (inshallah)...but oh no, that will make it more difficult for Afghanistan to take over parts of Pakistan.
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Insecurity and paranoia by the citizens of the so called Pakistan - the fake colonial construct whose army is the remnants of the despicable Raj army, who fought and served colonial kufar against freedom fighting souls in the continent, Iraq and Palestine ....whose first intelligence and army chiefs were farangis and the so called great leader was sadly a wannabe English Gentleman, a drinker and pork eater. This wannabe symptom runs in the blood of most elite Fakis. Pathetic as daal gets to go :-0

Afghanistan's stand on Durand line is a moral and principle one. It cannot recognise this colonial legacy this however should not amount to conflict or going to war with Pakistan as this would not serve the interest of the people of region in concern. This is why Afghanistan has never threaten Pakiland during its wars with India and have instead lent this pathetic of fitna state moral support and assurances. In retrospect an unforgivable mistake committed by the rulers of Afghanistan.

@Irfan Baloch @waz @Jango
Post reported for insulting Pakistans founder and Pakistan itself. I bet his father or his relative has or still is a refugee in Pakistan. It is no wonder that Irani treats his despiciable kind with the treatment he and his fellows deserve
Insecurity and paranoia by the citizens of the so called Pakistan - the fake colonial construct whose army is the remnants of the despicable Raj army, who fought and served colonial kufar against freedom fighting souls in the continent, Iraq and Palestine ....whose first intelligence and army chiefs were farangis and the so called great leader was sadly a wannabe English Gentleman, a drinker and pork eater. This wannabe symptom runs in the blood of most elite Fakis. Pathetic as daal gets to go :-0

Afghanistan's stand on Durand line is a moral and principle one. It cannot recognise this colonial legacy this however should not amount to conflict or going to war with Pakistan as this would not serve the interest of the people of region in concern. This is why Afghanistan has never threaten Pakiland during its wars with India and have instead lent this pathetic of fitna state moral support and assurances. In retrospect an unforgivable mistake committed by the rulers of Afghanistan.

"Cannot recognise colonial legacy" but is glad that Americans are bombing the hell out of afghan civilians and have killed more afghans than the British. The Americans are gonna have a blast mining Afghan minerals and profiting on them. Selective Thinking at its finest.

Here's the colonial free Afghanistan:



I congratulate Afghanistan for this stellar achievement lol.
@Irfan Baloch @waz @Jango
Post reported for insulting Pakistans founder and Pakistan itself. I bet his father or his relative has or still is a refugee in Pakistan. It is no wonder that Irani treats his despiciable kind with the treatment he and his fellows deserve

The Iranis have the right idea. Keep them caged and in check. They make them do manual labour in Iran.

Pakistan is too soft. They're allowed to run businesses and move freely when ever and wherever. A huge error on Pakistan's part.
The Iranis have the right idea. Keep them caged and in check. They make them do manual labour in Iran.

Pakistan is too soft. They're allowed to run businesses and move freely when ever and wherever. A huge error on Pakistan's part.
Animals should always be caged. With ungrateful and loy afgnaistan attitude. No outsiders needs to ruin the already fuked up society. It is all their making. And instead of becoming human, look at the grudge they hold when we fed their population. Allhumdilalah we have never shied from helping them, even after their savage and backstabbing attitude. Their students study here at scholarships and what not. You be ungrateful and you become Afghanistan. This example should he taught.
Namak haram. They refused to let first wave Muslims from raj to Afghanistan and they talk about Islam. They're in state by their own doing and they truly deserve that. The respectful and peaceful afghnais have assimilated in pak society are bearing the fruits of their gratitude

"Cannot recognise colonial legacy" but is glad that Americans are bombing the hell out of afghan civilians and have killed more afghans than the British. The Americans are gonna have a blast mining Afghan minerals and profiting on them. Selective Thinking at its finest.

Here's the colonial free Afghanistan:
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View attachment 424495
View attachment 424496

I congratulate Afghanistan for this stellar achievement lol.
Pround naswar.
Begharat Namak haram

No wonder they are getting g what they deserve
You are playing with words my friend :) next time you lose KPK to Afghanistan, you will call that eternal blood lines that existed between the Pakhtoons.

Anyways I believe in a modern state and I couldn't care less for the Pakhoons on the other side of the line. For me an Afghan Tajik closer than a Pakistani Pakhoon.


You can't trap me on this one :) Pakistan traded bases when it suited her, it is all about interests.

i guess you forget the part that i am a Pushtoon and i dont feel like that neither do the 1000s of pushtoons i know nor my whole mushwani tribe, whic h has no family in Afghanistan, you forget that most of the tribes dont have any family or blood line in Afghanistan...

go back and study pukhtoon history and tribes
well you dont care..good...isnt this contradicting your first part??

you are changing point of views faster than trump
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