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“Osama Bin laden is dead but the butcher of Gujarat lives and he is the PM of India.” Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

Factzz my man

IK and PPP always respond to Indians in their language, its the PMLN people who are low-key cucks

IK? He had little credibility and was known all over the world as puppet of establishment, selected PM. He still cry for establishment help and doesn't want to grow up as independent politician. At best a populist one making fool out of public like all populists do.
That was hardhitting and apt...

Zinda hai Bhutto Zinda hai.

Modi take this as badge of honor, the Muslim butchering has made his credentials strong to be the PM of the country.



According to Moeed Pirzada, this anti-India line is likely going to be used to try and gather internal support since they have all but failed on the domestic front.

Such statements (and they will certainly be just statements) will be not only help the political parties but will also help the military's image issue as well. That is why, according to Moeed, we saw the new Chief went to the LOC and issued a few anti-India statements.

Allegedly, Bilawal spent an 11 (?) hour flight to the US, sitting next to the Indian foreign minister i think it was. That sort of arrangement isn't a coincidence.

Whether that is true or not, I certainly hope people don't get fooled by PPP and Bilawal this easily.

I sure hope we, as a people, posses greater understanding of our situation and leaders then these people hope. If all that the PPP has done to Pakistan and we see them in Sindh on their 3 consecutive term, with results clear for everyone to see, we still get done in by a few speeches... It would be a terrible yet self inflicted misfortune indeed.
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