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Opinionated - Pakistan must actively join the war against Russia

je to hai, Indian foreign policy ki daad deni padegi

kal ko Russian Sukhoi ma Meteor and Aim-120 D bhi chep dengey, na buddha Biden, na Macron kuch bol sakta hai.

samjhai ?

^Amjad, not Amzad, and 100% Hindustani ;)

We do need to emulate them.
not emulate, but learn good things from us also

isn't there some kind of spiritual blah about it in your holy books etc too ?
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If a nuke war were to happen then anyone on russian side would get nuked and anyone on nato/us side would get nuked. Pak should stay out this for its own safety.


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Yahoo Finance

Economist Nouriel Roubini: 'In some sense, World War III has already started'​

Ben Werschkul
Ben Werschkul
·Washington Correspondent
Mon, October 17, 2022 at 1:48 PM·3 min read

President Vladimir Putin's refusal to rule out using "tactical" nuclear weapons in Russia's war against Ukraine put much of the world on edge last month. But economist Nouriel Roubini says a nuclear escalation of that nearly eight-month conflict could mark just the start of a global battle.
The world could also see nuclear conflict in Iran and, most worrying for the U.S., around China's fight for Taiwan, says Roubini, who was dubbed “Dr. Doom” after the realization of his dire predictions including the 2008 housing crisis that sparked the Great Recession.
The New York University business professor contends a cold war already exists between the U.S. and China, and that it could escalate into a "hot war" as President Xi Jinping aims to unite China and Taiwan. Roubini appeared on Monday at the Yahoo Finance’s 2022 All Markets Summit, ahead of the release of his book, “Megathreats: Ten Dangerous Threats that Imperil our Future and How to Survive Them.”
“In some sense, World War III has already started,” Roubini said. “It started in Ukraine because this conflict has broader implications that go well beyond Russia and Ukraine. It’s the beginning of something else.”

A cold war between the West 'and a number of revisionist powers’

Speaking to Yahoo Finance's editor-in-chief on Monday, Roubini highlighted geopolitical threats and what he calls a new cold war that has emerged between the U.S. and China as well as between the West and "revisionist" powers including Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan.
“They're essentially challenging the economic, social, and geopolitical order that the U.S., and Europe, and the West created after World War II,” Roubini said, explaining this crisis could ensnare the U.S.

In addition to Ukraine, another flash point could also be Iran, Roubini says.
“The negotiations between the U.S. and Iran on the new nuclear deal are not going anywhere, and Israel is saying if [Iran is] going to become nuclear — and they're one step away from it — we're going to attack them,” Roubini said.
At the same time, the U.S. and China are on a collision course as the two countries continue to uncouple on fronts from trade to the movement of labor to technology.
“I believe the next 5-10 years is going to be the time where there’s going to be a confrontation between the U.S. and China on the issue of Taiwan and that could be a trigger of this cold war becoming a hot war,” he said. “That’s how we get to World War III.”
Chinese President Xi Jinping is widely expected to claim a third term atop his nation during the Communist Party's national congress this week, cementing him as China's most powerful ruler since Mao Zedong.

The leader also called to build up China’s military further as the conference kicked off on Sunday, reportedly saying the country should "be prepared for danger in times of peace [and] prepare for a rainy day and be ready to withstand major tests of high winds and high waves."
The developments this week come after tensions over Taiwan peaked this summer when U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taipei on Aug. 2. Chinese warships encircled the island, roiling world markets and raising the possibility of much more dire consequences if China directly attacked Taiwan.

In Ukraine, that conflict took another turn on Monday when a wave of explosives-laden Russian suicide drones exploded in Kyiv. The attacks set buildings ablaze and further frayed nerves in Ukraine’s capital.
Ben Werschkul is a Washington correspondent for Yahoo Finance.
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Paksiatn should partner with the US and NATO to fight the Russians.

We have great influence in Central Asia and the soft under belly of Russia.

Turkiye and Pakistan can partner to defeat Russia in Ukraine, Black Sea, Caucuses, Caspian Sea and Central Asia.

Russia needs to be balkanized.

Just supplying ammunitions is not enough. Pakistan needs to fight the Russians by putting the boots on the ground.

Let's light up Chechnya again. Let's show the Russians again how guerilla warfare is fought.

How about you set an example and go there first?? If you have kids, how about your send your son and daughter to go there and fight?? If a douche like you doesn't have kids, how about sending your brothers or sister or you father to go there and fight?? COME ON DO IT DOUCHE.
Paksiatn should partner with the US and NATO to fight the Russians.

We have great influence in Central Asia and the soft under belly of Russia.

Turkiye and Pakistan can partner to defeat Russia in Ukraine, Black Sea, Caucuses, Caspian Sea and Central Asia.

Russia needs to be balkanized.

Just supplying ammunitions is not enough. Pakistan needs to fight the Russians by putting the boots on the ground.

Let's light up Chechnya again. Let's show the Russians again how guerilla warfare is fought.
There is an active war against TTP/BLA etc going on inside Pakistan. Then there is an opportunist Indian Army sitting on borders. Lastly, PA has send MPs to Qatar and there has been a hue and cry in the media as if Military Police has been the main offensive force used in all Ops against terrorism and Indian Army, whereas PA sends regular fighting troops to UN missions which the media forgot to cry about, like Military Police is required in Swat otherwise Swat is doomed, not SSG, not Infantry or fighting troops neither FC.

...and here you talk of opening another front against Russia.
If anything we shud be supplying artillery shells to Russia as well...

Why only Iran is making money here?
Paksiatn should partner with the US and NATO to fight the Russians.

We have great influence in Central Asia and the soft under belly of Russia.

Turkiye and Pakistan can partner to defeat Russia in Ukraine, Black Sea, Caucuses, Caspian Sea and Central Asia.

Russia needs to be balkanized.

Just supplying ammunitions is not enough. Pakistan needs to fight the Russians by putting the boots on the ground.

Let's light up Chechnya again. Let's show the Russians again how guerilla warfare is fought.
Build the Trans-Afghan railway and lets economics take care of the rest. If you look at the recent meeting in Kazakhstan, the Tajik President was basically demanding more Russian investment into Central Asia, because the second order effects of the Russo-Ukraine war has been devastating for the central Asian laborers and remittances they use to send back. A decent sized investment into Central Asia, with perhaps the help of one or multiple GCC countries could put Pakistan is a very important position, especially as such a venture would effectively also encircle/contain Iran, a GCC aspiration. Linking up with BRI in this way would also help countries like Saudi “rebalance” their relations with more towards central and east Asia. Utilizing Pakistan’s geo-strategic location is the best and most sustainable way to create a base upon which to build up our economy, especially as interconnection with growing foreign consumer markets will drive growth.

Btw, with GCC partners putting down large investments, they can also use some of their influence through contacts to put pressure on the backers of the TTP (including India), with the Pakistan army mopping up the rest with potentially modern equipment a growing economy would allow them to more easily afford.

No need to fight, just look at the Turks sending drones to Ukraine but still being a mediator between Ukraine and Russia. Likewise Pakistan is sending artillery shells to the Ukrainians, which is the level of support that is best. We need to focus on fixing and growing our economy. If Russia does Balkanize, then a stronger Pakistan and Turkey can gain more influence in central Asia and perhaps parts of Russia proper if it is already build up to take advantage of the situation should it arise.

Fighting in another “western war” should by now be seen as a mistake, that only gets the country peanuts for the price the nation has to pay. It’s unlikely Pakistan will demonstrate “full throated support” for Ukraine, so supplying ammo is akin to what many Europeans are doing, and is probably the best cost/benefit ratio on the level of support Pakistan can extend them. Besides, Ukraine’s backers can afford to pay for a lot more ammo, so Pakistan can keep making it, and shipping it out. I just hope we have SSGs in the field to get BDA on how our rounds are being used, to help improve our own tactics.
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Le Pakistanis: fight every war but their own
Not anymore. Once Pakistan turned down participation in the Yemen war, it looks like Pakistan turned a new leaf. If Pakistan had to fight a foreign war on another nation’s behalf, that was the war that would have made the most sense. Luckily, everyone saw sense and avoided that war, Judy like it seems Pakistan will avoid all but peripheral participation (through arms shipments) in the Ukraine war.
Not anymore. Once Pakistan turned down participation in the Yemen war, it looks like Pakistan turned a new leaf. If Pakistan had to fight a foreign war on another nation’s behalf, that was the war that would have made the most sense. Luckily, everyone saw sense and avoided that war, Judy like it seems Pakistan will avoid all but peripheral participation (through arms shipments) in the Ukraine war.
Pakistanis still fighting in Yemen on both sides.
Instead of suggesting Pakistan to join someone else war why don't you go to Ukraine and fight against Russia for your masters, you may see some dollars for few days.

He should fight for ruskis, at least they’ll give him citizenship.
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