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Operation Rah-e-Nijat

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Agreee with you that TTP and TNSM adopted wrong methodology for implementation of Shariah but you should also accept wrong decisions of general musharaf for support of US against Afghan talaban government .
I thought we were past this! I thought people had awakened to the reality of the TTP/TNSM, and that they weren't going for the right objective, Shariah Law, the wrong way, killing civilians and anti-state activities. I thought we had established, quite a few months ago, that they had malicious plans in mind all along, and Shariah Law was merely cover-up.

US is aggressor as per islamic defination and jihad with any aggressor is valid.

Can you prove jihad in Afghanistan is wrong with any Fatwa reference. I dont think so.

You know very well still majority pakistanis are against US and its occupation in Afghanistan.

GOP is responsible for mess in SWAT and FATA , if they would have taken Pushtoons Tribes in cofidence before making agreement with US for few dollars there will be peace in SWAT and FATA.
You are correct, Pakistan is partly responsible for the situation, but not because of what you say. We're responsible because we supported, for far too long, a backward 12th century governance in Afghanistan in the form of Taleban. Afghanistan gained nothing from the Talibs, and advanced not an inch under them. Don't take this the wrong way, I don't want the Americans to be there either and I don't want American interests to be put before the Afghan people, but to say that the Taleban are bad in Pakistan but okay in Afghanistan is just plain hypocrisy with the Afghan people. What's wrong by us is still wrong by them. I wouldn't want to live under the Taleban, what makes you think the Afghans would?

But, like I said, I thought we were past this. It is just disappointing to see people still hold the belief that the Taleban across the border are "good", simply because they fight the Americans. American hate has blinded us, and anyone who fights against them is a hero to us, regardless of what their actions are. It's just sad.
All Green,

Agreee with you that TTP and TNSM adopted wrong methodology for implementation of Shariah but you should also accept wrong decisions of general musharaf for support of US against Afghan talaban government .

US is aggressor as per islamic defination and jihad with any aggressor is valid.

Can you prove jihad in Afghanistan is wrong with any Fatwa reference. I dont think so.

You know very well still majority pakistanis are against US and its occupation in Afghanistan.

GOP is responsible for mess in SWAT and FATA , if they would have taken Pushtoons Tribes in cofidence before making agreement with US for few dollars there will be peace in SWAT and FATA.

Can you name a single Afghan Commander or leader killed or captured by PA and given to the Americans ???

Ok now tell me if Musharaf had not supported US, we would have definitely got bombed to hell, infrastructure totally destroyed, India is sitting to grab at anything coming their way. Having no infrastructure meaning no resources to fight, no money to sustain the fight. What would have happened to us ?? We would be just like Somalia or Iraq or Afghanistan. US will leave one day and most probably leave these conquered lands to their own fate as per US past practice. We would have been most probably gotten into a civil war as per our past Islamic traditions, and as usual world would have using us to kill each other.

No Pakistani says anything about taliban fighting in Afghanistan, they are right, yea methods & tactics can be disputed but cause is not wrong.

But whats going on in Pakistan by these so called murderous gang of taliban is un-Islamic & wrong. If they wish to fight out the Americans, do it from their own homeland or from where the Americans are present, why come to another country and use its soil ?? Would you like someone else coming to garden of your home and throwing stones at someone else home ?? what will be your reaction ?? let him do it ?? if you let him do it, whats gonna happen is that the person receiving the stones from your home is gonna retaliate and throw at yours no matter someone else is involved.

And take Pashtoon tribes into confidence about what ?? They were slaughtered & forced into obeying the taliban & its murderous gangs of *********. Plus they were provided & being provided with hefty sub of money to keep their alliance.

And SWAT has nothing to do with Afghanistan, these are local thugs who have been supported by across the border and the murderous taliban to shift the focus of army from their main stronghold so that they keep living & keep killing innocent human beings.

Why aren't the wazir taliban fighting the afghan jihad in continuous duel with PA ?? Ever thought of it. Why just the mehsud tribe or its militants ??

Its very easy to point fingers and blame someone without knowing the ground reality & threat perceptions.

What has been happening is that PA & Govt has been supporting the taliban fighting in Afghanistan but its fight is against the taliban supported by foreign forces to destabilize Pakistan.

Ever wondered why BM created TTP ?? Why is there no TTA ??
Why Wazir tribe & its fighters are not part of TTP ?? Why Mullah Omar commanded his fighters not to attack PA & concentrate the energy in afghanistan & TTP never hearing or obeying this call ??

Till the time Muslims get united pure Shariah can not be implemented nor we Muslims can do a global jihad against the tyrant forces of west.

Nor Pakistan can go against US, as no Muslim nation will come to support or at least look & bandage our fuc*** up asssesss. And in this scenario best option is to do little bit US work, while on the other hand support taliban & wait & hope that this storm passes away.

And if AQ did in real do 9/11, then they deserves to be killed, as Islam in no way permits killing of innocent human beings. If they were so much Muslims then should have attacked the American occupational forces spread whole around the ME including SA, not by killing thousands of human beings.

And having so many sects among Muslims, which sects Shariah are you gonna implement ?? Sunni's, Shia's, Wahabi's etc etc etc. You implement Shariah acceptable to one or some sects, what about the others, one more civil war among Muslims ??? Till the time Muslims don't get united in one voice till then you can't have harmony & peace among muslims nor can you stand up and fight the west or hostile nations.
All Green,

Agreee with you that TTP and TNSM adopted wrong methodology for implementation of Shariah but you should also accept wrong decisions of general musharaf for support of US against Afghan talaban government.
When the US attacked Afghanistan the Taliban came fleeing into Pakistan. The Taliban would've been our enemies whether we did support the US or not.

Furthermore, the Taliban went against us. Recall that Pakistan had personally requested the Taliban to hand over Osama Bin Laden, but they chose that idiot over us. They owed their power stature due to us, and when they refused there was only one play to make.

US is aggressor as per islamic defination and jihad with any aggressor is valid.
Then the US is the aggressor in Afghanistan. They should leave our territory and go fight there. We'll be neutral.

Can you prove jihad in Afghanistan is wrong with any Fatwa reference. I dont think so.

By whom? If the locals rise up against the US then thats their call. But all the current leaders. The Mullah Omars, the Hakeemullahs, the Haqqanis they are all fiends that need to be shot dead. Why must Pakistani soil be used?

You know very well still majority pakistanis are against US and its occupation in Afghanistan.

But majority Pakistanis would not side with terrorists, they would raise their voices in political arenas, put pressure diplomatically, but the majority is not in support for terrorists.

GOP is responsible for mess in SWAT and FATA , if they would have taken Pushtoons Tribes in cofidence before making agreement with US for few dollars there will be peace in SWAT and FATA.
Are you kidding me? The Taliban had no business being in Pakistani areas. They should have remained in Afghanistan and fought the US from there.

Once they came here... Nijat officially became our business. Now they've killed thousands of Pakistanis, we must punish them for it too, if resources weren't a constraint we should take the fight into Afghanistan against them for the atrocities they've committed against us. If resources weren't an issue, the US would need to get in line to take out their beef against the Taliban.
First of all i am not supporting US.

My concern is regarding what is happening to Pakistan and what is being done to the name of Islam, on both counts these pshycotic militants are doing irreparable damage.

We say that their implementation of Shariah is wrong, i am afraid that is an understatement. Their Islam is not Islam, they are not Muslims as we are Muslims.
What became of the teachings of the Prophet PBUH and the decree of the Holy Quran?
To terrorise people and butcher them like sheep, to kill innocents, to kidnap innocents for ransom and call it collection of Jihad fund, to marry women forcibly at the point of gun, to call anyone who disagrees with them as enemy of Allah.
These people are the biggest enemies of Allah, for they are doing the unthinkable in His name and still claim to be serving his cause.

How many US troops did they manage to kill if they are fighting the US?
How many innocents did they kill?
Is there even a comparison between the two figures?

Allah gave us the light of Islam to establish peace and order and we go back to chaos and savagery and call it a rather brutal implementation of Sharia...it is zero implementation of Islam and Sharia.

Regarding Jihad, i would like to ask you about what happend in in Afghanistan from 79 to 88?
We all call it a Jihad but what was the real purpose of that whole operation?
For a decade muslim countries fought what they did was a Jihad and in the end it was naught but to humble one superpower against the other.
It resulted in the coming of a new world order.
We were proxies and by we i do not mean Pakistan, i mean most Muslim countries.
These same Mujahids were fed on US money and indoctrinated to fight USSR, they are not as pious as we think them to be because what they did after the USSR left was absolutely savage and brutal.

US has gotten the plot wrong and the incapable leadership of Bush deliberately lied through its teeth and was not sincere in what they claimed.
Once the major issue that the muslim world had with US was its blind support of Israel, no other major friction was there. Had this issue been resolved US would have had no problem with the Muslim world.
But after the Bush dynasty and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan the gap seems unbridgable.
Iraq war was not necessary even from US perspective and it has made a mess of things.
Whereas US is relatively safe now due its heightened state of security and its geographic isolation, the rest of the world is going down the drain.
Two Major conflicts were started off in very volatile parts of the world without an end in sight.
If we examine the neighbourhood in which Afghanistan and Iraq are situated, it is certainly a very dangerous situation in which the world is standing at the moment and US has a part in it which cannot be ignored.

But i cannot ignore the terrorists...and cannot forgive, forget or have any mercy for them.

I agree that US has used 9/11 to establish its firm hold on the world rather than work towards ensuring that the fallout does not result in bigger centers of terrorism. These conflicts are fueling the ranks of terrorists who can hide within these war zones and reinforce.

However these terrorists are clever and use the name of Islam and Jihad to confuse us and cause division within the ranks, whereas they are just killing our people and destroying our countries.

Even if a person is fighting US in Afghanistan and choses to target an innocent civilian, he ceases to be a Mujahid and a Muslim.
The fact that these rascals of TTP and TNSM claim all what was done to the people as justified in the name of Islam speaks volumes about their inhuman disposition and absolute aversion from the very principles which define Islam and Islamic law.

Regarding the Pushtoon tribes, it was our fault to leave the tribal areas without proper control, control does not mean to oppress the spirit of the tribals, Control means to ensure that there is nothing dangerous going on which the tribes cannot handle.
The TTP slowly eliminated the Tribal leadership and all those who mattered and they were not stopped in time. Dialogues only strengthened them and gave them time to reinforce and further purge their opponents.
We thought them as having an Islamic agenda but we were terribly off the mark and that we should have seen from the character of their leaders and their tactics...it was all unislamic what they did but still the nation hung on to the notion that this was a war for shariat...it was not, it was a war for power.

When they were acting in SWAT there was a religious party in power and it always sided with the militants and did not let it slip that there was a major crisis in the province.
This is the major issue, these religious parties and their corrupt leaders are the worse thing that has happened to us. They were all fed $ from Uncle Sam and now want us to face Uncle Sam whereas they enjoy the luxuries bestowed upon them.
They are not sincere to Pakistan and they use Islam as a tool to get power over others and not to serve the nation.

If we made a mistake we indeed have to make amends and leaving the terrorists in our country alive and kicking is certainly something unacceptable...we have to take them all out and make them an example for generations to come so that our country and its people are secure. The terrorists have become the primary threat to our security and economy and after eliminating them we should trace their supporters and take them to task.
Sympathizing with the these monsters and viewing them as capable of having a good intent is a very foolish thing to do after what we have seen.

The external threat is there but first we have to take care of the beast that has entered our house and ravaged our kin, it would be our end if we do not take this to heart!

I appreciate your level of understanding of whole satuation in FATA and SWAT .

I agreed with you TTP is barberic and extremist organisation destroyed many government buildng etc.

But now we can not turn the clock both GOP and TTP have done blunders but now we have to move forward , FATA and SWAT is part of Pakistan , we have to restore peace in these area but first step should be to correct the direction of our government , this problem can not resolved through war by killing few TTP members , we have to discuss and resolve whole issue in grand jirga .

Still i am hope full that peace can be restored in SWAT and FATA but we need to stop surgical striks , it will further spread cancer of terrorism in other part of country , we need to change GOP aggressive and distructive mod and have to review level of US friendship again .

US can afford another ten years stay in Afghanistan but we cant afford 15 days continues war , Pakistan is small country our resourses are limited , by chance we got nukes with the help of Allah , i am afraid if we continue war in SWAT and FATA our enemy (US/ISRAEL/INDIA) may get chance to enter into our soil as the did in Bangladesh.

US and their friends already declared Pakistan most dangrous country and they are looking for a chance to enter and capture our nukes

Politcal problem can be solved through political means , local FATA and SWAT people demanding shariah law there is no harm to implement shariah in these areas , they are not demanding independence or seperate land.

We have to take quick corrective action before its too late
I thought we were past this! I thought people had awakened to the reality of the TTP/TNSM, and that they weren't going for the right objective, Shariah Law, the wrong way, killing civilians and anti-state activities. I thought we had established, quite a few months ago, that they had malicious plans in mind all along, and Shariah Law was merely cover-up.

You are correct, Pakistan is partly responsible for the situation, but not because of what you say. We're responsible because we supported, for far too long, a backward 12th century governance in Afghanistan in the form of Taleban. Afghanistan gained nothing from the Talibs, and advanced not an inch under them. Don't take this the wrong way, I don't want the Americans to be there either and I don't want American interests to be put before the Afghan people, but to say that the Taleban are bad in Pakistan but okay in Afghanistan is just plain hypocrisy with the Afghan people. What's wrong by us is still wrong by them. I wouldn't want to live under the Taleban, what makes you think the Afghans would?

But, like I said, I thought we were past this. It is just disappointing to see people still hold the belief that the Taleban across the border are "good", simply because they fight the Americans. American hate has blinded us, and anyone who fights against them is a hero to us, regardless of what their actions are. It's just sad.

Try to understand we have very strong bond with Afghans first of all they are muslim secondly they are our neighbour and also we have advantage of strategic depth against our biggest enemy in area .

Muslim lost totally trust on US due their double standards .

Some time they support Israel to kill muslim some time they support shia to kill sunni , they dont any ethics and continously destroying nations for their intrests and to gain power .

One day US will leave Afghanistan but how we face our Afghan muslim brothers because now we are support US occupation forces.

Did you hear about TTP or TSNM before US attack in Afghanistan?

These were just few street thugs but gaining power due to support local tribes and off course Al Qaeda always looking for breeding grounds.
When the US attacked Afghanistan the Taliban came fleeing into Pakistan. The Taliban would've been our enemies whether we did support the US or not.

We created Talaban after Russian defeat , how they are our enemy?

They sacrificed and faught war of Pakistan in Afghanistan against Russia , otherwise Pakistan will be part of USSR.

Furthermore, the Taliban went against us. Recall that Pakistan had personally requested the Taliban to hand over Osama Bin Laden, but they chose that idiot over us. They owed their power stature due to us, and when they refused there was only one play to make.

Then the US is the aggressor in Afghanistan. They should leave our territory and go fight there. We'll be neutral.

US dont have provided any proof of OBL involvement in 9/11 why should they hand over him .

Still OBL is wanted but not convicted for 9/11 attacks ?

Who told you talaban are hidding in Pakistan ?

They are controlling 70% area of Afghanistan , they dont need our soil.

By whom? If the locals rise up against the US then thats their call. But all the current leaders. The Mullah Omars, the Hakeemullahs, the Haqqanis they are all fiends that need to be shot dead. Why must Pakistani soil be used?

Afghan talaban dont wanted to fight with Pakistan ,US is their target , US is trying to involve Pakistan in this war because they are strategically failed to capture Afghanistan completely .

But majority Pakistanis would not side with terrorists, they would raise their voices in political arenas, put pressure diplomatically, but the majority is not in support for terrorists.

Public dont want GOP attacks on Tribel areas , GOP should accept FATA and SWAT demand of shariah law.Their is no other way , they have to accept their demand sooner or later

Are you kidding me? The Taliban had no business being in Pakistani areas. They should have remained in Afghanistan and fought the US from there.

Once they came here... Nijat officially became our business. Now they've killed thousands of Pakistanis, we must punish them for it too, if resources weren't a constraint we should take the fight into Afghanistan against them for the atrocities they've committed against us. If resources weren't an issue, the US would need to get in line to take out their beef against the Taliban.

All over world muslim are prayering for mujahdeen success in Afghanistan and Palestine can you stop their prayers?

Why US is not monitoring Afghan boarder they have force and latest equipment ?

They wanted to creat cause or reason to attack Pakistan.Real target is not Afghanistan but Pakistan my friend try to understand.
We created Talaban after Russian defeat , how they are our enemy?

By coming into our territory just because the US attacked them.

They sacrificed and faught war of Pakistan in Afghanistan against Russia , otherwise Pakistan will be part of USSR.
That was a whole different mixture of groups and whole different leaders.

US dont have provided any proof of OBL involvement in 9/11 why should they hand over him .
Because, Pakistan... The sole factor after God who even put them into a governing position said so. If they were truly our allies, they should have listened to us, no questions asked. The WoT would not have happened. A known terrorist, Osama Bin Laden would have gone to jail or worse (who cares?) and we would have not lost the lives of thousands of Pakistanis.

Still OBL is wanted but not convicted for 9/11 attacks ?
He is wanted for the embassy bombings, too. Something he confessed.

Who told you talaban are hidding in Pakistan ?
All of Waziristan is swarmed by the Taliban. No doubt about that.

They are controlling 70% area of Afghanistan , they dont need our soil.
Then leave, why do we even need, Operation Rah-e-Nijat?

Afghan talaban dont wanted to fight with Pakistan ,US is their target , US is trying to involve Pakistan in this war because they are strategically failed to capture Afghanistan completely.
The TTP calls Mullah Omar, their Amir. Ayman Zwahiri who was under the protection of the same Afghan Taliban called for Jihad against Pakistan.

Anyway that's besides the point. Rah-e-Nijat is to expel the terrorists out.

Public dont want GOP attacks on Tribel areas , GOP should accept FATA and SWAT demand of shariah law.Their is no other way , they have to accept their demand sooner or later
You mean Nifaz-e-Shaytaniat? Who gave TTP the right to be called the implementers of Shariat? There has to be GOP law, otherwise there is always a way. To give the same beating to these terrorists, that they got in Swat.

All over world muslim are prayering for mujahdeen success in Afghanistan and Palestine can you stop their prayers?

I don't care what they do in Afghanistan and Palestine... They must GO from Pakistan. In Pakistan they will all be killed. All over PAKISTAN people are praying for Nijat from these monsters. I can always join in that.

Why US is not monitoring Afghan boarder they have force and latest equipment ?

They are already in Pakistan now, we need to kick them back into Afghanistan. Let them go fight the US, if they truly want to. Why burden Pakistan?

They wanted to creat cause or reason to attack Pakistan.Real target is not Afghanistan but Pakistan my friend try to understand.
If that's true then we REALLY need to kick out these so called Jihadis. So they are left with no excuse to take on Pakistan. These Jihadis are putting Pakistan right into the warpath. Something we really don't want to be.
Can you name a single Afghan Commander or leader killed or captured by PA and given to the Americans ???

Are you kidding? Musharaf not even spared Dr Afia? Shame on him

Ok now tell me if Musharaf had not supported US, we would have definitely got bombed to hell, infrastructure totally destroyed, India is sitting to grab at anything coming their way. Having no infrastructure meaning no resources to fight, no money to sustain the fight. What would have happened to us ?? We would be just like Somalia or Iraq or Afghanistan. US will leave one day and most probably leave these conquered lands to their own fate as per US past practice. We would have been most probably gotten into a civil war as per our past Islamic traditions, and as usual world would have using us to kill each other.

Pakistan is not Iraq or Afghanistan, Pakistan can say no to US but our leaders need little courage nothing more .

No Pakistani says anything about taliban fighting in Afghanistan, they are right, yea methods & tactics can be disputed but cause is not wrong.


But whats going on in Pakistan by these so called murderous gang of taliban is un-Islamic & wrong. If they wish to fight out the Americans, do it from their own homeland or from where the Americans are present, why come to another country and use its soil ?? Would you like someone else coming to garden of your home and throwing stones at someone else home ?? what will be your reaction ?? let him do it ?? if you let him do it, whats gonna happen is that the person receiving the stones from your home is gonna retaliate and throw at yours no matter someone else is involved.

Afghan talaban dont need our soil they are controlling 70% Afghan land.

And take Pashtoon tribes into confidence about what ?? They were slaughtered & forced into obeying the taliban & its murderous gangs of *********. Plus they were provided & being provided with hefty sub of money to keep their alliance.

Presently tribel chiefs are supporting TTP because of wrong strategy of GOP to allow drone attacks.

And SWAT has nothing to do with Afghanistan, these are local thugs who have been supported by across the border and the murderous taliban to shift the focus of army from their main stronghold so that they keep living & keep killing innocent human beings.

You remember lot of SWATI participated in jehad during Riussian and during US attack 2001.

Why aren't the wazir taliban fighting the afghan jihad in continuous duel with PA ?? Ever thought of it. Why just the mehsud tribe or its militants ??

Majority of tribes supporting afghan jehad yes few shia tribes are not.

Its very easy to point fingers and blame someone without knowing the ground reality & threat perceptions.

Which ground reality you mean?

What has been happening is that PA & Govt has been supporting the taliban fighting in Afghanistan but its fight is against the taliban supported by foreign forces to destabilize Pakistan.

Try to understand US wanted to creat war in tribel region to soften the target to capture Pakistan , they wanted to capture our nukes.

Ever wondered why BM created TTP ?? Why is there no TTA ??
Why Wazir tribe & its fighters are not part of TTP ?? Why Mullah Omar commanded his fighters not to attack PA & concentrate the energy in afghanistan & TTP never hearing or obeying this call ??

Mahsud tribe always created resistance for external forces .

Till the time Muslims get united pure Shariah can not be implemented nor we Muslims can do a global jihad against the tyrant forces of west.

Shariah is not big problem , the biggest problem is muslim is killing muslim and taking money for their blood.

Nor Pakistan can go against US, as no Muslim nation will come to support or at least look & bandage our fuc*** up asssesss. And in this scenario best option is to do little bit US work, while on the other hand support taliban & wait & hope that this storm passes away.

We should use bull fighting tactics against US no need to directly confront them.:lol:

And if AQ did in real do 9/11, then they deserves to be killed, as Islam in no way permits killing of innocent human beings. If they were so much Muslims then should have attacked the American occupational forces spread whole around the ME including SA, not by killing thousands of human beings.


And having so many sects among Muslims, which sects Shariah are you gonna implement ?? Sunni's, Shia's, Wahabi's etc etc etc. You implement Shariah acceptable to one or some sects, what about the others, one more civil war among Muslims ??? Till the time Muslims don't get united in one voice till then you can't have harmony & peace among muslims nor can you stand up and fight the west or hostile nations.

Brother all fiqa dont have difference on basic fundamentals of islam and shariah every fiqa is in favour of islamic law .

Difference in fiqa does not mean muslim are not united they are brother all are true muslims .
Try to understand we have very strong bond with Afghans first of all they are muslim secondly they are our neighbour and also we have advantage of strategic depth against our biggest enemy in area .

Muslim lost totally trust on US due their double standards .

Some time they support Israel to kill muslim some time they support shia to kill sunni , they dont any ethics and continously destroying nations for their intrests and to gain power .

One day US will leave Afghanistan but how we face our Afghan muslim brothers because now we are support US occupation forces.

Did you hear about TTP or TSNM before US attack in Afghanistan?

These were just few street thugs but gaining power due to support local tribes and off course Al Qaeda always looking for breeding grounds.
Yes, strong bond with AFghans thats why they call us their biggest enemy for supporting taliban.That's why they claim half of Pakistan territory.That's why they always try destablizie Pakistan and don't give me that stargetic interest bs.It is much better to just control with your own country with stability then messing with other coutnries.The Afghan who you call brothers will try to again destablizie Pakistan.We should cut relations with Afghanistan for good.Yes, TNSM tried to do this shrian thugism in 1990's by FC corps took care of Sufi sahib and everything was fixed...Enough of this taliban appologist propoganda please.The muslims all the world praying for sucess of talibans are irhabhi sympthizers living in well built arab countries while those irhabhis try to destroy our country infrastructure.Rest assured, these talibans will be killed one by one.They will pay for their mistakes.
Limb by limb.
Yes, it was in Taliban interest to hand over OBL.The taliban regime would have never fallen but they were arrogant they're responsible for death of thousands of Afghans.Like AM Said,
Yes, we will 'show the West who is boss' by becoming illiterate, medieval, wife beating baboons like so many in the Taliban - and when we have no semblance of civilization, progress and culture left, we will taunt the West to do what it can to us, since there will be nothing left of us for the West to do anything to..
By coming into our territory just because the US attacked them.

That was a whole different mixture of groups and whole different leaders.

Because, Pakistan... The sole factor after God who even put them into a governing position said so. If they were truly our allies, they should have listened to us, no questions asked. The WoT would not have happened. A known terrorist, Osama Bin Laden would have gone to jail or worse (who cares?) and we would have not lost the lives of thousands of Pakistanis.

He is wanted for the embassy bombings, too. Something he confessed.

All of Waziristan is swarmed by the Taliban. No doubt about that.

Then leave, why do we even need, Operation Rah-e-Nijat?

The TTP calls Mullah Omar, their Amir. Ayman Zwahiri who was under the protection of the same Afghan Taliban called for Jihad against Pakistan.

Anyway that's besides the point. Rah-e-Nijat is to expel the terrorists out.

You mean Nifaz-e-Shaytaniat? Who gave TTP the right to be called the implementers of Shariat? There has to be GOP law, otherwise there is always a way. To give the same beating to these terrorists, that they got in Swat.

I don't care what they do in Afghanistan and Palestine... They must GO from Pakistan. In Pakistan they will all be killed. All over PAKISTAN people are praying for Nijat from these monsters. I can always join in that.

They are already in Pakistan now, we need to kick them back into Afghanistan. Let them go fight the US, if they truly want to. Why burden Pakistan?

If that's true then we REALLY need to kick out these so called Jihadis. So they are left with no excuse to take on Pakistan. These Jihadis are putting Pakistan right into the warpath. Something we really don't want to be.


Dont forget muslims are just like one body , you can not cut and throw one part of body away , yes if it is infected we need to treat it with medicine and chemotrapy .
Yes, strong bond with AFghans thats why they call us their biggest enemy for supporting taliban.That's why they claim half of Pakistan territory.That's why they always try destablizie Pakistan and don't give me that stargetic interest bs.It is much better to just control with your own country with stability then messing with other coutnries.The Afghan who you call brothers will try to again destablizie Pakistan.We should cut relations with Afghanistan for good.Yes, TNSM tried to do this shrian thugism in 1990's by FC corps took care of Sufi sahib and everything was fixed...Enough of this taliban appologist propoganda please.The muslims all the world praying for sucess of talibans are irhabhi sympthizers living in well built arab countries while those irhabhis try to destroy our country infrastructure.Rest assured, these talibans will be killed one by one.They will pay for their mistakes.
Limb by limb.

Just to add, Afghanistan was the only Muslim country which opposed its entry into UN.

Our bond is strong just through the tribe to tribe, not as country to country. Except for the taliban govt, every other Afghan govt in one way or another created troubles for Pakistan in the past.
Are you kidding? Musharaf not even spared Dr Afia? Shame on him

If had been kidding wouldn't had asked you, except for the Taliban Ambassador to Paksitan, which other Taliban commander or leader has been handed over to US ?? Plus which Afghan taliban commander or leader has been killed or captured & handed over ??
Mind the word Afghan Taliban not Ms.Afia or AQ people, Afghan Taliban.

Pakistan is not Iraq or Afghanistan, Pakistan can say no to US but our leaders need little courage nothing more .

But will become with doing what you think.

Afghan talaban dont need our soil they are controlling 70% Afghan land

If they don't need our soil, then why is TTP here ?? Why don't they go to the 70% Afghan land under their ccontrol ???Why is Fazlullah fighting with PA, when he can go to Afghanistan & fight in the 70% land controlled by Afghan Taliban?
Ohh forgot, they don't have anything to do with Afghan Taliban, their objective is to destabilize Pakistan, so that US can take over the nukes.

Presently tribel chiefs are supporting TTP because of wrong strategy of GOP to allow drone attacks

try to get the whole picture of why tribes support these thugs. Drone attacks started becoz they were hiding in these tribal areas for money. hefty sums of money, so if there was no drone attacks why they let them hide ??

You remember lot of SWATI participated in jehad during Riussian and during US attack 2001

So ??? whats the connection to their killing of innocent swatis & beheading SF guys & innocent people or doing suicide bombings here ?? Why don't they go and fight in the 70% controlled area of the taliban ?? And as for 2001 fight, this same Sufi Mohammad took thousands of local people in the name of Jihad, he & his murderous thugs came back leaving the ordinary people of swat to die at the hands of Northern Alliance, a brutal & barbaric death they got. Why did not he & his followers stay there & fight till death ?? Why he ran away ?? & see the irony he gave himself up and spent years comfortably in jail as local people wanted to know about their loved ones he took them away for jihad and left to die.

Majority of tribes supporting afghan jehad yes few shia tribes are not

Shia tribes have no problem with Jihad, they had fought the Afghan JIhad, their problem is with Taliban not jihad. Get your facts right here, Taliban consider them infidels or non muslims as Taliban are influenced by wahabisim & what wahabism is we all know. So one group if considers you infidels how come they stand by their side and take part in JIhad ??

Which ground reality you mean?

Ground reality is everything. All aspects have to be seen in today's world before taking a decision to going to war with US. This time is not the old days, today's world is very dynamic so dozens of things are to be considered.

Try to understand US wanted to creat war in tribel region to soften the target to capture Pakistan , they wanted to capture our nukes

Who is disputing that ?? That is what all on this form are saying. The tool US is using is TTP, so if PA is fighting to stop this menace, whats the problem ?? Let them do it.

Mahsud tribe always created resistance for external forces

All tribes have, Mehsud are no different, but killing innocent human beings & PA soldiers is not the way. If they are so Jihad loving, why don't go to the 70% area in taliban control & fight americans from there.

We should use bull fighting tactics against US no need to directly confront them.:lol:

What else do you think Pakistan is doing ?? Why isn't PA taking action against the Wazir tribe or the Afghan Taliban roaming around Quetta & border areas of Balochistan-Afghan Area ?? Why is US accusing ISI all the time ?? Why doesn't PA take actions & kill Afghan taliban then ???

Brother all fiqa don't have difference on basic fundamentals of islam and shariah every fiqa is in favor of islamic law .

Difference in fiqa does not mean muslim are not united they are brother all are true muslims .

Do some study about the different Fiqas, then you will understand what will happen.

Wow, all Muslims are brothers, then why do Wahabis brand so many other Fiqas of Islam as mushriqs ??? or why Shia's are branded mushriks ??? so many other examples there.

Even different fiqas have different fundamentals, some are common some aren't. All have their own understanding of Islamic Law.

Problem is these Fiqas can't get united on Just Quran & Hadith.
Some will interpret Quran differently and infer a different meaning suiting themselves, and as for Hadiths, we all know how much difference is there among the fiqas. Sunni refer which books of hadith & Shias refer different ones. Plus so many other examples there too. But a different topic.

Crux is, these taliban who kill innocent people should be killed & those who wish to fight Afghan Occupation should be supported, but not allowed to create mischief on our soil. & Yes GOP should resist US to the possible extend where damage to Pakistan does not comes.
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Thirty militants killed in Swat clashes: army

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani soldiers killed at least 30 Taliban militants in overnight gun battles across the northwestern Swat Valley after a suicide bombing on a police station killed 17 cadets, the military said Monday.

The al-Qaeda-linked insurgents have vowed to avenge the army's recent offensive to retake the Swat Valley and the death of their top leader in a US missile strike near the Afghan border.

Sunday's suicide attack in Swat was the deadliest attack since the military regained control of the northwestern region in July.

Soldiers looking for militants after the attack encountered resistance in several areas, and battles raged overnight into early Monday, army spokesman Col. Akhtar Abbas said.

A separate army statement said one soldier was killed in the fighting in three separate areas of the valley.

The military has said it is restoring security in Swat after its three-month offensive ended the Taliban's rule over many areas there. But suicide attacks and skirmishes continue.

The death toll in Sunday's suicide attack rose to 17 on Monday as one of the wounded died, local hospital official Ikram Khan said.

The bomber sneaked into a police courtyard in the valley's main town of Mingora and detonated his explosives next to a group of volunteers training for a community policing force.

Ms, shouldn't this news piece be posted in the Operation Rah e Rast thread.
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