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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

It is now clear that Saudis have accepted strategic defeat in Yemen by withdrawing their diplomats completely from Yemen.

If it was not the case, and they had any hope of holding on to Aden, their diplomats would not have run away.

It appears that Aden is about to fall in coming days.

Houthis are winning.
Yemen's Houthi fighters have threatened to undertake suicide bombings in Saudi Arabia if the kingdom continues to launch airstrikes against the group's positions.

Abdel Mon'em Al-Qurashi, a senior member of the Houthis Executive Committee, said on Saturday that the group would destroy the Saudi regime for its "aggressive" policies, Iran's Fars news agency reported.

"If Saudi Arabia continues its aggressions against the oppressed Yemeni people, [Houthi] fighters will pave the way for the Saudi regime's destruction by conducting martyrdom-seeking operations inside Saudi Arabia in the coming hours," Quraishi told Fars.
I don't even know what he is trying to say? The facts I mentioned are well-known to most Egyptians and Saudi Arabians. The vast majority of Egyptians and Saudi Arabians (all people for that matter) are able to distinguish rulers who come and go from the people and country.

My affinity for Egypt did not suddenly disappear just because Morsi ruled or Al-Sisi for that matter nor will that occur if somebody else gets elected as president and takes power.

Some people are truly astonishing with their logic.

The funniest thing is that the House of Saud supported the Zaydi Imam in the Yemeni civil war. The Houthi's themselves want to reestablish an Imamate in Northern Yemen.

I have to take a break. Too much nonsense to handle at once.:undecided:

I will make some ful medames and call it a day for now at least.:cheers:
this picture is from 1956 when britian france isreal attacked us king salman himself was in the Egyptian army (nasser era)

صور نادرة لملك السعودية الحالي متطوعًا في الجيش المصري أثناء الع
Yemen's Houthi fighters have threatened to undertake suicide bombings in Saudi Arabia if the kingdom continues to launch airstrikes against the group's positions.

Abdel Mon'em Al-Qurashi, a senior member of the Houthis Executive Committee, said on Saturday that the group would destroy the Saudi regime for its "aggressive" policies, Iran's Fars news agency reported.

"If Saudi Arabia continues its aggressions against the oppressed Yemeni people, [Houthi] fighters will pave the way for the Saudi regime's destruction by conducting martyrdom-seeking operations inside Saudi Arabia in the coming hours," Quraishi told Fars.

Doubt it, they don't have capabilities.
Actually it seems they were just invited to one summit. In any case, it annoys me when I see Pakistanis being hostile to Indians and then complaining about Arab racism towards Pakistanis.. I've noticed this too among the Pakistanis in my university, it's strange to see them insist that Urdu is a completely different language than Hindi even though they can communicate with each other perfectly. Unfortunately it's this racism that cost them Bangladesh and lost them three wars (even though they instigated them).

It has more to do with religion than racism against india. But yes in Bangladesh it was racism for which all Pakistanis are full of regret and repent till now.
It is now clear that Saudis have accepted strategic defeat in Yemen by withdrawing their diplomats completely from Yemen.

If it was not the case, and they had any hope of holding on to Aden, their diplomats would not have run away.

It appears that Aden is about to fall in coming days.

Houthis are winning.

The operation to withdraw the diplomats happened before the campaign started. Every time an Iranian post something there's a new fail, so stop for the sake of saving your face.
I expected some attacks by Houthies against Saudi Arabia but haven't be able to do any single one so far unlike the war with Israel and Hizbulshaitan in 2006. Saudi Arabian army performance is better than the Israeli one when compared to 2006 war. Noting that Houthies are better armed and further accompanied by Saleh army.

@500 What do you think?
NewYemen: Clashes on Saudi/Yemeni border and capture of dozens of Saudi soldiers and intense shelling from Saudi side (probably nonsense report)

Other Yemeni source:

Ex-President Saleh to make speech to Yemeni people at night time(2-4 hours from now)

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