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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Explosion Leaves Indonesian Embassy in Yemen ’90 Percent Destroyed’

Jakarta. The Indonesian embassy in Yemen has been heavily damaged due to an explosion on Monday, an official from the Foreign Affairs Ministry confirmed, as media reports mentioned an airstrike on a missile base close to where the embassy is located.

“Yes, [there was an explosion]. No one was killed,” Siti Sofia Sudarma, the ministry’s director of information and media, told the Jakarta Globe on Monday.

Siti could not immediately share further information about the explosion in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, but said that the ministry would release a statement soon.

Reuters reported that a Scud missile base was bombed on Monday, on Faj Attan mountain near Hadda district. The Indonesian embassy is located in Hadda district.

Aji Surya, head of the repatriation and social aid subdivision at the ministry, separately told state-run news agency Antara that the embassy building was “90 percent destroyed.”

“Two people have minor injuries from the explosion, while most Indonesian embassy staff managed to evacuate to the Indonesian ambassador’s house in Sanaa,” he said.

The Indonesian government has repatriated 1,369 Indonesian nationals from war-torn Yemen so far.

As many as 1,988 Indonesians have been evacuated from Yemen since December, but 619 remain in the region, mainly in Oman and Saudi Arabia, and are waiting to get repatriated.

A total 404 Indonesians are still in Salalah, in southern Oman, while 117 are in Saudi Arabia and 98 in Djibouti.
Yemen has been wracked by violence since Shiite Houthi fighters seized Sanaa last year and forced President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi into exile in Saudi Arabia.

The conflict intensified last month when a Saudi-led coalition began a campaign of airstrikes on Houthi positions.
Explosion Leaves Indonesian Embassy in Yemen '90 Percent Destroyed' - The Jakarta Globe
More Iranians on Iranian border had been killed since yemen war started and theyre not even in a war!! Lol
Because 9 have been killed? :lol:

you can't count, live in your delusions, I show you the simple maths so even you could understand.
Imagine ground invasion if "royal army" can't handle the borders.

You were dictating to me what Pakistanis and Pakistani media felt and the parliament red-faced you.
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San'aa seems to be another Hiroshima these days .


This is for democracy in Yemen !!!
Don't drag me into your usual demagogue debates. I'm talking facts which clearly state that the objectives of the first phase were accomplished.
you are the only belly dancer, that wiggle her @ss with no music or applaud..

123456, six smileys after one line. That shows your anger and frustration you're trying to hide through these smileys. Listen, why don't you when you have a country and army for your own skin (Berberians) teach us some war tactics?
Frustrated? that the reason your food stamp bureau is asking Koceyla's descendants to mediate the conflict between them and Iran...:cheers:
Hannibal crossing the med and defeating the Romans is still being taught, Tarik ibn Zyad med crossing and subduing and Islamizing Spain is being taught, the Algerian revolution and her leaders are being taught..The Algerian nineties and the bearded lamination by the Algerian armed forces is being taught....So there, my dear Jordanian betty boobs! and you can even wiki it...since that the only pile of garbage you use for reference...And what do you food stamp queen have to contribute to the military academies? walou, rien, nada, zilch, nothing...:crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:
what the hell is going on.... flying thousands of sorties and bombing not going to change the facts on the ground... while GCC fly sorties and thinking about ground invasion , hothis are gaining land hour by hour.... And i highly doubt Ksa has the capability to win a war without a huuuuge price which KSA would regret forever..... the way i see it... GCC lost this war long ago
Death toll climbs to 46 following airstrike in Yemen's capital

The death toll grew to 46 following an airstrike Monday on Sana by the Saudi-led military coalition, Yemen's health ministry reported. The attack set off a series of enormous explosions in the capital, injuring hundreds more people and wrecking a large number of homes, officials said.

The blast, apparently targeting a mountaintop missile depot, terrified city dwellers already traumatized by more than three straight weeks of bombardment and raised new questions about both the efficacy and human cost of the Saudi-led air campaign.
In the capital, Sana, where many families spend days cowering inside darkened homes, the latest destruction was too much for some to bear. Essa Hadi, who lives close to the site of Monday’s explosion, said his home was so badly damaged that “I do not think I will be able to fix it, not in a hundred years.”

His children, he said, were already sick and frightened – and now the family was homeless. “I do not have any place to go,” Hadi said, nearly weeping.

The force of the explosions shattered windows miles away and sent smoke billowing skyward and black soot drifting down into the streets. The acting health minister, Ghazi Ismael, appealed for blood donations for the injured and for safe passage for medical supplies.

Hospitals were swiftly overwhelmed, and fuel shortages forced some injured to beg rides for medical treatment. Hours after the explosion, with warplanes still circling overhead, rescue workers dug through rubble, searching for survivors.

Death toll climbs to 46 following airstrike in Yemen's capital - LA Times


If this invasion proved one thing, it clearly exposed crocodile tears of those hypocrites who were crying over Assad's actions while ago, but they are rude enough to bring excuses for death of each and every of those civilians killed by Saudis.
what the hell is going on.... flying thousands of sorties and bombing not going to change the facts on the ground... while GCC fly sorties and thinking about ground invasion , hothis are gaining land hour by hour.... And i highly doubt Ksa has the capability to win a war without a huuuuge price which KSA would regret forever..... the way i see it... GCC lost this war long ago

Uh, no. Saudi 'thought' others were going to go for a ground invasion. Sadly, Pakistan has its hands full and isn't a cheap whore, Egypt is completely incompetent and is fighting for its life in Sinai and Lybia. So those Saudi princesess need to do this themselves. Guess what? A couple weeks of more bombing, some nice contracts to Raytheon, Lockheed and Boeing, and finally stopping this while NOT saving face. That's about it.
Saudi border guard killed in Yemen: interior ministry| Reuters
(Reuters) - A Saudi border guard was killed and two troops wounded by heavy gun and mortar fire from Yemen on Sunday evening, the kingdom's interior ministry said.

Several members of Saudi Arabia's forces have been killed since the country and its Sunni Muslim Arab allies began bombing the Iran-allied Shi'ite Houthi group in Yemen last month

Reuters / Monday, April 20, 2015
Smoke rises during an air strike on an army weapons depot on a mountain overlooking Sanaa, Yemen April 20, 2015. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah

U.S. warship sent to block Iran weapons off Yemen
By Lolita C. Baldor, The Associated Press 2:51 p.m. EDT April 20, 2015

WASHINGTON — U.S. Navy officials say the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt is steaming toward the waters off Yemen and will join other American ships prepared to intercept any Iranian vessels carrying weapons to the Houthi rebels fighting in Yemen.

The U.S. Navy has been beefing up its presence in the Gulf of Aden and the southern Arabian Sea amid reports that a convoy of Iranian ships may be headed toward Yemen to arm the Houthis.

The Houthis are battling government-backed fighters in an effort to take control of the country.

There are about nine U.S. ships in the region, including cruisers and destroyers carrying teams that can board and search other vessels.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss ship movement on the record.

Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

USS Theodore Roosevelt Operating in the Arabian Sea
Release Date: 4/20/2015 2:09:00 PM
From U.S. Naval Forces Central Command Public Affairs


MANAMA, Bahrain (NNS) -- The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), escorted by the guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60), transited the Strait of Hormuz from its station in the Arabian Gulf to the Arabian Sea, April 19.

Theodore Roosevelt and Normandy have joined other U.S. forces conducting maritime security operations in the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb and the Southern Red Sea.

In recent days, the U.S. Navy has increased its presence in this area as a result of the current instability in Yemen.

The purpose of these operations is to ensure the vital shipping lanes in the region remain open and safe. The United States remains committed to its regional partners and to maintaining security in the maritime environment.


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