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Opening ceremony of 16th Asian Games kicks off


I always always love seeing the flag raising ceremony.

Me, too.

Since 2008, i have noticed a very interesting change, which is Chinese aundience are more inclined to sing the national anthem during the flag raising ceremony.

During Beijing Olympic Games, i had seen many of those moving moments when thousands of Chinese were singing the national anthem together during the flag raising ceremony after Chinese athletes won gold medals.

Even my English teacher who was from America noticed that, he told us he was deeply impressed by those scenes. He was very interested in Chinese national anthem, and he asked us to translate it into English in class.
Since 2008, i have noticed a very interesting change, which is Chinese aundience are more inclined to sing the national anthem during the flag raising ceremony.

During Beijing Olympic Games, i had seen many of those moving moments when thousands of Chinese were singing the national anthem together during the flag raising ceremony after Chinese athletes won gold medals.

Even my English teacher who was from America noticed that, he told us he was deeply impressed by those scenes. He was very interested in Chinese national anthem, and he asked us to translate it into English in class.

Even in Hong Kong, we hear the national anthem on the news all the time. :tup:

It's how I started learning Mandarin. Qi lai, bu yuan zuo nu li de ren men... ba wo men de xue rou, zhu cheng wo men xin de chang cheng...

I love hearing it. :cheers:
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Back on topic.

I didn't know that traditional Chinese martial arts were a part of Asian Olympics before. They should really push it so that it'll become an official sports in the Summer Olympics.
@ Brotherhood & Big Tree.CN

:cheers: for posting those pictures.

My suggestion: There should be one thread on Asian Games (like 2010 Asian Games) and you guys should post all pictures in that thread, everything from the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony.

Keep it up!
I hope MOD can merge the thread "China's Guangzhou ready for 16th Asian Games" with this one.

One thread for Asian Games is just enough.

The 15th Asian Games
Rank Country/Region Gold Silver Bronze

1 China 3 2 0

2 Japan 1 2 1

3 Korea 1 0 1

4 Iran 0 1 1

5 Chinese Taipei 0 0 1
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