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Only 25% of refugees in Europe are women and children

The US and France have sent some weapons but a very small amount in comparison to Turkey and the GCC. No other western country has.

The countries you listed are former European colonies that have been (and/or currently are) on the receiving end of Western military intervention.

Now European governments are using it as an excuse to allow hordes of migrants from these countries to become European citizens.

Which is their call I guess. And it's a call they are making as we speak.
The countries you listed are former European colonies that have been (and/or currently are) on the receiving end of Western military intervention.

Now European governments are using it as an excuse to allow hordes of migrants from these countries to become European citizens.

Which is their call I guess. And it's a call they are making as we speak.
Many refugees also come from the Darfur region in Sudan where hundreds of thousands were massacred. And which country sold Sudan the weapons to do it I wonder?
Many refugees also come from the Darfur region in Sudan where hundreds of thousands were massacred. And which country sold Sudan the weapons to do it I wonder?

Sudan is a former British colony is it not?

Also, do you agree with Europe letting in these hordes of refugees or not, if you are capable of discussing the topic?
Sudan is a former British colony is it not?

Also, do you agree with Europe letting in these hordes of refugees or not, if you are capable of discussing the topic?
No. But I don't think we're the ones making the decision here.
12% women

Chivalrous bunch,aren't they ?

Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean - Regional Overview

Oh innocent Lily, still doctoring around the syndromes and not the root cause? Didn't you understand my posts in the other refugee threads? Does your cognitive dissonance hinder you to even mention the ultimate entity behind this whole agenda?

Huh? :lol:

A fraction of the countries in Europe had any involvement in the recent wars, its not like the whole region hasnt been a repressive murder zone for thousands of years.

If you are a member of the terror org aka NATO, you are complicit of the crimes your fellow members commit, particularly if the crime is committed in public and you either close your eyes or hold your tongue. But no, none of them closed the eyes when they saw the bombs raining down on the cities of these refugees, au contraire, all …. let me repeat again … ALL the bloody mainstream media were cheering including YOU and other Lilies who are screaming like lil' hypocritical biatches when these people inundate us.

Then again, it was not that region who started the two World Wars. it was not that region that dropped the A-bomb, it was not that region that killed the natives of a whole continent.
Oh innocent Lily, still doctoring around the syndromes and not the root cause? Didn't you understand my posts in the other refugee threads? Does your cognitive dissonance hinder you to even mention the ultimate entity behind this whole agenda?

Huh? :lol:

If you are a member of the terror org aka NATO, you are complicit of the crimes your fellow members commit, particularly if the crime is committed in public and you either close your eyes or hold your tongue. But no, none of them closed the eyes when they saw the bombs raining down on the cities of these refugees, au contraire, all …. let me repeat again … ALL the bloody mainstream media were cheering including YOU and other Lilies who are screaming like lil' hypocritical biatches when these people inundate us.

Then again, it was not that region who started the two World Wars. it was not that region that dropped the A-bomb, it was not that region that killed the natives of a whole continent.
What is it with Germans and the sanctimonious claiming of the moral high ground? I've heard enough of this from frau Merkel.
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What is it with Germans and the sanctimonious claiming of the moral high ground? I've heard enough of this from frau Merkel.

Where did I say that we are standing on the moral high ground? Is Germany not part of the terror org aka NATO?
Anonymous - Als Flüchtlinge getarnt: Islamischer Staat hat... | Facebook

Excerpt from the article, quick translation by me:

Islamischer Staat hat bereits mehr als 4.000 militärisch ausgebildete IS-Terroristen nach Westeuropa geschleust
More than 4000 IS combatants already smuggled in into Western Europe.

Syrischer Kinderschlächter ist jetzt Flüchtling: »Ahmad Abd Alkarim Alhije« in München erkannt!
Syrian children slaughterer has become refugee: »Ahmad Abd Alkarim Alhije« spotted in Munich!

Die Dschihadisten seien bereit und warten auf Instruktionen, so ein IS-Sprecher.
The Jihadists are ready and awaiting instruction, says an IS speaker.

Wohl mit Wissen der US-Regierung in Washington scheint die neue Strategie darauf abzuzielen, Dschihadisten unter Flüchtlingsgruppen aus Syrien und Libyen zu schleusen.
US gov has knowledge of this and it seems that the new strategy is to smuggle the Jihadists among the refugees from Syria and Libya.

Who was its again who said: fcuk the EU ...
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12% women

Chivalrous bunch,aren't they ?

Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean - Regional Overview
According to the U.N., more than half of all Syrian refugees are under the age of 18.
The male population is most directly at risk of getting entangled in the conclict?

They often decide to finally escape after seeing their neighborhoods bombed or family members killed.
The risks on the journey to the border can be as high as staying: Families walk for miles through the night to avoid being shot at by snipers or being caught by soldiers who will kidnap young men to fight for the regime.

The distribution of asylum applicants by sex shows that men were more likely than women to seek asylum. Across the EU-28, the gender distribution was most balanced for asylum applicants aged less than 14, where boys accounted for 53 % of the total number of applications in 2014. There was a greater degree of gender inequality for asylum applicants aged 14–17 or 18–34, where around three quarters of applicants were male. Female applicants outnumbered male applicants for asylum seekers aged 65 and over, although this group was relatively small, accounting for just 0.8 % of the total number of applications in 2014.
The gender difference was even more apparent when considering unaccompanied minors, as 86 % of asylum applicants in the EU-28 in 2014 that were unaccompanied minors were male, compared with 54 % for accompanied minors.
Asylum statistics - Statistics Explained


Under International Law, a refugee is defined as a person with a "well-founded fear of persecution" for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. Based on this language, the refugee definition is commonly understood to include three essential elements:
(1) there must be a form of harm rising to the level of persecution, inflicted by a government or by individuals or a group that the government cannot or will not control;
(2) the person’s fear of such harm must be well-founded — e.g. the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a fear can be well-founded if there is a one-in-ten likelihood of its occurring;
(3) the harm, or persecution, must be inflicted upon the person for reasons related to the person’s race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group (the nexus).

The international definition of "refugee" has been interpreted primarily in the context of male asylum-seekers, to the prejudice of women refugees. The claims of women asylum-seekers often differ from those of men in several respects. First, women often suffer harms which are either unique to their gender, such as female genital mutilation or forcible abortion, or which are more commonly inflicted upon women than men, such as rape or domestic violence. Second, women’s claims differ from those of men in that they may suffer harms solely or exclusively because they are women, i.e., as a result of their gender. And third, women often suffer harm at the hands of private individuals (e.g. "honor killings"), rather than governmental actors.
The distinctions between the more traditional claims of male asylum seekers, and those of women, have often adversely impacted women asylum-seekers. Decision-makers often fail to recognize that harms unique to women — such as forced marriage or honor killings — may constitute persecution. They are also resistant to the developing jurisprudence which recognizes that harms inflicted primarily because of gender may come within the protection of international or domestic refugee law, and that persecution at the hands of private actors can form the basis of refugee protection where there is a failure of state protection.
These developing international human rights and refugee norms provide a basis for extending protection to women asylum-seekers regardless of the distinctions between their claims and the more traditional claims of male applicants. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has provided guidance in cases of women asylum-seekers. Notwithstanding these developments, the claims of women asylum-seekers continue to meet denials due to erroneous interpretations of the refugee definition by decision-makers, as well as a fundamental lack of understanding of the applicable human rights norms and the relevant country conditions.
International Migration and Multiculturalism
Europeans whine so much. They have the mentality of a 5 yo boy. Boo-hoo get over it, everyone else takes on illegals without 1/10 of the complaining.
As if there is no Western involvement in Syria. :lol:

They supported all the anti-Assad forces, which includes ISIS and Al-Nusra.

Anyway read the news from today, the involvement is getting much more direct:

Syria war: France to prepare for IS air strikes - BBC News
Who did china support e.g. in Sudan?

Europeans whine so much. They have the mentality of a 5 yo boy. Boo-hoo get over it, everyone else takes on illegals without 1/10 of the complaining.
I see mostly non-EUropeans posting and whining here....
Who did china support e.g. in Sudan?

No military intervention, and no refugees and immigrants from Sudan.

The West has torn a bloody path through the Middle East and North Africa region, three invasions in one decade alone (Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya).

Saddam was obviously not a saint, but in Saddam's Iraq there were ZERO active terrorist groups. Today there is barely anything left, Iraq/Syria have already been partitioned, with vast areas de facto a part of a new country (IS).

And now you guys are taking in MILLIONS of refugees from the Middle East and North Africa region.

Well your governments have already decided it seems. Germany by itself is going to take in almost 1 million this year alone.

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