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Only 25% of refugees in Europe are women and children

I really want to quote @Schutz s post.
Refuges are people most in need, the weakest, the vulnerable, these men are not that, they are able bodied and capable of mounting a defense of their homeland and as the likes of IS are a far greater evil than Assad they clearly have more sympathetic views to IS as they choose to flee like a bunch of cowards instead of promising their families that they dont have to lose their home and even country.
Big trouble ... crumbling economy ... stock markets crashing .... European Union difference between themselves emerges .... refugees crisis ... isis ... slowing down chinese economy ...

All these will lead to ww 3 . High te we brace our self for the worst .
12% women

Chivalrous bunch,aren't they ?

Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean - Regional Overview

Problem with islamic state refugees are many in general . Like law of tge land wont be accepted . They will marry 4 wife and 3 children each . Once they get settled well off the demand for separate community will arise which in turn led to separate nation demand and again these hardliners take shape to take war against these nations . Good luch EU . Am told its already happening and now this .
now more important question how many of them are from ISIS ?????????????

But technically speaking there are very high possibilities of fundamentals sneaking into EU and some might become back office or sleeper cells . Dont you think its possible ? Have you seen "Scarface " movie . Its the same situation now in EU . Unlike USA EU states will succumb to the pressure .
now more important question how many of them are from ISIS ?????????????
could be a few sneaking in that way too, but as worrying as actual isis guys doing a sneaky jihad here, are those immigrants who are sympathetic to the rebel cause in Syria, these will be the people who will make demands for sharia and some might go all jihad on their hosts in the future.

Europe's turn to deal with some bombs now, both financial and real. :haha:
But technically speaking there are very high possibilities of fundamentals sneaking into EU and some might become back office or sleeper cells . Dont you think its possible ? Have you seen "Scarface " movie . Its the same situation now in EU . Unlike USA EU states will succumb to the pressure .
EU is already fucked up with Islamist now they have no escape or else they have to clean EU from Islamist but rather then cleaning EU they adopting more lolzzz its more nails in EU coffin

could be a few sneaking in that way too, but as worrying as actual isis guys doing a sneaky jihad here, are those immigrants who are sympathetic to the rebel cause in Syria, these will be the people who will make demands for sharia and some might go all jihad on their hosts in the future.

Europe's turn to deal with some bombs now, both financial and real. :haha:
EU will be another syria iraq with in few decades . if they want freedom liberalism and democracy they have to immediate kick out every mullah they have . or else be ready for next jihad
EU will be another syria iraq with in few decades . if they want freedom liberalism and democracy they have to immediate kick out every mullah they have . or else be ready for next jihad
Anjem Choudary got 5 months but the rest of the his UK monkeys are still freely spreading the virus unchecked, they're a gone case anyway, the rest will get burnt badly with this too, shame they're too pc to go all Arab shiekh like and do a simple 'no thanks and fuk off' :P
Don't worry. They will get their women and children after they get a residence permit.
I don't envy Europe at all.

These people from the same countries that were bombed by European fighter jets are now on their way to becoming true European citizens.
I don't envy Europe at all.

These people from the same countries that were bombed by European fighter jets are now on their way to becoming true European citizens.
A fraction of the countries in Europe had any involvement in the recent wars, its not like the whole region hasnt been a repressive murder zone for thousands of years.
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