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One more feather in PIA cap.

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like male members of other airlines do not go looking for romantic liaisons, those paragons of virtue and honour. When was asking women for their numbers or asking for a date was banned and termed illegal or was a security issues for women in the UK. Harassment is a different matter and if these PIA were harassing women at the hotel then don't just ban them they should also be prosecuted.
some men are persistent and do not take no for an answer... if more than one guest complain the same thing for a long period of time, a hotel will prefer to lose lucrative contract to protect its business.
Piss International Airlines should be closed as the brand does not have any value for privatization..
like male members of other airlines
You know and I know there is a method to this. The trick is to "size up" before you move forward. If you think the ground is, well fertile then you move forward tactically taking steps forward. If you play your cards right then youy gain a strategic victory in the bed. But if you behave like a uncouth idiot - that is trying to score women who clearly are not interested means you are harassing them. Then not only will you look like a sleazy slimeball but you will get banned like what happened to these guys from Ummahistan. Come to think of it should they not face Sharia Law for even thinking of boning these women - not exactly halal behaviour is it?

Having said this I must add the caveat that there will be element of racism in this. Had the been bunch of Blacks let loose in their nothing would have happened. But people from Ummahistan get the short, sharp shrift.
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