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One Child Policy of China and lessons for South Asian nations

another disadvantage of one child policy is: it does not work in xingjiang because of religionary reason.
the proportion of Muslim in Xingjiang increasing every year.... and we can do nothing to balance this situation. It is not fair!
It will be serious problem in the future
china not being a democracy is still unable to implement this policy in muslim majority areas and south asia has the highest muslim population in the world and all are democracy how can we implement that policy here ??
we are here to find out why One Child Policy of CHina is a success and I welcome as many arguments as people here may give to prove it wrong. first, have a look on my post as below and tell us, "why US can't feed its 310mil population with 3 times natural resources than India with high techs and $2,2tn export also and how India and other South Asian nations may do the same?" you can be either on the high consumption side (of food, energy, products etc) or on the low consumption side as you people have limited natural resources. then here, if you can't make your countries a good example then why you people want to make your countries a bad example? please respond to my post about the current status of US as below and tell me how you people may feed your very high population with high consumption and less carbon emission also? :pop:

One Child policy WAS a success. No doubt. ( I write it in first post ) its was or should have been a short term policy. No one is advocating huge or over population ( write it in second post )

Coming to US- do you know the percentage of population of USA involved in agriculture ??? It's in single digit and on lower side. Do you know the food habits of USA ??? Do you know that social responsibilities of Govt of USA embedded by constitution ??? Do you know the money consumption of USA in out of budget matters ???

Food habits in Asia as a whole are changing but they aren't USA habits in Asia.
Plus you totally misunderstood my intentions. China can never be a open nation as USA. USA has meet its labour needs through migration. It can't be done in China. And I personally don't belive the USA isn't able to feed 310mil populations
Just don't flame it with something like you write in RED. Keep it down to discussion and not to insult
Carbon emission is considered a issue when everything is ok. Not when country is developing nation and has to achieve a lot for betterment of its people
Social security and health care in Developing nations ??? You kidding me ???
You can count the nations on your fingers who has that. I don't know about China but GOI isn't legally bind for that. It's not a constitutional right yet. And it will not be till GOI consider itself developed nation.
USA isn't in debt because of Social security and health care. I think you can guess the reason why ??? Just study the debt graph from Clinton to Obama. All credit goes to BUSH :D
Do people die in the US of hunger and poverty? But any way my post was against the rude
nature of 1 child policy.
Why should parents be forced to abort a child and be sent to jail just
for having a child? There are better ways to deal with resource scarcity Like advancement in
crop genetics, cutting down of abnormally high US defence budget, implementing a tight monetary
policy and sate controlled capitalism to ensure fair share of wealth. And in my country no people
dies of poverty and hunger. We are self sufficient in food crops even under mega natural
calamities. BTW I have heard that putin wants to encourage russians to take more kids since
you guys are suffering from a negative demographic profile. I heard that russia announced
fianacial awards to couples willing to take more kids. Is that true?

its true but Russia doesn't want people from Bangladesh or China instead :wave:. so China is trying to reduce its population by One Child Policy type tools while Bangladesh is hopeful to send its population to other countries, mainly to India. Neither Bangladesh can grow enough food for its heavy population nor they produce as much raw materials/ energy that they may give their people a good life, all they import, but they think overseas remittances from their migrants from rest of the world may feed Bangladeshi people somehow so they are free to argue why they would have heavy population. Bangladesh and Pakistan type countries certainly can't support their people by the limited natural resources they have within their countries but they may manage to survive by remittances from their migrants they think, but its still its OK till here. but why they want to have more population than their current level also, its beyond my thinking capabilities :bunny:

Russia would have more population from their own people but they won't like to bring people from CHina or Bangladesh. Chinese have as much respect that they would prefer to reduce their population by anyway, even by "Forced One Child Policy", but bangladeshi people doesnt have this much respect to think to this level as you think somehow survival of your nation will continue with overseas remittance and therefore you are looking to send your population to other countries.......:meeting:
Non-population-related benefits

Impact on health care

It is reported that the focus of China on population control helps provide a better health service for women and a reduction in the risks of death and injury associated with pregnancy. At family planning offices, women receive free contraception and pre-natal classes.

Increased savings rate

The individual savings rate has increased since the one-child policy was introduced. This has been partially attributed to the policy in two respects. First, the average Chinese household expends fewer resources, both in terms of time and money, on children, which gives many Chinese more money with which to invest. Second, since young Chinese can no longer rely on children to care for them in their old age, there is an impetus to save money for the future.[42]

Economic growth

The original intent of the one-child policy was economic, to reduce the demand of natural resources, maintaining a steady labor rate, reducing unemployment caused from surplus labor, and reducing the rate of exploitation.[43][44] The CPC's justification for this policy was based on their support of Mao Zedong's supposedly Marxist theory of population growth, though Marx was actually witheringly critical of Malthusianism.[44][45]

One-child policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here is my take.

One Child Policy is inherently evil, but why should we care since it destroys the growth potential of an evil country like China and ensures that China will grow old before it becomes a developed country so it gets forever stuck in the 3rd world country status? This is same thing as the anti-Semitic policy of Nazis, which ensured that the US would benefit from the migration of Jewish bankers and scientists and prevented the Nazis from having nukes.

Don't practice it yourself, but please do sit back and watch China destroy its future with this policy.
Two child is ideal policy.One to replace mother,other to replace father.Anyone wanting more should provide proof they can financially support the child comfortably.
I support India's policy of 2 child.it'll slow down population slowly and it'll help us to keep proper male female ratio.1 child policy is not for India.
I support India's policy of 2 child.it'll slow down population slowly and it'll help us to keep proper male female ratio.1 child policy is not for India.
India's gender imbalance problem won't go away as long as the dowry problem exists.
India's gender imbalance problem won't go away as long as the dowry problem exists.

its not dowry problem,it is tradition of Indian society and love for son that is the reason of this imbalance.
its not dowry problem,it is tradition of Indian society and love for son that is the reason of this imbalance.

The gender imbalance problem wouldn't exist today if the tradition was to sell daughters for lots of money instead of paying dowrys. Then the man with 10 daughters would be a proud man since he's gonna be rich soon.
The gender imbalance problem wouldn't exist today if the tradition was to sell daughters for lots of money instead of paying dowrys. Then the man with 10 daughters would be a proud man since he's gonna be rich soon.

believe or not,there are this kinds of rituals too,where everybody give gifts and money to Girl's family in marriage.Dowry system is not the main reason..today,an average indian has less children than an average indian had 50 years ago.as the number of children decreases,affection of son increases(as they are earning members)..thats why the imbalance is.
Here is my take.

One Child Policy is inherently evil, but why should we care since it destroys the growth potential of an evil country like China and ensures that China will grow old before it becomes a developed country so it gets forever stuck in the 3rd world country status? This is same thing as the anti-Semitic policy of Nazis, which ensured that the US would benefit from the migration of Jewish bankers and scientists and prevented the Nazis from having nukes.

Don't practice it yourself, but please do sit back and watch China destroy its future with this policy.

Well, we have food independence, while South Korea imports 90% of its food. That's what you get for overpopulation. South Korea cannot feed itself.

Kurashi - News From Japan: South Korean Food Imports At 80-90%

I'm wondering what would happen to overpopulated countries like South Korea when net food exports peak, as US population grows and as farmland is eroded away? Or when a much more powerful country gets annoyed and just blockades food and oil imports? :lol:
The problem with Pakistan isn't growth rate, but rather education.

One child policy will ruin Pakistan incredibly. The only thing keeping Pakistan alive at the moment is the massive young brains (even if it less than 60% of the population) we produce, who help keep the country running. If we were to ruin that, Pakistan will fall down hill incredibly fast.
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