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One Child Policy of China and lessons for South Asian nations

One child policy has its own disadvantage too. It has made its effect on Chinese growth no doubt but it's high time China should abandon that policy. In coming decades China will face the problems of thining work force and they will have to import the Labours which itself is a problem than a solution. Average population age will cause many more problems in all sectors.

Not really, China will abandon that policy yes, and in some area the policy is from one child to two, but have baby is a habbit, the more you have the more you want,the more babies you have,the more poor you will be---a Vicious cycle; the less you have the less you want, now people don't want have too many babies, people generally want two, education, medical treatment, marry should cost many money, the poorer the more babies(baby spend less money and energy), the richer the less babies(baby spend more money well education well mededical treatment ), that's why more babies in developing countries per family, less babies per family in developed countries
When people have not many money, at the dark night, no computer, no bar, no many work you must done, except making baby, what shall people do????????????????
Not really, China will abandon that policy yes, and in some area the policy is from one child to two, but have baby is a habbit, the more you have the more you want,the more babies you have,the more poor you will be---a Vicious cycle; the less you have the less you want, now people don't want have too many babies, people generally want two, education, medical treatment, marry should cost many money, the poorer the more babies(baby spend less money and energy), the richer the less babies(baby spend more money well education well mededical treatment ), that's why more babies in developing countries per family, less babies per family in developed countries
When people have not many money, at the dark night, no computer, no bar, no many work you must done, except making baby, what shall people do????????????????
You are right on later part that number of children are less in Developed nations. But I think China has a lot to achieve yet and I think China as a developing country ( don't misunderstood ) if China has to become a Developed country in other words Super power your work force has to maintain its strength still you reach the mark. Calculate the age groups now and after a decade or two. You will understand what I am trying to say. Now your population is slowed down and it has shown good results with development from 1990. But the work force in 1990 has grown to (20+22=)42 years now. So you need the replacement. And if the birth rate is low then you can replace your work force 100%. But automation will solve this problem temporarily for this decade say 2020. But after that it will get worst. You have to bring Forgin work force to help your industries as the available young population will be occupied by the needs of Governance, milletry, research and all nation centric things where you can't involve forginers. Bigger percentage of population will be above 50+ age group.
So China have to have abandon one child policy right now
Not really, China will abandon that policy yes, and in some area the policy is from one child to two, but have baby is a habbit, the more you have the more you want,the more babies you have,the more poor you will be---a Vicious cycle; the less you have the less you want, now people don't want have too many babies, people generally want two, education, medical treatment, marry should cost many money, the poorer the more babies(baby spend less money and energy), the richer the less babies(baby spend more money well education well mededical treatment ), that's why more babies in developing countries per family, less babies per family in developed countries
When people have not many money, at the dark night, no computer, no bar, no many work you must done, except making baby, what shall people do????????????????

I wish India adopt this policy ASAP. Major Educated Indians are now opting for 2 kids. But 1 child policy will be better,
I believe china cant suddenly abandon one child policy , they must do it slowly for example in some areas say people that have born after this year can have two child (start these area from places that have less population or they want to encourage people to migrate to those areas ) and then slowly add more area of the country to that until for example in 20 years they replace one child policy with two child policy in all the country .
if they want to replace these policies suddenly it have severe social and economical effects .
first suddenly their education system face a dramatic increase in young students that they have no class for them , then they must provide job for them ,also they would have problem to provide food and water in the first several years of the new policy when the children number increase dramatically but they are not of the age to participate in economical activity and ...
One child policy had tremendous benefits in terms of reducing child mortality and improving the quality of life for Chinese children also maybe Maternal mortality rates, for India however this is not so useful as population is currently not a major problem. Indian family planning initiatives have helped reduce our fertility rate to 2.7 and if the trend continues the rate should reach 2.1 by 2015 or within this decade.

It's already 2.1 now

How ? How does one child policy help India get rid of the Caste System and corruption ?

caste system is already non existant
Corruption is a main problem though which we are solving
I must introduce the one Child policy simply
1. not for all nationality, only for 'han' chinese 90% of the whole population
2. not for all Han Chinese, Rural people(52% of the population) can have the second child if the age of the wife is more than 30 years,
City people only can have one baby unless Multiple births; if you only have one birth and signed one children certificate you can get the monetary rewards every year untill your dead ; if you have more babies to invade the rule, you should pay the fines for the second child and
more for the third child...
One child policy has its own disadvantage too. It has made its effect on Chinese growth no doubt but it's high time China should abandon that policy. In coming decades China will face the problems of thining work force and they will have to import the Labours which itself is a problem than a solution. Average population age will cause many more problems in all sectors.

the article is about just one simple concept, "how much population you would have to maintain a 'fit' relationship with 'resource consumption' and maintain a reasonable level of green house gases emission?" even Indonesia type highly populated country, an Islamic nation, has 'zero' population growth and produce 95% of oil/ energy they consume but its not true in case of heavily populated South Asia? so why do you want as much population you can't feed from the natural resources you have?

"We debate the relationship between the size of the population and resource consumption. But it is not a fixed formula. It depends on how you utilise your resource. We waste and pollute. I think those problems – behaviour – are more important than the size of the population."

This policy was initiated primarily for economic and education reasons, but it is increasingly cited as an environmental blessing. According to Liu, the population controls have kept sulphur dioxide emissions down by 17.6% and the main source of water pollution by 30.8%. Without it, he says, the average person in Henan would have a third less land and a quarter less forest. It has also, he claims, prevented between 137m and 200m tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. :tup:

China's one-child policy means many benefits for parents
One child policy is not a good idea for BD , PAK or INDIA. PAK and india has tons of land so they are safe. Even for BD we don't
need one child policy. This kind of policy has an negative effect on China's demography and male:female ratio. They suddenly
have a ageing populations and will get hit by the demographic bomb in the imminent future. As a well-wisher of China, I hope
that they quickly adopt 2 child policy to avert disaster. Our population will become stable by 2060. SO no worries.:)
the article is about just one simple concept, "how much population you would have to maintain a 'fit' relationship with 'resource consumption' and maintain a reasonable level of green house gases emission?" even Indonesia type highly populated country, an Islamic nation, has 'zero' population growth and produce 95% of oil/ energy they consume but its not true in case of heavily populated South Asia? so why do you want as much population you can't feed from the natural resources you have?
I read the article and understand it too. Please read what I have write in the comment #17.
No country likes to be country of old people. I am not saying population should grow at uncontrolled rate. Indian progress is killed by overpopulation but it will be a gift after decade
I read the article and understand it too. Please read what I have write in the comment #17.
No country likes to be country of old people. I am not saying population should grow at uncontrolled rate. Indian progress is killed by overpopulation but it will be a gift after decade
One child policy is not a good idea for *BD , PAK or INDIA. PAK and india has tons of land so *they *are safe. Even for BD *we don't need one child policy.

we are here to find out why One Child Policy of CHina is a success and I welcome as many arguments as people here may give to prove it wrong. first, have a look on my post as below and tell us, "why US can't feed its 310mil population with 3 times natural resources than India with high techs and $2,2tn export also and how India and other South Asian nations may do the same?" you can be either on the high consumption side (of food, energy, products etc) or on the low consumption side as you people have limited natural resources. then here, if you can't make your countries a good example then why you people want to make your countries a bad example? please respond to my post about the current status of US as below and tell me how you people may feed your very high population with high consumption and less carbon emission also? :pop:

One Child Policy is a evil policy,nobody should learn it.
This kind of policy has an negative effect on China's demography and male:female ratio. They suddenly have a ageing populations and will get hit by the demographic bomb in the imminent future.

but see what the Chinese Media says as below. your comment isn't fit with the view of Chinese national interests associated with lesser population :no:
400 million births prevented by one-child policy

(People's Daily)
Edited and translated by People's Daily Online

The global population will hit 7 billion at the end of this October, according to the 2011 State of World Population Report issued by the U.N. Population Fund on Oct. 26.

As the "Day of 7 Billion" is drawing near, reporters have learned from the National Population and Family Planning Commission that the global population grows by about 80 million people every year. Since China introduced the family planning policy over 30 years ago, the policy has prevented 400 million births, and delayed the "Day of 7 Billion" for five years.

The proportion of China's population to the world's total has dropped from 22 percent in the early stages of reform to 19 percent in 2010. Without the family planning policy, the country’s population would have already exceeded 1.7 billion.

China facing five major population problems

The first problem is the steady growth of its population. The country's population is expected to reach nearly 1.5 billion by 2020.

Second, the overall quality of population is relatively low. China's labor productivity is not only much lower than that of developed countries but also lower than some emerging economies.

Third, the issues in the population structure are outstanding. The overall sex ratio at birth is still relatively high. The aging of population is accelerating.

Fourth, China's population is becoming increasingly mobile. The next 20 to 30 years will be a period when China's urbanization is fully accelerating and China's population mobility is at the largest scale and in the most active period. There will be about 300 million people moving from villages to towns and cities in China during that period.

Fifth, the traditional function of the family is weakening. The size of families continues to shrink and the families composed only of elderly people and single-child families are accounting for larger proportions.

Stick to the birth-control policy

China will still regard the birth-control policy as a fundamental state policy and adhere to it for a long period.:tup: China will try hard to guarantee the consistency and stability of the birth-control policy and maintain its total fertility rate at around 1.8 :mps:

400 million births prevented by one-child policy - People's Daily Online
but see what the Chinese Media says as below. your comment isn't fit with the view of their national interests associated with lesser population :no:

This policy is about to be abandoned few years later.About mainstream media ,of course they say CCP policy is good.
we are here to find out why One Child Policy of CHina is a success and I welcome as many arguments as people here may give to prove it wrong. first, have a look on my post as below and tell us, "why US can't feed its 310mil population with 3 times natural resources than India with high techs and $2,2tn export also and how India and other South Asian nations may do the same?" you can be either on the high consumption side (of food, energy, products etc) or on the low consumption side as you people have limited natural resources. then here, if you can't make your countries a good example then why you people want to make your countries a bad example? please respond to my post about the current status of US as below and tell me how you people may feed your very high population with high consumption and less carbon emission also? :pop:


Do people die in the US of hunger and poverty? But any way my post was against the rude
nature of 1 child policy.
Why should parents be forced to abort a child and be sent to jail just
for having a child? There are better ways to deal with resource scarcity Like advancement in
crop genetics, cutting down of abnormally high US defence budget, implementing a tight monetary
policy and sate controlled capitalism to ensure fair share of wealth. And in my country no people
dies of poverty and hunger. We are self sufficient in food crops even under mega natural
calamities. BTW I have heard that putin wants to encourage russians to take more kids since
you guys are suffering from a negative demographic profile. I heard that russia announced
fianacial awards to couples willing to take more kids. Is that true?
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