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Oh Syria the Victory is Coming | Sheikh Muhammad Al Arifi

Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya is western made ****, Free Syrian army is self made against upression and for liberty. There is a huge difference between that.

Some Libyans would disagree. But how can you prove to me. do you remember some time ago a supposed blogger from Syria was given lots of press and then it turned out he wasn't Syrian at all

US man admits he is 'Syrian gay girl' blogger

The white western elite's military forces NATO are waging war whilst the white western countries' news media continually quote false reports that appear on fake Twitter and Facebook accounts passed off as real to justify intervention or to build up public opinion

(mathaba) A forty-year-old "student" in the USA admits he was behind a hoax that prompted a campaign for the release of "Damascus Gay blogger", used to incite insurrection in Syria, a country which is not within the white western globalist elite's orbit of occupation and holds defence agreements with Russia.

Libya, which was a neutral non-aligned country that refused to host Russian bases now regrets not doing so, as it was slated for occupation by former colonial forces now pounding the African state since almost 90 days, causing thousands of civilian deaths, maimed and injured and killing an undisclosed number of Libyan defence personnel, estimated to be in the several thousands.

The U.S. student, who is based in Scotland unmasked himself as the author of the "Gay Girl in Damascus" blogs, which charted the security crackdown in Syria, and were used by foreign media to give false reports about events in Syria, where hundreds of police officers have been massacred by insurrectionists.

Tom MacMaster, who attends Edinburgh University as a masters student, admitted on Sunday that he was "Amina Abdallah Arraf", who had described herself as a Syrian political blogger.

The Abdallah character rose to fame with her reports on the pro-reform movement which is sponsored by the globalist elite, by posting as "an out Syrian lesbian's thoughts on life, the universe and so on".

Last Tuesday, MacMaster had created another fictional character claiming to be her cousin writing on the website that Abdallah had been snatched off the street by three armed men and bundled into a car bearing a pro-government window sticker.

The report caused a wave of alarm among her gullible online followers. Supporters set up a "Free Amina Abdallah" group on the social networking site Facebook, attracting nearly 15,000 followers.

But doubts began to emerge as to whether Abdallah was real when the Electronic Intifada website connected an address provided by the online persona with MacMaster, and other media outlets such as Jazeera TV which is notorious for passing off fake social media "reports" as news, which led to the war in Libya based on nothing but fake tweets, to question Abdallah's identity.

MacMaster finally came clean in a posting on his blog on Sunday and admitted that he was the one and only author of the posts and that the character he had made up was not real.

However, he claimed he had done this because he believes that is the reality in Syria. This is a stance taken by hundreds of fake accounts supposedly based in Arab countries, but which are based in western countries and run by individuals who wish to foment chaos, because it fits the globalist agenda to allow this to occur.

Twitter and Facebook can very easily see the IP numbers and records of their users, and could have prevented the mass of fake information concerning Arab countries, and thus prevented these fake events such as "massacres by Qaddafi" in Libya leading to an opportunistic war by NATO, after being dutifully echoed by the media networks of the Arab Gulf dictatorships, such as Al-Arabiya and Jazeera.

The American is unrepentant, saying "I do not believe that I have harmed anyone - I feel that I have created an important voice for issues that I feel strongly about."

The Guardian, a British neo-liberal newspaper, said that in recent days, bloggers had uncovered evidence that pointed towards MacMaster and his wife Britta Froelicher.

MacMaster is a Middle East activist, while his wife is studying at Scotland's St Andrews University for a doctorate in Syrian economic development. #
Some Libyans would disagree. But how can you prove to me. do you remember some time ago a supposed blogger from Syria was given lots of press and then it turned out he wasn't Syrian at all

US man admits he is 'Syrian gay girl' blogger

The white western elite's military forces NATO are waging war whilst the white western countries' news media continually quote false reports that appear on fake Twitter and Facebook accounts passed off as real to justify intervention or to build up public opinion

(mathaba) A forty-year-old "student" in the USA admits he was behind a hoax that prompted a campaign for the release of "Damascus Gay blogger", used to incite insurrection in Syria, a country which is not within the white western globalist elite's orbit of occupation and holds defence agreements with Russia.

Libya, which was a neutral non-aligned country that refused to host Russian bases now regrets not doing so, as it was slated for occupation by former colonial forces now pounding the African state since almost 90 days, causing thousands of civilian deaths, maimed and injured and killing an undisclosed number of Libyan defence personnel, estimated to be in the several thousands.

The U.S. student, who is based in Scotland unmasked himself as the author of the "Gay Girl in Damascus" blogs, which charted the security crackdown in Syria, and were used by foreign media to give false reports about events in Syria, where hundreds of police officers have been massacred by insurrectionists.

Tom MacMaster, who attends Edinburgh University as a masters student, admitted on Sunday that he was "Amina Abdallah Arraf", who had described herself as a Syrian political blogger.

The Abdallah character rose to fame with her reports on the pro-reform movement which is sponsored by the globalist elite, by posting as "an out Syrian lesbian's thoughts on life, the universe and so on".

Last Tuesday, MacMaster had created another fictional character claiming to be her cousin writing on the website that Abdallah had been snatched off the street by three armed men and bundled into a car bearing a pro-government window sticker.

The report caused a wave of alarm among her gullible online followers. Supporters set up a "Free Amina Abdallah" group on the social networking site Facebook, attracting nearly 15,000 followers.

But doubts began to emerge as to whether Abdallah was real when the Electronic Intifada website connected an address provided by the online persona with MacMaster, and other media outlets such as Jazeera TV which is notorious for passing off fake social media "reports" as news, which led to the war in Libya based on nothing but fake tweets, to question Abdallah's identity.

MacMaster finally came clean in a posting on his blog on Sunday and admitted that he was the one and only author of the posts and that the character he had made up was not real.

However, he claimed he had done this because he believes that is the reality in Syria. This is a stance taken by hundreds of fake accounts supposedly based in Arab countries, but which are based in western countries and run by individuals who wish to foment chaos, because it fits the globalist agenda to allow this to occur.

Twitter and Facebook can very easily see the IP numbers and records of their users, and could have prevented the mass of fake information concerning Arab countries, and thus prevented these fake events such as "massacres by Qaddafi" in Libya leading to an opportunistic war by NATO, after being dutifully echoed by the media networks of the Arab Gulf dictatorships, such as Al-Arabiya and Jazeera.

The American is unrepentant, saying "I do not believe that I have harmed anyone - I feel that I have created an important voice for issues that I feel strongly about."

The Guardian, a British neo-liberal newspaper, said that in recent days, bloggers had uncovered evidence that pointed towards MacMaster and his wife Britta Froelicher.

MacMaster is a Middle East activist, while his wife is studying at Scotland's St Andrews University for a doctorate in Syrian economic development. #

In fyshics to formule would be like this

Mujahadeens (US MADE) ---> Al-qaida + Taliban
Libyan Rebels ---> Civilians + Western Suplied weapons

In the other hand,

FSA ---> Upressed Civilians + Freedom Hungry

Really? An articlt about a Gay syrian girls?
In fyshics to formule would be like this

Mujahadeens (US MADE) ---> Al-qaida + Taliban
Libyan Rebels ---> Civilians + Western Suplied weapons

In the other hand,

FSA ---> Upressed Civilians + Freedom Hungry

Really? An articlt about a Gay syrian girls?

sorry don't know what point you are trying to make
sorry don't know what point you are trying to make
''Some Libyans would disagree. But how can you prove to me. do you remember some time ago a supposed blogger from Syria was given lots of press and then it turned out he wasn't Syrian at all''

But then just in Fyshic Formules cause its easier and i am kind of lazy today...
why dont you or any other that support anti govt forces answer the point raise in Post 18 instead of emotive non relevant analogies

Why dont you take some history lessons and learn how Iranian People Without the help of any external force, revolted against Shah of Iran because they were being oppressed at that time but still they were minority but they successfully pulled a revolution

Now same thing is happening here in syria. Assad oppressing it's people and they are bouncing back again and again. The point you raise in post 8 will only be relevant to discuss if "EXTERNAL FORCES" do interfere in Syria until then, your post is as good as any other GENERAL point of view.
Why dont you take some history lessons and learn how Iranian People Without the help of any external force, revolted against Shah of Iran because they were being oppressed at that time but still they were minority but they successfully pulled a revolution

Now same thing is happening here in syria. Assad oppressing it's people and they are bouncing back again and again. The point you raise in post 8 will only be relevant to discuss if "EXTERNAL FORCES" do interfere in Syria until then, your post is as good as any other GENERAL point of view.

Iranian all wanted to get rid of Shah, but in Syria less then 10% want to topple Alasad but the rest all support Alasad.
This is the most recent support rally in Damascus April 07 2012

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April 5, 2012

Powerless to stop Syrian bloodbath

It is high time the Arab world stops waiting for the West to take action and moves to stop the killings by Al Assad's regime on its own

The Syrian state media's coverage of the bloodshed in the country is shameful, as it insists on denying ground realities and accuses other TV channels of fabricating news and telling lies.

At a time when most TV stations show pictures of dead people, scenes of destruction and people fleeing their homes to neighbouring countries, Syria's state television shows pictures of the dead claiming they were targeted by "terrorist groups".

The violence in Syria has dominated headlines on all TV channels, which show pictures of women and children crying over the bodies of their dead relatives. Or fleeing their homes, carrying some luggage. But Syrian television always shows pictures of the dead and wounded claiming that they are security officers who have been fired upon by "terrorist groups".

Regrettably, Syria's so-called Arab Spring has turned out to be a series of bloody events at a time when Arab officials are engaged in trading accusations and insults, and holding each other responsible for the deteriorating conditions.

The entire world stands powerless to stop the bloodbath, while the Syrian regime has not yet been held responsible for its crimes. The culprits are yet to be identified.

The Syrian media has mastered the art of fabricating stories and holding ‘terrorist groups', Al Qaida and hooligans responsible for the more than 13-month-old crisis. The Syrian media also claims that neighbouring countries help smuggle arms to terrorists and armed gangs and allow the infiltration of fighters, accusing these countries of plotting against Syria and its sovereignty and national integrity.

Syria claims that there is a universal conspiracy against it, led by the West, especially the US, and some Arab countries, particularly certain Gulf Cooperation Council states. The Syrian media portrays some Arab leaders as criminals.

The accusations of the Syrian regime are untrue, especially since the international media has been banned from Syria. The main sources of information have been private videos usually taken through cellphone cameras and uploaded on YouTube. Most TV channels rely on these videos of the violence.

International media also get their information from eyewitnesses in affected areas, and from reports and pictures taken by a few journalists who infiltrated into Syria. The crimes are being committed by the Syrian regime, namely President Bashar Al Assad and his clan, and army chiefs — most belonging to a certain sect.

This happens at a time when intelligence agencies around the world are spying on every small or big thing in Syria, even the president's personal phone calls and emails, including his calls to his wife and relatives in Syria and abroad. The sanctity of Syria has been desecrated whereas every place has been targeted by the security forces. Thousands of people have been killed and thousands of others have been wounded or displaced. What is most painful is that the killers and the victims are all Syrians.

On the economic level, the Syrian pound has lost tremendous value; the exchange rate has dropped from 45 pounds to the dollar to 120 pounds. The foreign reserves have almost vanished at a time when Syrians stand in queues in front of bakeries amid acute shortages of basic food commodities. There is no doubt that the Syrian people are the victims at a time when no one takes responsibility for this catastrophic situation.

Each party is trying to put the blame on the other. Arab regimes remain powerless. The Arabs have yet to formulate a firm and clear-cut stand on the crisis, holding one party responsible and shouldering their responsibility towards the Syrian people.

Time to act

Logically, we must reexamine the situation in Syria and take action in compliance with the Prophet Mohammad's (PBUH) hadith, in which he says: "Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one."

People asked, "O Allah's Apostle! It is alright to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?"

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "By preventing him from oppressing others."

Three parties should be held responsible for what is happening in Syria and they cannot disclaim responsibility on the Day of Judgement.

The first is the ruling regime, which has lost legitimacy after oppressing its people for more than four decades.

The second party is the Syrian people, including the elite, who kept silent in the face of the Baathist regime's injustice and tyranny, never seeking to reform it.

The third party to be held responsible for the ongoing bloodshed in Syria is the Arab regimes because they plotted with the Syrian regime for a long time and kept silent about all the regime's faults and crimes.

Now, these regimes are helpless and unable to alleviate the suffering of Syrian children and women who fled their homes and escaped from the smell of death and destruction to neighbouring countries, fearing for their lives.

Regrettably, the Arabs are still waiting for help from the West, the US and the Zionist entity, and stand powerless as Syria is unable to escape its ill fate.

Dr Khalifa Rashid Al Sha'ali is an Emirati writer who specialises in legal affairs.

gulfnews : Powerless to stop Syrian bloodbath
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ does he see a bright future for Syrians or does he see a similar victory to the one that Libyans got with assistance from America and the likes of Qatar
Yawn, dictator fairy tales. Bla bla America, Qatar, Al Qaeda.

Look at Tunisia, army refused to spill blood and there is civil change of power. In Syria he started tortures amd massacres and bloodshed leds to more blodshed. Assad cant blame anyone but himself.
Yawn, dictator fairy tales. Bla bla America, Qatar, Al Qaeda.

Look at Tunisia, army refused to spill blood and there is civil change of power. In Syria he started tortures amd massacres and bloodshed leds to more blodshed. Assad cant blame anyone but himself.
well the army is involved in syria what should we do ?
Why are you who want external forces to interfere ignore this:

Some Libyans would disagree. But how can you prove to me. do you remember some time ago a supposed blogger from Syria was given lots of press and then it turned out he wasn't Syrian at all

US man admits he is 'Syrian gay girl' blogger

The white western elite's military forces NATO are waging war whilst the white western countries' news media continually quote false reports that appear on fake Twitter and Facebook accounts passed off as real to justify intervention or to build up public opinion

(mathaba) A forty-year-old "student" in the USA admits he was behind a hoax that prompted a campaign for the release of "Damascus Gay blogger", used to incite insurrection in Syria, a country which is not within the white western globalist elite's orbit of occupation and holds defence agreements with Russia.

Libya, which was a neutral non-aligned country that refused to host Russian bases now regrets not doing so, as it was slated for occupation by former colonial forces now pounding the African state since almost 90 days, causing thousands of civilian deaths, maimed and injured and killing an undisclosed number of Libyan defence personnel, estimated to be in the several thousands.

The U.S. student, who is based in Scotland unmasked himself as the author of the "Gay Girl in Damascus" blogs, which charted the security crackdown in Syria, and were used by foreign media to give false reports about events in Syria, where hundreds of police officers have been massacred by insurrectionists.

Tom MacMaster, who attends Edinburgh University as a masters student, admitted on Sunday that he was "Amina Abdallah Arraf", who had described herself as a Syrian political blogger.

The Abdallah character rose to fame with her reports on the pro-reform movement which is sponsored by the globalist elite, by posting as "an out Syrian lesbian's thoughts on life, the universe and so on".

Last Tuesday, MacMaster had created another fictional character claiming to be her cousin writing on the website that Abdallah had been snatched off the street by three armed men and bundled into a car bearing a pro-government window sticker.

The report caused a wave of alarm among her gullible online followers. Supporters set up a "Free Amina Abdallah" group on the social networking site Facebook, attracting nearly 15,000 followers.

But doubts began to emerge as to whether Abdallah was real when the Electronic Intifada website connected an address provided by the online persona with MacMaster, and other media outlets such as Jazeera TV which is notorious for passing off fake social media "reports" as news, which led to the war in Libya based on nothing but fake tweets, to question Abdallah's identity.

MacMaster finally came clean in a posting on his blog on Sunday and admitted that he was the one and only author of the posts and that the character he had made up was not real.

However, he claimed he had done this because he believes that is the reality in Syria. This is a stance taken by hundreds of fake accounts supposedly based in Arab countries, but which are based in western countries and run by individuals who wish to foment chaos, because it fits the globalist agenda to allow this to occur.

Twitter and Facebook can very easily see the IP numbers and records of their users, and could have prevented the mass of fake information concerning Arab countries, and thus prevented these fake events such as "massacres by Qaddafi" in Libya leading to an opportunistic war by NATO, after being dutifully echoed by the media networks of the Arab Gulf dictatorships, such as Al-Arabiya and Jazeera.

The American is unrepentant, saying "I do not believe that I have harmed anyone - I feel that I have created an important voice for issues that I feel strongly about."

The Guardian, a British neo-liberal newspaper, said that in recent days, bloggers had uncovered evidence that pointed towards MacMaster and his wife Britta Froelicher.

MacMaster is a Middle East activist, while his wife is studying at Scotland's St Andrews University for a doctorate in Syrian economic development. #

Why are you who want external forces to interfere ignore this:

Some Libyans would disagree. But how can you prove to me. do you remember some time ago a supposed blogger from Syria was given lots of press and then it turned out he wasn't Syrian at all

US man admits he is 'Syrian gay girl' blogger

The white western elite's military forces NATO are waging war whilst the white western countries' news media continually quote false reports that appear on fake Twitter and Facebook accounts passed off as real to justify intervention or to build up public opinion

(mathaba) A forty-year-old "student" in the USA admits he was behind a hoax that prompted a campaign for the release of "Damascus Gay blogger", used to incite insurrection in Syria, a country which is not within the white western globalist elite's orbit of occupation and holds defence agreements with Russia.

Libya, which was a neutral non-aligned country that refused to host Russian bases now regrets not doing so, as it was slated for occupation by former colonial forces now pounding the African state since almost 90 days, causing thousands of civilian deaths, maimed and injured and killing an undisclosed number of Libyan defence personnel, estimated to be in the several thousands.

The U.S. student, who is based in Scotland unmasked himself as the author of the "Gay Girl in Damascus" blogs, which charted the security crackdown in Syria, and were used by foreign media to give false reports about events in Syria, where hundreds of police officers have been massacred by insurrectionists.

Tom MacMaster, who attends Edinburgh University as a masters student, admitted on Sunday that he was "Amina Abdallah Arraf", who had described herself as a Syrian political blogger.

The Abdallah character rose to fame with her reports on the pro-reform movement which is sponsored by the globalist elite, by posting as "an out Syrian lesbian's thoughts on life, the universe and so on".

Last Tuesday, MacMaster had created another fictional character claiming to be her cousin writing on the website that Abdallah had been snatched off the street by three armed men and bundled into a car bearing a pro-government window sticker.

The report caused a wave of alarm among her gullible online followers. Supporters set up a "Free Amina Abdallah" group on the social networking site Facebook, attracting nearly 15,000 followers.

But doubts began to emerge as to whether Abdallah was real when the Electronic Intifada website connected an address provided by the online persona with MacMaster, and other media outlets such as Jazeera TV which is notorious for passing off fake social media "reports" as news, which led to the war in Libya based on nothing but fake tweets, to question Abdallah's identity.

MacMaster finally came clean in a posting on his blog on Sunday and admitted that he was the one and only author of the posts and that the character he had made up was not real.

However, he claimed he had done this because he believes that is the reality in Syria. This is a stance taken by hundreds of fake accounts supposedly based in Arab countries, but which are based in western countries and run by individuals who wish to foment chaos, because it fits the globalist agenda to allow this to occur.

Twitter and Facebook can very easily see the IP numbers and records of their users, and could have prevented the mass of fake information concerning Arab countries, and thus prevented these fake events such as "massacres by Qaddafi" in Libya leading to an opportunistic war by NATO, after being dutifully echoed by the media networks of the Arab Gulf dictatorships, such as Al-Arabiya and Jazeera.

The American is unrepentant, saying "I do not believe that I have harmed anyone - I feel that I have created an important voice for issues that I feel strongly about."

The Guardian, a British neo-liberal newspaper, said that in recent days, bloggers had uncovered evidence that pointed towards MacMaster and his wife Britta Froelicher.

MacMaster is a Middle East activist, while his wife is studying at Scotland's St Andrews University for a doctorate in Syrian economic development. #

Why dont you respond to this post below

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ does he see a bright future for Syrians or does he see a similar victory to the one that Libyans got with assistance from America and the likes of Qatar

We want war, and we want it now

By Pepe Escobar

It was deep into the night, somewhere over Siberia, in a Moscow to Beijing flight (BRIC to BRIC?) when the thought, like a lightning bolt, began to take hold.

What the hell is wrong with those Arabs?

Maybe it was the narcotic effect of that perennially dreadful Terminal F at Sheremetyevo airport - straight out of a Brejnev gulag. Maybe it was the anticipation of finding more about the Russia-China joint naval exercise scheduled for late April.

Or it was simply another case of "you can take the boy out of the Middle East, but you can't take the Middle East out of the boy".

With friends like these ... It all had to do with that Friends of Syria (fools for war?) meeting in Istanbul.

Minister Saud al-Faisal - who seems to have a knack for sending US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton into rapture - feverishly arguing that the House of Saud, those paragons of democracy, had "a duty" to weaponize the Syrian "revolutionary" opposition.

No; this was not a Monty Python sketch.

To make sure he was milking the right cow, al-Faisal also said that the Gulf Counter-revolution Club (GCC), also known as Gulf Cooperation Council, wanted to get further into bed with the United States. Translation, if any was needed; the US-GCC tag team, as expressed by the weaponization of the Syrian "rebels", is meant to body slam Iran.

For both the House of Saud and Qatar (the other GCCs are just extras), what's goin' on in Syria is not about Syria; it's always been about Iran.

This especially applies to the Saudi pledge to flood the global oil market with a spare oil production capacity that any self-respecting oil analyst knows they don't have - or rather wouldn't use; after all, the House of Saud badly needs high oil prices to bribe its restive eastern province population into not even thinking about that Arab Spring nonsense.

Clinton got the pledge from the House of Saud in person, before landing in Istanbul. Washington's return gift was of the Pentagon kind; the GCC soon will be protected from "evil" Iran by a US-supplied missile shield. That implies that an attack on Iran may have been discarded for 2012 - but it's certainly "on the table" for 2013.

Asian nations - especially BRICS members China and India - will keep buying oil from Iran; the problem is what the European poodles will do. Other real problems are that the Kurds in northern Iraq are taking their oil off the market until Baghdad pays them the share they had agreed upon. And then there are Syria's 400,000 barrels a day, which have been dwindling over the past few months.

Still, the Saudis will keep playing the make-believe oil scenario as a gift to Washington - as the US pressures compliant European Union poodle economies and extremely wary Asians they have no reason to keep buying Iranian oil.

But then into this mess in Istanbul Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki - whose power is a direct consequence of Washington's invasion and destruction of Iraq - steps in with quite a bang.

Here it is, in his own words:

We reject any arming [of Syrian rebels] and the process to overthrow the [Assad] regime, because this will leave a greater crisis in the region ... The stance of these two states [Qatar and Saudi Arabia] is very strange ... They are calling for sending arms instead of working on putting out the fire, and they will hear our voice, that we are against arming and against foreign interference ... We are against the interference of some countries in Syria's internal affairs, and those countries that are interfering in Syria's internal affairs will interfere in the internal affairs of any country ... It has been one year and the regime did not fall, and it will not fall, and why should it fall?"

Maliki knows very well that the ongoing and already escalating weaponizing of Sunni Syrians - many of the Salafi and jihadi kind - will inevitably spill over into Iraq itself, and threaten his Shi'ite-majority government. And that irrespective of the fact that his administration supports the close Iran-Syria relationship.

Maliki, by the way, was back in power in the autumn of 2010 because Tehran deftly intervened to make sure the Sadrists would support him. To add to Maliki's anger, Qatar is refusing to extradite Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, accused of masterminding a pro-Sunni coup d'etat in Baghdad.

How green was my jihad valley
So Washington is now merrily embarking in a remix of the 1980s Afghan jihad - which, as every grain of sand from the Hindu Kush to Mesopotamia knows, led to that ghostly entity, al-Qaeda, and the subsequent, transformer "war on terror".

The House of Saud and Qatar have institutionalized that motley crew known as the Free Syrian Army as a mercenary outfit; they are now on their payroll, to the tune of $100 million (and counting). Isn't democracy wonderful - when US-allied Persian Gulf monarchies can buy a mercenary army for peanuts? Isn't it great to be a revolutionary with an assured paycheck?

Not missing a beat, Washington has set up its own fund as well, for "humanitarian" assistance to Syria and "non-lethal" aid to the "rebels"; "non-lethal" as in ultra battle-ready satellite communications equipment, plus night-vision goggles. Clinton's silky spin was that the equipment would allow the "rebels" to "evade" attacks by the Syrian government. No mention that now they have access to actionable US intelligence via a swarm of drones deployed all over Syria.

Maliki can clearly see the writing on the (Sunni) wall. The House of Saud invaded Shi'ite-majority Bahrain to protect the extremely unpopular Sunni al-Khalifa dynasty in power - their "cousins". Maliki knows that a post-Assad Syria would mean Muslim Brotherhood Sunnis in power - sprinkled with Salafi-jihadis. In his worst nightmare, Maliki sees this possible dystopian future as an al-Qaeda in Iraq remix on steroids.

So this is what the Istanbul-based "Friends of Syria" bash turned into; a shameless legitimizing - by Arabs allied with the US - of civil war in yet another Arab country. The victims will be average Syrians caught in the crossfire.

This US-GCC weaponizing entirely dissolves the United Nations Syria envoy and former secretary general Kofi Annan's six-point peace plan. The plan calls for a ceasefire; for the Syrian government to "cease troop movements" and "begin pullback of military concentrations"; and for a negotiated political settlement.

There will be no ceasefire. The Assad government accepted the plan. The weaponized "rebels" rejected it. Imagine the Syrian government beginning the "pullback of military concentrations" while swarms of weaponized "rebels" and assorted mercenaries (from Libya, Lebanon and Iraq) keep deploying their torture tactics and launching a barrage of improvised explosive devices.

I landed in Beijing eager to learn more about the upcoming joint Russia-China naval exercise in the Yellow Sea, but instead I was stuck with a Henry Kissinger op-ed in the Washington Post. [1] Here it is, in Dr K's own words:

The Arab Spring is widely presented as a regional, youth-led revolution on behalf of liberal democratic principles. Yet Libya is not ruled by such forces; it hardly continues as a state. Neither is Egypt, whose electoral majority (possibly permanent) is overwhelmingly Islamist. Nor do democrats seem to predominate in the Syrian opposition.

The Arab League consensus on Syria is not shaped by countries previously distinguished by the practice or advocacy of democracy. Rather, it largely reflects the millennium-old conflict between Shi'ite and Sunni and an attempt to reclaim Sunni dominance from a Shi'ite minority. It is also precisely why so many minority groups, such as Druzes, Kurds and Christians, are uneasy about regime change in Syria.

Well, China scholar Dr K at least got this one right (and in total agreement with Maliki, no less). A full-fledged mercenary army paid for by autocrat Arabs to overthrow an Arab government is pure and simple regime change - US rhetoric about "democracy" and "freedom" notwithstanding. It's all about classic, imperial divide and rule, profiting from pitting Sunnis against Shi'ites.

And then my divine roasted duck revealed to me that realpolitik stalwart Dr K is not getting much traction in Washington these days.
well the army is involved in syria what should we do ?
Unfortunatelly there is nothing much to do now. Assad missed the opportunity to go away peacefully. Now will be lots of blood before things in Syria settle down.

Why are you who want external forces to interfere ignore this:

Why are you who want external forces to interfere ignore this:

Why dont you respond to this post below
Assad did not show a single captured foreign fighter so far. So plz spare me of that nonsense.
Why is this topic under Turkey section?

Nobody here is going to fight for whatever who knows.

I've completely changed my mind on Syria after listening to this speaker..

I hope we (the Turks) will be the ones who are soon honoured to be the ones who will liberate our Syrian neigbors from the tryant called Assad.

Then go and join the rebels. Dont talk in the names of others. i wont mind if you get killed. Each one is on his own destiny.
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Assad did not show a single captured foreign fighter so far. So plz spare me of that nonsense.

So what. neither could the British Army when they were killing innocent Catholics in Ireland. But I suppose they were criminals. Tell me why someone with a Zionist flag supports the people of Syria??

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