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NYPD paid me to 'bait' Muslims

I think you have not scrolled the posts from the first page. Go read that and lecture it to your fellow Indians. Dnt talk naive and foolish. Now start clapping as you reported my post.

Nobody can talk Naive..they can be Naive..like you...Dont spread hatred chief..you and I dont know each other...I could have also replied like you, but I did not...You wrote something hateful about muy religion and you expect me not to report you!..I dont care what what my "Fellow Indians" posted...what I care is you picked on religion.
Since indians are given free pass to malign Islam using concocted term "Islamic terrorism", one would assume it will be ok to open a thread on hindu terrorism and shower with evidence from all over the world how how hindu terror network works.
Hindu terrorism charges force India to reflect on prejudices against Muslims

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Monday, March 14, 2011; 5:27 AM

DEWAS, INDIA - When a series of bomb attacks ripped through Muslim neighborhoods, mosques and shrines in India in recent years, suspicion fell firmly on a familiar culprit: Islamist terror. After each incident, scores of Indian Muslims were rounded up, and many were tortured. Confessions were extracted, the names of various militant "masterminds" leaked to the media and links with Pakistan widely alleged.

This Story

Hindu terrorism charges force India to reflect on prejudices against Muslims
Attacks blamed on Hindu radicals

Never mind that most of the victims were Muslims; it seemed natural to many people, from New Delhi to Washington, to assume the attacks were the work of extremist Pakistani militants and their Indian Muslim sympathizers, intent on fanning religious tensions in India and disrupting the peace process between the nuclear-armed rivals.

But those investigations, and the assumptions behind them, were turned on their head early this year by the confession of a Hindu holy man. Swami Aseemanand told a magistrate that the bomb makers were neither Pakistani nor Muslim but Hindu radicals, bent on revenge for many earlier acts of terrorism across India that had been perpetrated by Muslims.

His statement, subsequently leaked to the media, alleged that a network of radicals stretched right up to senior levels of the country's Hindu nationalist right wing. It also exposed deep-seated prejudices within the police against the country's minority Muslim population.

Ironically, the charges may also have helped India and Pakistan to get back to the negotiating table last month after relations broke down in the wake of the 2008 attacks on Mumbai.

A string of attacks

Like many Indians, Aseemanand was furious with terrorist attacks in the country carried out by Muslims. "We should answer bombs with bombs," he told a small group of Hindu extremists in June 2006, only to discover a plot was already well under way.

In the ensuing 18 months, bombs were placed on bicycles in a Muslim cemetery in the western town of Malegaon, hidden under a granite slab in a mosque in Hyderabad and left in a tiffin lunchbox in an important Sufi shrine in Ajmer, all targets Aseemanand said he suggested.

In another attack, 68 people, most of them Pakistanis, were killed when suitcases packed with explosives were placed next to gasoline bottles on a train headed from western India to Pakistan. Many of the victims were unable to escape the inferno because of bars on the train windows, and their bodies were burned beyond recognition.

Evidence that radical Hindus, including an army colonel who is suspected of supplying the technical expertise and the explosives, were behind several of these bombings began to surface more than two years ago, and several people were arrested, including Aseemanand.

But his statement is the first clear evidence that Indian Hindu terrorists were to blame for the deaths of Pakistani Muslim travelers on the Samjhauta, or Friendship, Express.

Pakistan reacted to the news with ill-disguised glee, arguing that the botched investigations and the subsequent confession confirmed its suspicions that India "lacked the courage" to prosecute radical Hindus.

In India, there was sober reflection in some quarters about prejudices against Muslims. The Hindu right's old adage, that "while not every Muslim is a terrorist, every terrorist is a Muslim," could no longer be trotted out with a straight face.

Hindu terrorism charges force India to reflect on prejudices against Muslims
that's pretty fcked up; but at the end of the day, you CANT fall for the trap!!

if he had intent to blow up the building -- that's all they need to prosecute him and put him away for a good while. I'm sure before making this grave mistake he was probably just some misguided (but non-violent) person
Muslims got the reply of what they started.

Godhra Train Burning done by Muslims (After being told that Islam is in Danger and Karsevaks are Enemies)

Kashmir - It was illegally attacked by the Pathan Terrorists who started Raping Kashmiri Woman at the Start and Indian Army over ran the terrorists and safeguarded Muslim Woman's Dignity from being tampered by Pathani Muslims.

Babri - Something happened in History and that was Corrected.

Dalit - Internal Affair of Hinduism. Nothing to do with Islam or Muslims.

A bit of historical correction here is in order .....

The Indian invasion of Indian Occupied Kashmir started much earlier than the Pathan intrusion and Pakistan Army’s involvement. It was all started by and planned in meetings between rulers of Alwar, Kapurthala and Patiala etc with Maharaja of Kashmir with complete knowledge of Indian Hindu political leaders and their supporters in Indian government.

Many of us do not even know that after the pogrom in Punjab where Muslims were killed in millions in order to ethnically cleanse the areas and change the demography, where did these marauding Hindu and Sikh hordes were sent to? Indians wouldn’t know or probably wouldn’t want to acknowledge it – these hordes were sent to Jammu to loot, rape, abduct and kill Muslims.

As planned, in the initial instance, they intended to ethnically cleanse areas of Jammu where Muslims were in minority. Between July and October 47, over 500,000 Muslims were thrown out of their homes, out of which 200,000 thousand were killed and about 300,000 were forced to emigrate to Pakistan. This was the first stage of this operation. The Pathans came to safeguard the Muslims from hordes of marauding Sikhs and fundamentalist Hindus and Pakistan Army moved in later when Indian Army had already invaded IOK.

I also have strong reservations about your other points as well.
A bit of historical correction here is in order .....

The Indian invasion of Indian Occupied Kashmir started much earlier than the Pathan intrusion and Pakistan Army¡¯s involvement. It was all started by and planned in meetings between rulers of Alwar, Kapurthala and Patiala etc with Maharaja of Kashmir with complete knowledge of Indian Hindu political leaders and their supporters in Indian government.

Many of us do not even know that after the pogrom in Punjab where Muslims were killed in millions in order to ethnically cleanse the areas and change the demography, where did these marauding Hindu and Sikh hordes were sent to? Indians wouldn¡¯t know or probably wouldn¡¯t want to acknowledge it ¨C these hordes were sent to Jammu to loot, rape, abduct and kill Muslims.

As planned, in the initial instance, they intended to ethnically cleanse areas of Jammu where Muslims were in minority. Between July and October 47, over 500,000 Muslims were thrown out of their homes, out of which 200,000 thousand were killed and about 300,000 were forced to emigrate to Pakistan. This was the first stage of this operation. The Pathans came to safeguard the Muslims from hordes of marauding Sikhs and fundamentalist Hindus and Pakistan Army moved in later when Indian Army had already invaded IOK.

any source???
No Wonder Bangladeshis are Despised by all Nationalities on PDF.

Pakistanis have requested to delete the Bangladeshi Section.

Like here:
You guys aren't getting lots of love either :confused:
any source???

The whole detail is highlighted in a book written by a very famous Pakistani writer Khan Ahmed Shuja Pasha titled, Masla e Kashmir, published in 1992 by Sang e Meel Publications, Lahore, Pakistan. He has authored more than 50 different books.
Ok guys the main trouble maker is gone as Henry the replica of Bombay Dude has got a ban!!!

Now lets get to the topic...
I find these topics really boring and a big waste of time
We should remove the indian section

they are pagans, idol and monkey worshipprs of the worst kind

our enemies, we want them out of PDF

And who the hell are you to make this decision for everyone else?

Indians are welcome members of PDF. They provide great insight and make valuable contribution to this forum.

If you want to join an all-uber Pakistani Nationalist Forum where they believe that Pakistan will be landing astronauts on the moon in 5 years, then I suggest you join the any number of Zaid Hamid related forums. :D

This Site is for serious people to debate serious issues.
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