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Now, Iran summons Indian envoy in diplomatic tit-for-tat

We can have friendship with both...

Iran and qatar are enemies. Not a chance.India already betrayed Russia,Iran for USA type allies. Enjoy the bed the khangress is making for india will again face civil war and invasion in the future. All due to the making of khangress jaichands who spit on friends and worship the rears of their enemies.
Bravo such a manly stance, actually we call it in Iran "Eating carcass". taking advantageous out of a bad situation while people are suffering from it is on the worst thing I have ever heard.

That's exactly what India has been doing to Iran, and one of the reasons the Iranians are unhappy with India.
This event is basically showing foreign policy change which started from India when they shook hands with US of A ..... Its just a reaction to the policy change .... this is not that hard to understand .....
That's exactly what India has been doing to Iran, and one of the reasons the Iranians are unhappy with India.

Here we go again, tell me the name of one country thats not taking advantage of Iran's situation.


Shipping Corp of India Expects Iran to Release Tanker Soon

NEW DELHI—India is making progress with Iran in resolving a dispute over an Indian oil tanker that was detained by Iranian naval authorities more than two weeks ago, an executive at state-run Shipping Corp. of India Ltd., the tanker's owner, said Friday.

"We are very, very hopeful. The ship may be released by [this] evening or tomorrow," the executive, who has knowledge of the negotiations, told The Wall Street Journal.

Iran detained the ship carrying crude oil from Iraq to India on Aug. 13, saying it was polluting Iranian waters. India has denied the allegation and according to Shipping Corp., the vessel wasn't in Iranian waters when it was detained.

According to media reports, Iran had demanded that Indian authorities release an Iranian merchant vessel detained 18 months ago, but the Shipping Corp. executive said the issues were unrelated and he wasn't aware of any such demand by Iranian authorities.

New Delhi and Tehran traditionally have had strong diplomatic ties, but the prolonged dispute over the tanker has raised tension on both sides, officials say.

India is one of the few destinations for Iran's oil as New Delhi and Tehran have worked out a system to skirt Western sanctions. India places rupee-denominated payments in an Indian bank to pay for oil, and the funds are debited from the account when Iran buys Indian goods that may include grains, drugs, consumer products and auto parts.
Here we go again, tell me the name of one country thats not taking advantage of Iran's situation.

Read the context of the conversation.

The context here was the interplay of Chinese v/s Indian influence in Iran, hence the observation that what the Chinese poster proposed is no different from what India is doing anyway.
I am too for Strong Iran- India Relations..............Let the respective Governments work to diffuse the Situation.........It will be better in Mutual Interest...............
Both are acting childish! Why can't they grow up and act as normal adults do?
IF india is good friend of iran,why does india have mutual defense pact with Qatar?

India is a Good Friend of Iran, Israel & Qatar................National Interest Determine friends...............
Read the context of the conversation.

The context here was the interplay of Chinese v/s Indian influence in Iran, hence the observation that what the Chinese poster proposed is no different from what India is doing anyway.

India pushing its exports to Iran in return of Iranian oil is same as China pushing its export to Iran or Pakistan pushing its "exports" to Iran in lieu of Iranian.

I don't see any parallel between what the Chinese fella was suggesting and the setup India and Iran has in place to bypass western monetary sanctions. I guess you have to be a Pakistani to be able to see that.
India pushing its exports to Iran in return of Iranian oil is same as China pushing its export to Iran or Pakistan pushing its "exports" to Iran in lieu of Iranian.

I don't see any parallel between what the Chinese fella was suggesting and the setup India and Iran has in place to bypass western monetary sanctions.

India has been using the sanctions and the Iranians' restricted currency options (INR) to push worthless Indian junk onto Iran. Iran resisted buying this worthless Indian junk all these years and ONLY increased its imports because it had a mountain of useless INR piling up and nowhere else to spend it.

Such is not the case with the Chinese Yuan. Iran's imports from China have been rising even before they switched to Yuan.

I guess you have to be a Pakistani to be able to see that.

You just have to be honest to see that.
India has been using the sanctions and the Iranians' restricted currency options (INR) to push worthless Indian junk onto Iran. Iran resisted buying this worthless Indian junk all these years and ONLY increased its imports because it had a mountain of useless INR piling up and nowhere else to spend it.

Such is not the case with the Chinese Yuan. Iran's imports from China have been rising even before they switched to Yuan.

No comments on Pakistan and its High quality exports? Why do you always speak for the Chinese? You had to defend a Chinese guys comment and now you are defending Chinese products? What about Pakistan?:woot:

You just have to be honest to see that.

No, just biased and vitriolic. Had you been honest, you d have realized that neither India is obliged to buy Iranian oil, nor Iran is obliged to buy Indian products, yet they do. It might not be the ideal situation, but its still working out for both parties involved. Don't know why this setup irks the "honest PAkistanis" so much.
No comments on Pakistan and its High quality exports? Why do you always speak for the Chinese? You had to defend a Chinese guys comment and now you are defending Chinese products? What about Pakistan?:woot:

I am not speaking for the Chinese.
I am providing a reality check that India is as much of a vulture in this setup as anyone else.

No, just biased and vitriolic. Had you been honest, you d have realized that neither India is obliged to buy Iranian oil, nor Iran is obliged to buy Indian products, yet they do. It might not be the ideal situation, but its still working out for both parties involved. Don't know why this setup irks the "honest PAkistanis" so much.

Honesty demands that we point out that India is "eating the carcass" as the Iranian guy mentioned.

You Indians thanked the post, not realizing that the description applies to India just as much.
I am not speaking for the Chinese.
I am providing a reality check that India is as much of a vulture in this setup as anyone else.

We all know who the the real hyena is in the neighborhood, so lets not go there. You are always harping on about zionist media this, zionist media that, but you were so desperate just the other day that you were quoting "western Zionist anti Iranian" website to save Iran from the vulture that India is.:lol:

Honesty demands that we point out that India is "eating the carcass" as the Iranian guy mentioned.

You Indians thanked the post, not realizing that the description applies to India just as much.

And once again, do you really think that Iran gives two shytes about what random Pakistani thinks? Do you Pakistanis think that Iranians are so dumb and naive that they can't figure these things out on their own and need the help of Pakistan?

Its like India advising Turkey about its relationship with Pakistan.
We all know who the the real hyena is in the neighborhood, so lets not go there. You are always harping on about zionist media this, zionist media that, but you were so desperate just the other day that you were quoting "western Zionist anti Iranian" website to save Iran from the vulture that India is.:lol:

Look who's hysterical.

Just in the space of a couple of posts, you have tried to run away from the topic and start talking about Pakistan, Zionists, US, and whatnot!

And once again, do you really think that Iran gives two shytes about what random Pakistani thinks? Do you Pakistanis think that Iranians are so dumb and naive that they can't figure these things out on their own and need the help of Pakistan?

Why are you throwing a tantrum because someone pointed out the truth?

Address the issue instead of showing to everyone how desperate you are by running around all over the place.
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