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North Korean Women Allow To Marry Chinese And Foreigner Living In China

For a million dollars there are lots more options other than North Korean women. Koreans are not known for their looks.

Korean plastic surgery on the other hand.......

Will produce "Korean looks" and 100K rich Chinese women flock to Seoul to abandon their traditional "Chinese looks" and get that "Korean looks" a year.

These girls are trained courtesans, spies too perhaps, selected by their government based on beauty, intelligent and well mannerism and if history is a guide they are highly valued in the Oriental male dominated societies. If they are well trained by the traditional Chinese style 'green houses' (青楼) a million dollar is a bargain for some high flying business men because they too can assist and enhance their husbands images in the business world where public relations count the most. A wife to stay home to cook and take care the kids is no longer a model wife these days.
If you are thinking the Korean actress look that you see on TV, then you are not getting any because North Korea has a different beauty standard and their idea of "beauty" is not what you would get.
those numbers are completely untrustworthy. cant believe you guys believe a one million dollar price tag quote.

first lets discuss what is actually happening. north korean refugees, majority who are women, are sucked into the chinese sex slave industry. Now the bulk of the chinese criminals are ethnic Koreans living by the border of Korea. But some North Koreans sell themselves out of desperation and some "buyers" are simple naive peasants who get their money stolen anyway.

Essentially, many ethnic Korean women from China wind up marrying poor south korean farmers. in turn poor ethnic korean chinese farmers are marrying north korean refugees. now marrying north korean women is technically illegal in china, but the government looks the other way as its not really a problem.

but north koreans are even more proud than south koreans and chinese who are some of the worst national chauvinist racists in the world along with the japanese. (welcome to east asia.). they say people with absolutely nothing only have their pride left and that is north korea. which is why we hear reports of north koreans forcing abortions on north korean women.

however north korean leaders run their country like the mafia and have come to realize that pimping is a valuable way to make foreign currency. The Chinese also used to run their government like this and in many ways they continue to have this sort of way of running government, so naturally chinese leaders are sympathetic to what the. orth koreans do.

in anycase, a small country of 20 million cannot possibly alleviate the gender imbalance of 1 billion people. actual "black market" rate for. orth korean women is lot less than twenty thousand dollars from what i hear. and despite what some previous chinese jingoist said before as some korean chauvinists say, korean people dont look all that different from chinese on the border area to china. there have been a lot of inter marrying going over there. china is a big country. dont assume everyone in china look like they are from the south.
While getting loyal 20 year old girl for lifetime and for only $47,130 can be easilly called sweet deal but if next payment is 1 mil or buyer need live in north korea then deal out of question.North koreans can not be considered among most beautiful races after all..
If you are thinking the Korean actress look that you see on TV, then you are not getting any because North Korea has a different beauty standard and their idea of "beauty" is not what you would get.

I rarely look at Korea women on TV knowing that they not real and rather enjoy the natural beauties with minimal makeups. To judge a woman's one has to combine her exterior and interior beauty, her age, heart, intelligent and poise. One can not put a number on her beauty but rather use one's feeling to judge her and everyone's judgement is different.
1 million quite high for dowry. If I had $400,000 usd, I can marry a beautiful girl from Viet Nam. The price package include monthly shelter, food, and allowance for her. The marriage is supposed to last 10-15 years until her beauty fades out. :no::P
Will produce "Korean looks" and 100K rich Chinese women flock to Seoul to abandon their traditional "Chinese looks" and get that "Korean looks" a year.
Just because you have a highly developed plastic industry, does not mean your people look good. For a million dollars there are a few dozen countries on earth I'd go to for a woman before giving Koreans any consideration. I find any women that goes through the surgery to all look alike, and find it repulsive.

PS: South Korea is just behind Ethiopia on my list. Keep up the good work with manufactured women and one day you might surpass it.

If you are thinking the Korean actress look that you see on TV, then you are not getting any because North Korea has a different beauty standard and their idea of "beauty" is not what you would get.
I've seen South Korean standard of "beauty", and it looks like they all came from the same knife.
What a perverse and crazy system, this country North Korea!

Indo-Asian News Service | Updated: June 28, 2012 09:59 IST
North Korea girl dies saving Kim portraits

Pyongyang: North Korean officials have posthumously honoured a 14-year-old girl who drowned in a flood while trying to save portraits of leaders Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il, RIA Novosti reported.
Han Hyon-Gyong, a schoolgirl from the eastern province of South Hamkyong, died on June 11 as she tried to take the portraits out of her flooded home, the Rodong Sinmun newspaper said on its website.
The paper said Han's parents and school teachers also received awards.
North Korea will encourage transnational marriages between North Korean women and Chinese or foreign entrepreneurs currently living in China and offer incentives to them in the name of attracting foreign investment, South Korea's Korea Joongang Daily reported Friday.

The North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity (NKIS), a group of North Korean dissidents resident in South Korea, claimed that entrepreneurs who want to marry North Korean beauties need to pay a deposit of $47,130 to get permission from North Korean authorities, the report said.

After the entrepreneurs become "sons-in-law" of North Korea, the country will provide various investment proposals for them.

If a deal cannot be reached, North Korea will impose an additional fee of $1 million on these entrepreneurs.

A source who is helping push forward transnational marriages between Chinese and North Korean citizens revealed that female candidates aged between 20 and 25 are selected by the North Korean government and Workers' Party. They are mainly from the financial department of the party or North Korea's supreme headquarters, the report added.

The NKIS said that North Korea's promotion of transnational marriages at a national level proves that the country is in urgent need of attracting foreign investment to cope with its economic downturn.

N.Korea promoting overseas marriages to draw foreign investment - Globaltimes.cn

I guess that will ease the gender imbalance in China a little, I hope.

Close this thread, b'cos it doesn't serve well to promote unity and harmony in our neighbourhood.
China is not that desperate now and still has plenty of women. I do not think NK women are that attractive for that amount. BTW, who the hell want to marry a fat kim worshiper?
Considering the schemes the NK regime goes through regularly....i thought maybe this could be a scam too, but i would have to know divorce laws in NK. ie do both parties get 50:50.

If so, who is to say that after a year or two, when you actually invest, the wife you bought for a million $ (lol, so funny), just doesnt file for divorce in NK court, naturally she is granted one, regime picks 50% of whatever you invested in NK, perfectly legally. And the same woman can be reused for the next guy.

This sort of popped into my mind after reading the steel mill thingy in the other thread.

Close this thread, b'cos it doesn't serve well to promote unity and harmony in our neighbourhood.

You must be the supporter of free speech and president of the debating class.
Any bets who is going to close this thread I vote on Zakii. :D
Any bets who is going to close this thread I vote on Zakii. :D

Why there is a need to close the thread, I don't see any usual 'hate' arguments here. This thread serve the purpose of educating people how a few men's decisions can effect the lives of many, for better or for worse.
I doubt the success rate of this nonsense. the threshold is so high and the consequence could be very punishing. Most of the folks who look for a wife in DPRK cannot afford the asking price. If they have the money, they can find one in China!
does chinese govt provide women for sale too?
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