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Norouz at the tomb of Cyrus the Great


Mar 15, 2011
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Somebozo, dont pretend to love the persian culture. Your goal is just again to spread some anti Iran BS.
The Persian mullahs in Iran are our own Persians and like persiangod said when the people decide it is time to take them out it will be time. But for now we need to get self sufficient in all fields and these ''mullahs'' are helping us to achieve that.
dont worry about the mullas and ayotaollas.

if the PERSIAN think they need to we will get rid of them. but only we.

right now we need them because we want to become self sufficient in everything, and a pro-western regime will just ruin that plan.

You can do much better without this regime..iran was far better under the shah
You can do much better without this regime..iran was far better under the shah
not really, there were just social freedoms but the country was puppet of US. The people then decided to wipe them out of the country. dont ruin this topic, this topic is for people who understand Iran and its culture. take your garbage somewhere else
thanks for sharing
its beautiful

request to my Persian friends
please keep the discussion civil
avoid Arab- Persian racism

dont respond to trolls
dont respond to haters

make your point in a civil manner only then you can prove that you are the worthy of your great past.

power to you all
Yeah, instead, just blow up everyone else. Very civil and reasonable, indeed.

And as you said, English created najdi cult was closely tied to haran, of course.
But ours goes back 1400 years ago to household of the prophet sAwa.

How do you like these kinds of posts now?

now you see how the Saudis feel when they are trolled with anti Saudi comments? I am not endorsing the bigotry you are facing by the person you quoted.

but its just a case in point that why shouldn't anyone use this forum to settle the sectarian and nationalistic hatred with each other.

differing Ideology and different Point of view can be discussed very gracefully. you will get the nods and thanks from everyone.

if someone is not quitting from trolling then instead of responding to him. report him.

Irfan, have you ever seen me to be the first one to make such a comment?

Whenever I made such comments was just in reaction to their bigotary.

I will never be the first one to start such a sectarian heat (in sha Allah), as I consider it betrayal to Islam.
But sometimes I find it very difficult to keep quite, when they start it. Sometimes I think giving them a taste of their poison might get them seated in their place.

May Allah forgive us all.

Iran is the only tolerant country in Middle East, you see women in jeans with their faces showing, along with some of their hair sticking out. They are neither nude like western women nor are they completely covered up like in Arab countries, you see men groomed well, everyone is modestly dressed. Really nice.
not meant to interfere in iranian matters, its their own life, but should i ask, we in pakistan, bangladesh turkey etc etc gave up all our non muslim celebrations etc but its only 'islamic republic of iran' who celebrates this? isnt it hypocrisy?? and forgive me if some iranian feels offense

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