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Non Line of sight weapons & the Future soldier

Infanterist der Zukunft (English: "Infantryman of the future") is the German Bundeswehr's program as part of the Future Soldier project. It is a modular, integrated fighting system designed to provide significant lethality, survivability, mobility, battle command, and training to the German infantryman. It is being developed by EADS Defence Electronics and Rheinmetall-Detec


Soldiers from the Future Combat Systems, Evaluation Brigade Combat Team, at a live demonstration February 1, 2007 at Fort Bliss, Texas.


The future infantry soldier technology (FIST) programme is being managed by the dismounted close combat integrated project team at the UK Ministry of Defence Procurement Agency at Abbey Wood, Bristol.

The five main areas of FIST capability are C4I, lethality, mobility, survivability and sustainability. - Image - Army Technology

Future Soldier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Grand Daddy of the Corner Shot:

Stg / mp44 fitted with a curved barrel and mirror.

Caliber:7.92x33 mm (7.92mm Kurz)
Action: Gas operated, tilting bolt
Overalllength: 940 mm
Barrel length: 419 mm
Weigth: 5.22 kg
Rate of fire: 500 rounds per minute
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
The Grand Daddy of the Corner Shot:

Stg / mp44 fitted with a curved barrel and mirror.

Caliber:7.92x33 mm (7.92mm Kurz)
Action: Gas operated, tilting bolt
Overalllength: 940 mm
Barrel length: 419 mm
Weigth: 5.22 kg
Rate of fire: 500 rounds per minute
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds

This gun actually went into service?

Just shows how old this concept is, and since when people have been trying to achieve it!
and nobody mentions Aselsan korsan :)

This one works with two different types of thermal sights made by Aselsan.

You can use these sights directly or plug the Korsan in :)
This gun actually went into service?

Just shows how old this concept is, and since when people have been trying to achieve it!
The STG 44, father of AK47. the first assault rifle of the world.
Before that there were only SMGs firing pistol rounds around, Thompson M1A1 was a .45 and MP40 was a 9x19mm Parabellum.

It's not surprising actually, some of great inventions at that time like Mauser C19(she's a revolutionary design btw) may look like a piece of junk in these days. Not everything works well, looks cool.

M1911 still looks very cool though, I guess John Browning was one of the lucky basterdz :)
Israel; IDF to introduce soldier optronic IFF to prevent battlefield fratricide
IDF will equip front infantry troops with infrared markers – designed to achieve 'friend or foe' identification during combat. The mrkers were developed by local TAR Ideal in collaboration with IDF special units.

The PRO TL5 is based on infrared technology - red and visible light. Is mounted onto a helmet, weapons or clothing warrior. Weight of the marker is a hundred grams, including batteries, and is resistant to water and humidity, as well as against blows or falls.

The TL5 PRO allows to distinguish between fellow predator by the use of a night or no means

Israel; IDF to introduce soldier optronic IFF to prevent battlefield fratricide

German soldiers- Gladius



Russia to make own 'future soldier' gear in 3 years
Future Soldier System Equipment Delivered To Bundeswehr
Air Warrior Program

Air Warrior Block 2

Air Warrior is the U.S. Army’s next-generation aircrew ensemble, with the final product intended to provide life support, ballistic protection, and nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) protection in mission-configurable modules, and is being developed with interoperability in mind. The system consists of components integrated to maximize safe aircraft operation and sustain aircrews throughout the flight environment.
Block 1 of the Air Warrior system provided an initial system capability including the development, procurement, and fielding of a micro climate cooling system, an integrated survival gear and ballistic protection system, improved over-water protective equipment, and a light-weight chemical and biological protection ensemble. The ongoing Block 2 technology insertion program provides an Electronic Data Manager and an Aircrew Wireless Intercom System.
General Dynamics C4 Systems is the Block 3 Systems Integrator. The Block 3 system is focused on increasing force effectiveness by improving situational awareness and survivability with features similar to those of the Headgear Subsystem.
The Air Warrior Block 3 system is intended to be compatible with multiple helicopter types, including the CH-47 Chinook, OH-58D Kiowa Warrior, AH-64 Apache and UH-60 Blackhawk. Additional Block 3 capabilities are being defined through the requirements analysis and roadmap phase.

Air Warrior Block 3

Operational Capabilities Enabling Aircrew to Accomplish Assigned Missions in All Battlefield Conditions
Microclimate Cooling allows for extended flight time in MOPP4 Integrated helmet system across all platforms; includes improved hearing protection, Day/Night HMD, advanced NVG, maxillofacial shield, passive and agile laser eye protection, nuclear flash protection and external audio Hands-free wireless intercom communications between dismounted aircrew members and pilots Tailorable NBC protection for all levels of MOPP configurations Water survival capabilities include a low profile floatation collar, an integrated one-man raft, oxygen supply for emergency underwater breathing and an anti-exposure suit Survival gear carrier is fully compatible with ballistic protection body armor Tailorable placement for personal defensive weapon and survival/egress knife Electronic data manager increases situational awareness; integrates with BFT on aircraft and AMPS mission planning system Survival radio for secure position reporting and over the horizon communications capability Extraction harness and safety restraint integrated with survival gear carrier Enhanced survivability of aircrews via improved flame and chemical/biological protection Hands-free breakaway connections for emergency egress Tailorable to support operations in all geographic regions and environmental conditions and to accommodate varying threat levels

Air Warrior Program

Air Warrior Block 2

Air Warrior is the U.S. Army’s next-generation aircrew ensemble, with the final product intended to provide life support, ballistic protection, and nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) protection in mission-configurable modules, and is being developed with interoperability in mind. The system consists of components integrated to maximize safe aircraft operation and sustain aircrews throughout the flight environment.
Block 1 of the Air Warrior system provided an initial system capability including the development, procurement, and fielding of a micro climate cooling system, an integrated survival gear and ballistic protection system, improved over-water protective equipment, and a light-weight chemical and biological protection ensemble. The ongoing Block 2 technology insertion program provides an Electronic Data Manager and an Aircrew Wireless Intercom System.
General Dynamics C4 Systems is the Block 3 Systems Integrator. The Block 3 system is focused on increasing force effectiveness by improving situational awareness and survivability with features similar to those of the Headgear Subsystem.
The Air Warrior Block 3 system is intended to be compatible with multiple helicopter types, including the CH-47 Chinook, OH-58D Kiowa Warrior, AH-64 Apache and UH-60 Blackhawk. Additional Block 3 capabilities are being defined through the requirements analysis and roadmap phase.

Air Warrior Block 3

Operational Capabilities Enabling Aircrew to Accomplish Assigned Missions in All Battlefield Conditions
Microclimate Cooling allows for extended flight time in MOPP4 Integrated helmet system across all platforms; includes improved hearing protection, Day/Night HMD, advanced NVG, maxillofacial shield, passive and agile laser eye protection, nuclear flash protection and external audio Hands-free wireless intercom communications between dismounted aircrew members and pilots Tailorable NBC protection for all levels of MOPP configurations Water survival capabilities include a low profile floatation collar, an integrated one-man raft, oxygen supply for emergency underwater breathing and an anti-exposure suit Survival gear carrier is fully compatible with ballistic protection body armor Tailorable placement for personal defensive weapon and survival/egress knife Electronic data manager increases situational awareness; integrates with BFT on aircraft and AMPS mission planning system Survival radio for secure position reporting and over the horizon communications capability Extraction harness and safety restraint integrated with survival gear carrier Enhanced survivability of aircrews via improved flame and chemical/biological protection Hands-free breakaway connections for emergency egress Tailorable to support operations in all geographic regions and environmental conditions and to accommodate varying threat levels

He looks like the guys from Game HALLO
burden a trooper with this many doodads and doohikkies and he will be become confused and even might end up defeated...thats what happened to a German "Future Warfighter" package about two years ago.....unarmed spec ops guys picked the electronically advanced squad off one by one in that excercise....dont have a link here with me otherwise I would post it.

Future Soldier System Equipment Delivered To Bundeswehr

this guy is the only one wearing a practical helmet.....those new Combat Helm 2's are useless as veterans have been complaining of splinter wounds near the ears and upper neck area....which these larger helms used to defeat.

Just love that Waffen SS style pea *** camo.

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