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No More Gurkhas For Indian Army As Nepal FM Declares 1947 Treaty "Redundant"

Gurkhas dont just live in nepal

We can do without the 6000 Nepali Gurkhas serving in Indian Army
That still leaves 40000 Gurkhas who were born in India

If Nepal does rewoke the friendship treaty
Then the only impact will be on the night watchmen and Momos industry
Absolutely correct there are more than 20 million Gurkhas in India....
As a highly educated, urban latte sipping intellectual, here's my take -

  1. Meh. There are a billion more losers to hire from.
  2. Post 1800, Gurkha martial prowess is as useful as muh Rajput martial prowess, ie. irrelevant.
  3. Nepalis are Hindu. So no matter how much shit they fling, BJPcels won't do anything.
  4. Nepal will remain a s**thole unless they curb their Hinduism.
  5. Nepal will forever remain dependent on India for transit.
Gurkhas dont just live in nepal
We all know how happy they are with India the ones that live there!

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