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"Never Forget National Humiliation" 74th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre

how exactly does this statement apply? want to try again?

That was pretty self explanatory. That other poster first said Indians have a positive image of Japan because of the WW2 issues between China and Japan. Thats plain retarded logic thinking that what anyone does or feels is somehow related to motherland china.

Get over yourselves will you, all this humiliation drama and the claims of superiority really are just two sides of the same coin.
Personally think no need to bring up such topic here.
Our own wound, our own care. We just bear in mind, forever.

Hope other Chinese posters here won't follow anymore.(anyway if you like, it's up to you)
I guess you would also say sharing a husband with other women is simply just a tradition, right???

If burqa is just one type of clothes, why would women are forced to cover themselves with burqas in saudi, kuwait, afghanistan and many other areas of muslim countries, or will have to face with serious punishments???

Who the hell give those muslim men such rights to do so??? If they are in love with the burqa so much. Why the heck don't they wear it themselves???

Get rid of your ill traditions before you accuse the world "misunderstanding" you.

Actually it's only in Saudi, Iran and some parts of Afghanistan, you can wear bikini in Kuwait and UAE and other muslim countries
I agree.. but india is one of the countries that has been continuosly mauled by foreign powers in the last 1000 years. Should we expect for an apology from the descendents of the barbaric islamic invaders, or the sly ruthless British? We wont get any response. Best way is to do what you are doing now. build again and be strong. when you build up resentment its not good fgor the heart and mind, thats medically proven

Your ignorance is epic, it's fact that many sindhis chose to convert because the muslims ruled them kindly and justly
Personally think no need to bring up such topic here.
Our own wound, our own care. We just bear in mind, forever.

Hope other Chinese posters here won't follow anymore.(anyway if you like, it's up to you)

To this day, many Japanese believe that stories of atrocities in Nanking are exaggerations and lies。so We chinese should never forget the outrage committed by the Japanese invaders and show this phase of truth history to the world .
Individuals have short memories... NATIONS NEVER FORGET...........I share the emotions of Houshanghai........... 71 they accuse us of killing 3 million bangalis.... fake bs... called us NAZIs... created a proxy,invaded our lands... We will give them a taste of their own med...
My grandparents till the day they died always had a bitterness against the Japanese for the way they treated us during their short two year occupation.

Beheading people in school compounds, shooting anyone suspected of being a traitor, the barbarity was unparalleled, unseen before in this part of the world.

We have already forgiven them, but forget. Never will.

It'll be a lesson for us on never allowing the fate of our nation to be determined by others. I speak solely on behalf of my country, but I'm sure the Chinese feel the same way too.
If controlling a land (Tibet) for more than 400 years by China is still dubious to you, let me remind you a country called U.S. was founded way after that. Another country called india was even founded more than 300 years later.

Such stupid remarks as yours do not deserve starting any conversation.

China's claim over Tibet itself is dubious .... leave alone "south" tibet. A fancy term coined by imaginations in China.

Anyway, what about Aksai Chin (Ladakh). Why is China still occupying Aksai China .... which it encroached upon during 1950s.

China self-marked it's boundaries with the "Great Wall of China" .. to protect itself since ancient times. So, why is China in occupation of Xinjiang / East Turkestan? Why is it in occupation of Tibet ... and part of Mongolia (Inner Mongolia) ????

---------- Post added at 09:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 AM ----------

The war of Japanese invading China was an act of state with the entire nation participating
directly and indirectly at their own willingness through the whole process.

It is so true. China used to lower the accused part to the military side of japs for the invasion. However, the whole japs was into the war with such enthusiasm, no matter men, women, old, young, all joint together to help the invasion. If there were still any with conscience then, the number of such japanese would be just be like a small drop in the ocean.

The war of Japanese invading China was an act of state with the entire nation participating
directly and indirectly at their own willingness through the whole process.

An example:
There was a women organization called "The national defense women committee" with more
than ten million members across Japan in support of their so-called " Holy War" at the inspiration
of one female "martyr" committing suicide at the eve of her husband leaving for the looting
battlefield in China in early 1930s in order to encourage him to fight recklessly and relentlessly.
With other similar organizations, almost all Japanese women strove to serve the war wholeheartedly.

Upon occupying Nanjing and afterwards slaughtering, more than eight hundred thousand Japanese people gathered and celebrated in ecstasy in front of the Japanese Imperial Palace.

What an innocent and ignorant nation!
The overwhelmingly majority of the nation just justified their invading, looting, killing, and
called this "holy"!

Maybe You'd like to say it is a history, past is past.
But what happens nowadays?
The obdurately refusing to admit the Nanjing Massacre, describing the invading war mistakenly
on purpose, and constantly visiting the Yasukuni Shrine enshrining the A-class war criminals by
Japanese top politicians even the prime ministers.

Japan is a democratic country meaning their government representing their own people,
and the ordinary people are entitled to their say in their policies.

Now, anybody can guarantee that one day the same thing happens, the ordinary Japanese
people will act opposed to their government or just act the same as they did in the war of
Japanese invading China?
That was pretty self explanatory. That other poster first said Indians have a positive image of Japan because of the WW2 issues between China and Japan. Thats plain retarded logic thinking that what anyone does or feels is somehow related to motherland china.

Get over yourselves will you, all this humiliation drama and the claims of superiority really are just two sides of the same coin.

1962 was a grain of sand on the beach compared to what japan did and we all know how you indians feel about china for that. perhaps china should do something similar to the atrocities of japan to your country in the next sino-indian war and we'll see how you get over it. :agree:

look up how americans felt about the recent japanese tsunami and earthquake, and see how well they got over pearl harbor.
US still cannot get over with the 3000 living souls in Pearl Harbor, meanwhile China cannot forget the 300000 people we lost in the Nanjing Massacre is an act of hatemonger?
You just do not understand the issue here.

It is not about wearing it, but forced to wearing it.

If women in those muslim countries can freely make choice whether wearing it or not wearing it without any consequence, I do not think there would be such outcry against it. Of course, I do not believe you see every women there wearing burqas as well either.

In many of those countries, women are threatened with various punishments if they do not cover themselves with burqas by those fxxk-uped muslim males and the governments either give the males the right to do so or do nothing to protect those women.

In the end, it is not about wearing bikini or other types of clothes, but about freedom to make their own choice.

Actually it's only in Saudi, Iran and some parts of Afghanistan, you can wear bikini in Kuwait and UAE and other muslim countries
Why don't you make the exact reference what you are talking about which post and poster exactly? From what I can remember, it is the indian member who said they still have positive image since japs have supported them over british and gave them good electronics, even after learning the WWII atrocities done to China by those japs.

From what I can see, it is that indian member who got his own logic fxxked-up and got his own basic sense of right and wrong fxxked-up.

That was pretty self explanatory. That other poster first said Indians have a positive image of Japan because of the WW2 issues between China and Japan. Thats plain retarded logic thinking that what anyone does or feels is somehow related to motherland china.

Get over yourselves will you, all this humiliation drama and the claims of superiority really are just two sides of the same coin.
Noting China can Do even if they want Japan to pay the past it will not happen.

A retard like you just could not read. Is this topic for China's revenge against those japs or China's own memorial and self-warning against herself???

What is that different for U.S. "day of infamy" ceremony each year??? How about those ceremonies worldwide for WWII???
Noting China can Do even if they want Japan to pay the past it will not happen.

diplomatically no, militarily yes. the time to get revenge would be during the next big war. japan brought this upon themselves. you simply cannot commit such horrifying atrocities and think you can get away with it. the indians call it karma. we call it revenge.
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