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Nepal bans religious conversion in new draft constitution

Yup We got it ... Finally UPA effect on Nepal is falling off... Evanglist have Lobbied hard for this to Sonia Mata...

Next is Nepal a Hindu State again inline...
The draft states that “any act which may be contrary to public health, public decency or morality or incitement to breach public peace or act to convert another person from one religion to another or any act or behavior to undermine or jeopardize the religion of each other is not allowed and such act shall be punishable by law.”

That's quite reasonable as far as I'm concerned. Money plays a significant role in Religious conversions.
I've personally witnessed it. Besides, who cares what's your 'religion' section on a piece of paper reads.
This cant be done in India as it goes against Freedom of religion which is a fundamental human right according to the constitution.
The people in Pakistan converted to Islam en mass which included from to top to bottom rings of the society.
And then destroyed their own temples en masse, looted all treasury of themselves en masse, left their cultures en masse, adopted a different culture en masse and built mosques en masse etc etc. Splendid achievement for a non homogeneous people.

This cant be done in India as it goes against Freedom of religion which is a fundamental human right according to the constitution.
It can be done. Freedom to practice can be granted while banning conversion from one to another (except Indian faiths). We will reach there, don't/do worry. :)
Their countries, their rules. Foreign NGO's have no say in this. If the people want a ban law, then they will get it.

Christian groups have become so powerful in money and media terms really. They should lobby in Iran and Saudi Arabia first :D

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