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Nearly 4 in 5 Pakistanis say that they have not watched any Indian movies in the past year: Gallup & Gilani Pakistan

You stopped following Indian movies 10 years ago, but still you are aware of the plot, language, glamour etc in Indian movies. So do you follow or do you not?
As i said i recently watched one odd on netlfix.
Meanwhile in last 1 year number of **** reaction channel grew up to 300%… and guess the content they are reacting to???
Meanwhile in last 1 year number of **** reaction channel grew up to 300%… and guess the content they are reacting to???
most of the quality Indian contents are on Netflix, amazon prime, disney and hotstar. I wonder are these even available to avg. Pakistanis unlike majority Indian who get these app (forcibly) bundled with data packs and broadband connection. Almost all movies release happened on online platforms only as theatres were all closed due to covid. Lets see how the "survey"reacts when covid restriction are lifted.
I have never watched a bollywood movie or a drama in my entire life. Hollywood movies have better storylines and acting. I don't want to sit through a 4 hour movie and watch people sing and dance randomly between scenes. Whoever likes this good for them but I've got things to be doing with my time.
I have never watched a bollywood movie or a drama in my entire life. Hollywood movies have better storylines and acting. I don't want to sit through a 4 hour movie and watch people sing and dance randomly between scenes. Whoever likes this good for them but I've got things to be doing with my time.
Your statement is oxymoronic. How can we compare something which you have not experienced?
And also, we are not talking of Bollywood alone but any Indian content.

Alhamdolillah growing up and till date we never had the curse of dish/cable TV bombarded with Indian channels at our home. Grew up watching PTV and 2,3 other channels that we used to have. I have barely seen any India TV/ Drama or show all my life and neither do I plan to watch in future.

I don't find any of the Khans to be iconic, neither I find any film or tv people charismatic or impressive in any way. 90% of my media consumption is youtube. Some good series from netflix and that's it.
Seriously I can safely say last Indian movie I watched was 20 years ago, hence I never watch Bollywood.

My platform revolves around Matrix and between Avatar type movies.
Pakistan should start producing higher quality content of its own.

It's also really stupid that even when I wanted to watch certain Pakistani movies, I was not able find them anywhere. Sometimes these movies were released more than a few years ago.
I hadnt watched an Indian movie for more than 15yrs until i watched Panipat this year on Netflix, just to see how badly Indians portrayed Pukhtoons.
Have never ever have watched an indian film, program or anything indian for that matter. Nor will I ever. The closest thing I have watched is the film ghandi staring Ben Kingsley.
I hadnt watched an Indian movie for more than 15yrs until i watched Panipat this year on Netflix, just to see how badly Indians portrayed Pukhtoons.
Pukhtoons were depicted in a fair light in the movie.
As per the movie, Abdali came on the invitation on some Indian rulers, tried to avoid bloodshed through negotiation, did a clean war without treachery, was humble and respectful to opponents even after victory, went back to govern his own land.
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