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NATO declares support for GNA in Libya.

You misunderstood my post, all am saying is let the pandemic be over and then we can go back to our normal lives which includes wars & operations....Counter Extremism, Counter Insurgency & CT

France,Russia,Egypt,The Uae and their terrorist HAFTAR dont care about pandemic

We never allow bandit countries in Libya
Greece supports Haftar and Greece is NATO. Greece will veto any NATO effort to militarily attack LNA in Libya. This is Stoltenberg's lip service to placate Turkey, nothing else.
I've been confused about this conflict from the very beginning on who's side is who. :(
Very simple to understand!!! It's always the same actors in different names!! In general, it's Hak vs Ba'til...

What do you think is the outcome when MBS/MBZ/Sisi team up with France/Greece at the behest of their Satanic Masters????
There is no Veto in NATO, it's based on consensus and dialogue.
Is this authentic news? I dont think NATO will provide any military help but this gives legitimacy to Turkey to use full force.
Turkey have settled for less in Syria and should not make same mistake, thus should be quick and decisive to end haftar before others join fully.
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