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you 3 people open another thread and sort out your personal issues.. looks like a hate triangle...:hitwall:
Naa...ignore it. I already have headache. :D

@Hyperion Save your Minister. Call our assassin. :D
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Some are directly bigot and some are stealthy bigot ie @KRAIT as using jeff dunham jokes to show their bigotry on conversion.


We should rename Krait to RSS-Krait. Or Sanghi-Krait, or Rashtriya Krait. :haha:

Don't spoil the fun here. If you want to take jibes at krait do it staying within the framework of Naswar Korner. Its a place for mazaaaa... ajtr baji. Aap chill maro.
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Also @ajtr you are not supposed to insult race here. Pashtuns have a very rich culture and history. You should stop being abusive to others. I read some of the post and felt loathing for you. What kind of post is that?
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I am a reformed-sanghi... trying my best to reform @KRAIT.... :flame:

:D Sangh means organization right?
@Talon we have a new name for @KRAIT. Rashtriya Swami Krait, Rashtriya Krait, Krait Sangh Parivar... nyone think of anything else? :D

yar 12 pm pe utha ...sar ghoom raha ha

Trust me these days I feel so weak I am usually shivering. Don't knw why... :S
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I am a reformed-sanghi... trying my best to reform @KRAIT.... :flame:

Why don't you take the role of ice-breaker... something new on PDF. Make a request to webbie. Your job can be to relieve tensions and stop fights from breaking out.
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Why don't you take the role of ice-breaker... something new on PDF. Make a request to webbie. Your job can be to relieve tensions and stop fights from breaking out.

and lose my god given right to troll?... I dont do it as often now a days.. but reserve the right..

I am not a Sanghi. I have my own issues with this organization. I like and hate many things about it.
would it be accurate to call you a nationalist?
and lose my god given right to troll?... I dont do it as often now a days.. but reserve the right..

would it be accurate to call you a nationalist?

You will reserve it. Because your job will be to make friends and relieve tension. You won't stop trolling. Your job will be to relieve tension in serious debates. I gave the idea to webbie, he rejected. You can send PM and try. I'd like you and armstrong for that role.
Also @ajtr you are not supposed to insult race here. Pashtuns have a very rich culture and history. You should stop being abusive to others. I read some of the post and felt loathing for you. What kind of post is that?
Rather you should loath yourself and feel self pity at your identity crisis.identity less person.You behave as if someone has just breached your identity and reminded you of some true hard realities of your life.
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