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Naswar Corner

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That doesn't discount the fact that it is 'your interpretation' of farz or the dress code ! No one is arguing that praying 5 times a day isn't obligated...we're talking about a piece of garment !

And it isn't the religiosity or the irreligiosity of a person that determines whether what he is saying is reasonable or not...it is reason ! And what you guys are saying is unsubstantiated by the Koran & is purely your interpretation of what God wants us to do - Read the article & the links that Zarvan posted - None of them mention a single hadith or a single koranic verse with the words 'Hijab', 'Abaya' or 'Burqa' in them & yet all of them have the temerity of interpreting the literal translation of the Koranic verses & the Hadith to mean something that 'literally' they don't.

As for my 'religiosity' ! I don't pray nor am I very religious person but by God I have a deeper understanding of Islam than your esteemed self for I have studied people like Ghazali, Avicenna, Averroes, Maimonides, Iqbal, Khayam, Rumi, Shams & so many others with a genuine desire to learn ! From where I stand, if this is your understanding of Islam & the embodiment of the 5 prayers, than my friend, you woke up today at 4 a.m to do Yoga...not to pray !

Yaar, it is clear that the only topic that is banned is the one everyone is obsessed with- which I was scolded for talking about earlier.
Everyone is going to blind follow their clerics no matter what; questioning voices that go against thier rigid interpratation is seen as something radical.

PS: Impressive CV btw

i think she is busy in here research these days. May ALLAH help her in her cause.


Good luck to her. What is she doing her research in?
he combined us i think ....... sir and girl...:lol:

Yar i'm bit afraid of women having long/pointed nails.I don't know why but i don't really like long nails.
he combined us i think ....... sir and girl...:lol:



Wrong patient doc!

Here's the one with Mp3 player.

Some history about stethoscope....

René Laennec invented the stethoscope in 1816. While consulting a female patient, Laennec needed to listen to the woman’s chest. Before the stethoscope, doctors would place their ear directly onto the patient’s chest, a practice called auscultation. As the patient was somewhat overweight, Laennec thought it both improper and inadequate to place his head on her chest and listen directly. He rolled up a sheet of paper into a tube and placed one end on the patient’s chest. The tube magnified sound, and Laennec found he could hear her lung sounds easily by putting his ear to the open end. The rolled up piece of paper was soon replaced by a hollow wooden tube. Laennec named his invention the ‘stethoscope’

By the 1850s, the stethoscope had become one of the doctor’s vital tools. Learning to listen and diagnose the sounds from the chest became an important part of a doctor’s training.

In the 1890s, the hollow wooden tube was replaced by the rubber and now plastic, binaural stethoscope, much like stethoscopes that are used today. These stethoscopes have two ear pieces and a bell-like end that is placed on the body. Stethoscopes are not only used to listen to the chest but also other parts of the body such as the bowels and during pregnancy. Electronic stethoscopes that amplify the sounds in the chest and produce graphs were first produced in the 1970s and continue to be refined. Today, a stethoscope around the neck is one of the most popular images of the medical profession.

And here the real MP3 stuff.:lol:


Bon Jovi please!!.........:P

It's my lifeee
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