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Muslims don’t vote for us, but we gave them “proper sanctity” BJP Minister

You must be living in fool's paradise to believe that Hindus follow Baba's blindly.. That's a factually incorrect statement and even you know that. But even if some do, we are not the ones complaining. I don't see the religion influencing our education. Infact, Baba's found indulging in bad practices are thrashed openly and some are languishing in jails all over the India. On the other hand, Mullah's keep giving stupid sermons, and muslims blindly follow them. They would rather go to a madarsas then to a proper schools. Many of these madarsas are responsible in generating a fanaticism among the students.
Really go to any Hindu religious gathering, you will be proved wrong. If it is factually wrong, then tell me as to how these Sadhus and Sadhvis end up being in Parliament? The last time I heard a Baba accused of molestation and rape is still being being revered by many Hindus.

India's 10 most controversial gurus

So going by your lack of knowledge, I can easily presume that it is you who is living in a fool's paradise.

I am not a Sanghi topshot to advice them anything. But I don't agree they hate anyone. They see everyone as same, they want to create an equal India with same laws for everyone, which actually is a pain point for you people.
You don't really have to be a topshot to advice or give opinion. Our country's constitution gives you that right. Do you want me help you with some hate-filled speeches and actions of these Sanghis?

It was not meant for you in person, but for your community.. Hope that clears the doubt!
Are you telling me that muslims as a community are fanatics?

Stats state otherwise

India Studying 'Accidental' Deaths of Hindu Wives

Hindu Marriage System, Hindu Scriptures, and Dowry and Bride


According to a National Family and Health Survey in 2005, total lifetime prevalence of domestic violence was 33.5% and 8.5% for sexual violence among women aged 15–49.[3] The instance of violence was reported to be lowest among Buddhist and Jain women, and highest among Muslim women in India.[3][page needed], A 2014 study in The Lancet reports that the reported sexual violence rate in India is among the lowest in the world, the large population of India means that the violence affects 27.5 million women over their lifetimes.[4]

Really go to any Hindu religious gathering, you will be proved wrong. If it is factually wrong, then tell me as to how these Sadhus and Sadhvis end up being in Parliament? The last time I heard a Baba accused of molestation and rape is still being being revered by many Hindus.
Looks like you go to such gatherings a lot, and pray tell me what do they preach.. Atleast not to behead a Kafir for worshiping idols,oh wait, isn't that a mullah thing? You said Baba accused of molestation/rape are revered by many. How many? Asaram is hated by many times more. A small chunk of his followers revers him. That's unlike a mualvi or maulana of your local mosque, who will give a hate sermons after friday prayer, and ask the pious muslims to throw stones at kafirs, and the pious, peaceful ones will oblige obediently.
India's 10 most controversial gurus

So going by your lack of knowledge, I can easily presume that it is you who is living in a fool's paradise.
They are controversial, and hated by most Hindus, and revered by a chunk of their loyal followers. Doesn't prove Hindus follow Baba's blindly. FAIL.. You no doubt live in fool's paradise.

You don't really have to be a topshot to advice or give opinion. Our country's constitution gives you that right. Do you want me help you with some hate-filled speeches and actions of these Sanghis?
There is a minority that do such things. Majority is trying to correct them, like they are trying to correct fanatics from other religion by talking to them. So yes the communication is on and effort is to bring every Indian on same page. Where they respect their country before their religion. Where they respect the history and culture of the land. Where they show same respect to everyone irrespective of their religion. But this can not be done alone, we need help of everyone, people like you. Are you willing to engage?

Are you telling me that muslims as a community are fanatics?
The people who get fanatically turned on by mere a minor mention of their religion, claims to abolish sharia laws, or tripple talak.. What else you can call them?

do you want me to tell you stories of how parents of muslim girls in hyderabad sell their sixteen year old daughters off to saudi sheikhs against their will , if you have any shame left in you go and check stats of your own people before coming here and commenting on hindus or india as i am in no mood to waste my time with an idiot.
I dont trust media its anti Muslim.

It is not Indian media rather it is a report of a UPA govt survey. What more Indian Muslims worse as they are, are still better than the rest of the world's muslims who are real wife beaters and treat their women as thrash and sexual objects for use and throw.
[QUOTE="Sinopakfriend, post: 9406984, member: 10119]
Are these moslims, christians or other minorities indians?

What makes an indian? 100% indian that is.

Who decides it?

When/how do these minorities become non-Indians?


theres a BJP politician who says Tamils are Porkis (i.e non Indians)


Who this person, calling you Porkis?

What does he mean by Porkis?

So what is the definition of being indian? To belong to majority religion?

Would a minority person become acceptable if he/she is converted to majority religion?

Will this conversion help them advance in the social/economic condition or will they remain untouchables?

Sorry, so many questions for you...it helps understanding the situation.

Thanks, my friend!
Yawn. I dont trust anti muslim media

You won't trust anything that goes against your community because you lack the strength to see and confront the truth. Truth of the matter is Muslim women are the most ill treated people in India courtesy their own community which denied them education all these decades. That is just one of the crimes among many committed by Muslim men on Muslim women.
theres a BJP politician who says Tamils are Porkis (i.e non Indians)

Who this person, calling you Porkis?

What does he mean by Porkis?

So what is the definition of being indian? To belong to majority religion?

Would a minority person become acceptable if he/she is converted to majority religion?

Will this conversion help them advance in the social/economic condition or will they remain untouchables?

Sorry, so many questions for you...it helps understanding the situation.

Thanks, my friend!

Porkis or porukkis means Male Goon or a Violent man in Tamil.. Now stop your BS I know you thought its meant for Pakistanis. Shame on you!
do you want me to tell you stories of how parents of muslim girls in hyderabad sell their sixteen year old daughters off to saudi sheikhs against their will , if you have any shame left in you go and check stats of your own people before coming here and commenting on hindus or india as i am in no mood to waste my time with an idiot.
Unlike you I don't deny issues in my community. But as said earlier, you should worry about the rut within you rather than pointing fingers at others.
Unlike you I don't deny issues in my community. But as said earlier, you should worry about the rut within you rather than pointing fingers at others.
You know about minor kids shipped from Hyderabad old city to Saudis for Camel races. are you guys doing something to catch monsters involved in this human trafficking to Saudi? Also, why don't Saudi respect you, your kids, your minor girls for being muslims? Did you ask anyone that question?

No one is denying issues among Hindus, but good thing is we are working on the issues and things are improving. But Muslim don't want to move ahead. They are unfortunately struck in 7th century..
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