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Muslims are the new Jews now ...

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Sep 14, 2010
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United States
Below are quotes which highlight the disturbing similarities between Islamophobic and Antisemitic messages.

Ten statements by 'anti-jihad' writer Robert Spencer and Nazi propagandist Julius Streicher are compared.

Julius Streicher was the editor of Der Stuermer, a Nazi paper that spread vicious Antisemitic propaganda from 1923-1945. As Nazi Party leader in Nuremburg he organized the destruction of synagogues in the city.

He was not directly involved in the Holocaust but was convicted of crimes against humanity after WWII. He was found guilty of inciting hatred against Jews in Der Stuermer and was executed in 1946.

Robert Spencer is a prominent critic of Islam who runs his online anti-Islamic website. He is the author of several best selling books on Islam and he has spoken on Fox News, CNN, NBC and other news channels.

He has organized protests against the construction of mosques in New York. He has advised the FBI on Islam and his books were recommended by the FBI for its agents.

The following is a comparison of their views on Muslims and Jews respectively.

1 Muslims/Jews have a religious duty to conquer the world.

“Islam understands its earthly mission to extend the law of Allah over the world by force.”

Robert Spencer.

“Do you not know that the God of the Old Testament orders the Jews to consume and enslave the peoples of the earth?”

Julius Streicher.

2 The Left enables Muslims/Jews.

“The principal organs of the Left...has consistently been warm and welcoming toward Islamic supremacism.”

Robert Spencer.

“The communists pave the way for him (the Jew).”

Julius Streicher.

3 Governments do nothing to stop Muslims/Jews.

“FDI* acts against the treason being committed by national, state, and local government officials...in their capitulation to the global jihad and Islamic supremacism.”

(Freedom Defense Initiative, Robert Spencer/Pamela Geller organisation).

“The government allows the Jew to do as he pleases. The people expect action to be taken.”

Julius Streicher.

4 Muslims/Jews cannot be trusted.

“When one is under pressure, one may lie in order to protect the religion, this is taught in the Qur'an.”

Robert Spencer.

“We may lie and cheat Gentiles. In the Talmud it says: It is permitted for Jews to cheat Gentiles.”

From The Toadstool, children's book published by Julius Streicher.

5 Recognizing the true nature of Muslims/Jews can be difficult.

“There is no reliable way for American authorities to distinguish jihadists and potential jihadists from peaceful Muslims.”

Robert Spencer.

"Just as it is often hard to tell a toadstool from an edible mushroom, so too it is often very hard to recognize the Jew as a swindler and criminal."

From The Toadstool, children's book published by Julius Streicher.

6 The evidence against Muslims/Jews is in their holy books.

“What exactly is ‘hate speech’ about quoting Qur’an verses and then showing Muslim preachers using those verses to exhort people to commit acts of violence, as well as violent acts committed by Muslims inspired by those verses and others?”

Robert Spencer.

“In Der Stuermer no editorial appeared, written by me or written by anyone of my main co-workers, in which I did not include quotations from the ancient history of the Jews, from the Old Testament, or from Jewish historical works of recent times.”

Julius Streicher.

7 Islamic/Jewish texts encourage violence against non-believers.

“'And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter...' -- 2:191.”

Koranic verse quoted by Robert Spencer

“'And when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally: men and women and children, even the animals.' (Deuteronomy 7:2.).”

Biblical verse quoted by Julius Streicher in Der Stuermer.

8 Christianity is peaceful while Islam/Judaism is violent.

“There is no Muslim version of 'love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you' or 'if anyone strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the other also'.”

Robert Spencer.

“The Jew is not being taught, like we are, such texts as, 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself,' or 'If you are smitten on the left cheek, offer then your right one.'"

Julius Streicher.

9 Muslims/Jews are uniquely violent.

"(Islam) is the only major world religion with a developed doctrine and tradition of warfare against unbelievers."

Robert Spencer.

"No other people in the world has such prophecies. No other people would dare to say that it was chosen to murder and destroy the other peoples and steal their possessions."

Julius Streicher.

10 Criticising Muslims/Jews is not incitement to violence against Muslims/Jews.

“There is nothing in anything that I have ever written that could be reasonably construed as an incitement to violence against anyone.”

Robert Spencer.

“Allow me to add that it is my conviction that the contents of Der Stuermer as such were not (incitement). During the whole 20 years, I never wrote in this connection, 'Burn Jewish houses down; beat them to death.' Never once did such an incitement appear in Der Stuermer.”

Julius Streicher.

Middle Class Dub: Islamophobia and Antisemitism: Same message, different minority.

(This blog contains ALL primary sources of Robert's and Julius' quotes ..hence it is authentic to use.)


Sounds familiar? Probably a new holocaust is on its way ..but this time...target will be the Muslims..

This spencer guy is invited to Fox News as an 'expert on Islam' .. MILLIONS of goodhearted Americans watch his views regarding Islam and make their minds regarding the faith...Classic example of brainwashing...... FBI "recommends" Robert Spencer's books to his officers...

There is a whole campaign to "dehumanize" Muslims in the eyes of naive Westerners...Nazis didn't see Jews as "humans" and in the same way , lunatics in U.S military justify their rape of Iraqi 14 year old girl by saying "I didn't see Iraqis as humans" ... See the pattern here?

'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' says U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old girl before killing her and her family | Mail Online
Every age has its bogeyman. This time it is the turn of the Muslims
Why Are Muslims So Backward?

Nafisa, a friend, forwarded the following e-mail to me recently. It was one of those e-mails called junk that fly about on the Internet. While I merely chuckle after reading such mails, this one is so hautingly true and real that I felt strong enough about it as to reproduce it here as food for thought for my readers. We’ll conclude it next week and then I’ll answer the above question. Meanwhile, read. And think.

Happy 1430 Hijrah!
Happy? But the situation in the Muslim world is still sad as it was 500 years ago. Global influence and power have shifted to the Christian world - and have remained there ever since. The following figures speak for themselves. They are extracts of a speech delivered by Hafez A.B. Mohamed, Director-General of Al Baraka Bank.

o World Jewish population: 14 million
o Distribution: 7m in America
5m in Asia
2m in Europe
100 thousands in Africa
o World Muslim population: 1.5 billion
o Distribution: 1 billion in Asia/Mid-East
400m in Africa
44m in Europe
6m in the Americas

o Every fifth human being is a Muslim.
o For every single Hindu there are two Muslims
o For every Buddhist there are two Muslims
o For every Jew there are 107 Muslims
Yet the 14 million Jews are more powerful than the entire 1.5 billion Muslims...
Here are some of the reasons.

Movers of Recent History
o Albert Einstein - Jewish
o Sigmund Freud - Jewish
o Karl Marx - Jewish
o Paul Samuelson - Jewish
o Milton Friedman - Jewish

Medical Milestones
o Vaccination needle: Benjamin Ruben - Jewish
o Polio vaccine: Jonas Salk - Jewish
o Leukaemia drug: Gertrude Elion - Jewish
o Hepatitis B: Baruch Blumberg - Jewish
o Syphilis drug: Paul Ehrlich - Jewish
o Neuro muscular: Elie Metchnikoff - Jewish
o Endocrinology: Andrew Schally - Jewish
o Cognitive therapy: Aaron Beck - Jewish
o Contraceptive pill: Gregory Pincus - Jewish
o Understanding of human eye: G. Wald - Jewish
o Embryology: Stanley Cohen - Jewish
o Kidney dialysis: Willem Kloffcame - Jewish

Nobel Prize Winners
In the past 105 years, the 14 million Jews have won 180 Nobel prizes whilst the 1.5 billion Muslims have achieved only 3 Nobel winners.

Inventions that changed History
o Micro-processing chip: Stanley Mezor - Jewish
o Nuclear chain reactor: Leo Sziland - Jewish
o Optical fibre cable: Peter Schultz - Jewish
o Traffic lights: Charles Adler - Jewish
o Stainless steel: Benno Strauss - Jewish
o Sound movies: Isador Kisee - Jewish
o Telephone microphone: Emile Berliner - Jewish
o Video tape recorder: Charles Ginsburg - Jewish

Influential Global Businesses
o Polo: Ralph Lauren - Jewish
o Coca-Cola: - Jewish
o Levi’s: Levi Strauss - Jewish
o Starbuck’s: Howard Schultz - Jewish
o Google: Sergey Brin - Jewish
o Dell Computers: Michael Dell - Jewish
o Oracle Computers: Larry Ellison: - Jewish
o DKNY: Donna Karan - Jewish
o Baskin Robbins: Irv Robbins - Jewish
o Dunkin’ Donuts: Bill Rosenberg - Jewish

Influential Policy-makers/Politicians
o Henry Kissinger, US Secretary of State - Jewish
o Richard Levin, President of Yale University - Jewish
o Alan Greenspan, Chairman of US Federal Reserve (i.e. Central Bank) - Jewish
o Joseph Lieberman, US Senator - Jewish
o Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State - Jewish
o CasperWeinberger, US Secretary of Defence - Jewish
o Maxim Litvinov, USSR Foreign Minister - Jewish
o David Marshal, Singapore Chief Minister - Jewish
o Isaac Isaacs, Governor-General of Australia - Jewish
o Benjamin Disraeli, British statesman - Jewish
o Yevgeny Primakov, Russian PM - Jewish
o Barry Goldwater, US politician - Jewish
o Jorge Sampaio, President of Portugal - Jewish
o Herb Gray, Canadian Deputy PM - Jewish
o Pierre Mendes, French PM - Jewish
o Michael Howard, British Home Secretary - Jewish
o Bruno Kriesky, Austrian Chancellor - Jewish
o Robert Rubin, US Secretary of Treasury - Jewish

Global Media Figures
o Wolf Blitzer, CNN - Jewish
o Barbara Walters, ABC News - Jewish
o Eugene Meyer, Washington Post - Jewish
o Henry Grunwald, Time magazine - Jewish
o Katherine Graham, Washington Post publisher - Jewish
o Joseph Lelyeld, New York Times - Jewish
o Max Frankel, New York Times - Jewish

Global Philanthropists
o George Soros - Jewish
o Walter Annenberg - Jewish

o In the entire Muslim world (57 Muslim countries) there are only 500 universities
o In USA alone, 5,758 universities
o In India alone, 8,407 universities

Not one university in the entire Islamic World features in the Top 500 Ranking Universities of the World.

o Literacy in the Christian world - 90%
o Literacy in the Muslim world - 40%

•15 Christian-majority countries’ literacy rate - 100%,
•Muslim-majority countries with 100% - None;
•98% in Christian countries completed primary education,
•Only 50% in Muslim countries completed primary education;
•40% in Christian countries attended university,
•In Muslim countries, a dismal 2% attended university;
•Muslim-majority countries have 230 scientists per million,
•The USA has 5,000 per million;
•The Christian world - 1,000 technicians per million,
•Entire Arab world - only 50 technicians per million;
•Muslim world spending on R&D - 0.2% of GDP,
•Christian world’s R&D - 5.0% of GDP.
Another way of testing the degree of knowledge is the degree of diffusing knowledge:•Pakistan: 23 daily newspapers per 1,000 citizens,
•Singapore: 460 per 1,000 citizens.
•UK book titles per million is 2,000.
•Egypt book titles per million is only 17.
The Muslim World is failing to diffuse knowledge.
Applying knowledge is another such test.
•Exports of high-tech products from Pakistan: 0.9%
•In Saudi Arabia: only 0.2%
•Kuwait, Morocco and Algeria: only 0.3%
•Tiny Singapore (4mil pop.): 68% ...!

...What I Think

Facts, it is said, do not lie. The above facts and figures, as well as the ones we published in this space last week, are proof enough that the 14 million Jews of this world have surpassed the Muslim (millions of whom are their cousins) in worldly accomplishments. From science to policy-making and politics, from inventions that changed history, to philanthropy, publishing and global business, the comparatively minority Jews have demonstrated greater clout than the Muslims (whose population is put at 1.5 billion). Here, the Jews may be seen in isolation, but their world has become part and parcel of the Christian world even though the duo have different faiths and cultural mores. From some of the reactions I received since last week, it seems that even Christians regard themselves as closer to the Jews than to the Muslims. It can, therefore, be argued that even though the focus of the above list is the Jews, the apparent competition for accomplishment in various human endeavours is strictly between the Judeo-Christian and the Muslim worlds. No doubt, the latter has been left far behind.

The list developed by Hafez A.B. Mohamed, Director-General of Al Baraka Bank, is not exhaustive, though. Many other prominent Jews have not been mentioned, such as CNN’s Larry King and French Prime Minister Sarcozy. Nor is the role being played by the Jews in the life of various countries, such as Nigeria where their companies have built bridges, roads and other structures, as well as their consulting in security matters.

The question then arises: Why are the Jews powerful and why are Muslims powerless? To answer the question, I must stress the fact that I’m not talking about spiritual superiority but achievements in mundane issues. Secondly, I am not saying Muslims did not achieve anything in history. After all, it is a known fact that Muslims had built one of the leading civilisations in world history, with Islam as the fastest growing religion in the largely Judeo-Christian Europe and America. And yes, many Judeo-Christian scientists that have etched their names in the annals of history used the seeds of knowledge and discoveries of early Muslim scientists and astronomers. Moreover, many scientific theories were found in Qur’anic verses.

But why are the Muslims less influential than the Jews and the Christians in the last 500 years? Why do the Muslim nations rely heavily on Western technology and other expertise for their comfort and security, as well as for developing their societies economically and socially? Is there anything like Muslim science and technology today?

Hafez A.B. Mohamed, in his speech, has given us reasons why Muslims are so backward compared to the Jews. In simple term, he summarised the problem thus: “The Muslim world lacks the capacity to produce knowledge.” This does not, I reckon, mean that the Muslims had never produced knowledge; otherwise the accomplishments of early Muslim scholars would not have been possible. The stark reality is that Muslims seem to have ceased producing knowledge. They have, in addition, failed to apply the knowledge that their ancestors had produced. Instead, they have embraced Western expertise, upgrading it to the status of universal knowledge. In contrast, the Chinese, for example, have been applying their pristine knowledge system even as they use the West’s in some respects.

In the e-mail I received last week, Hafez A.B. Mohamed was quoted to have advised Muslims (or was it the view of an e-mailer?) thus: “Please educate yourself and your children. Excuses like lack of money, ability or opening are nothing more than that - excuses. Always promote education, don’t compromise on it. We hate to be weak, illiterate and poor but are we too weak to give our children the opportunity to break the curse?

“Don’t ignore your children’s slightest misguidance from education... and please, for Allah’s sake, don’t use your personal contacts to promote your children in their education. If they fail, let them because it will make them learn the sweetness of success. Remember, if they can’t do it now, they can’t ever.

“With knowledge comes power, and with it even the small can rule over the big. We are world’s biggest but sadly NOT strongest nation... Our opportunity to save all humankind is best through knowledge, creativity, literacy... And nothing else.”

There are other reasons for the Muslims’ backwardness. Muslims are divided on most of the important issues. The ummah has lost its grip on the rope of unity which the Almighty decrees for it to hold fast. Islamic political and religious leaders have created the disunity and ensured that it remains so because they benefit from its fallouts.

Muslims are also averse to self-criticism. A self-reappraisal of Muslim society and attitude is misinterpreted by some as an attack on the religion. This dogma is promoted by some zealots who, in turn, derive benefits from it. The problem is global: from Saudi Arabia to Malaysia and from Canada to Nigeria.

Muslims have no reason to be overtaken by the Jews in human endeavour. We must break the psychological chains that hold us back. Five hundred years of Judeo-Christian ascendancy has created enough reasons to galvanise us to attain greater heights. This is the wake-up call of any serious-minded Muslim. Barack Obama has just announced a new dawn for America. When will the Muslims wake up to their own?


Bahaushe Mai Ban Haushi!: Why Are Muslims So Backward?
Islam and Christian are religion looking for increasing headcount by Conversion. The Tactics can use Force, Tricks, Lure, Convincing etc. There interest conflict with every religion, That's why the conflict is.

The day these two religion stop propagating there religion thru conversion, World will be peaceful.
I hope the Muslims End up like Jews in term of education , Technology , Invention and resolve . Then the world will make real progress .

You are onto something here my friend.

All this Opposition will either totally destroy the Muslims or it will transform Muslims into a Super Power.

Since Muslims are Fighters, I have a deep conviction that Muslims will reform and transform into a powerful force.

This is what happened to the Jews as for the longest time they were persecuted but they fought back by developing themselves.

Inshallah, Muslims will do the same.
Muslims are Muslims
Jews are Jews
Islamophobia is silly
AntiSemitism is stupid and silly
Why Are Muslims So Backward?

Nafisa, a friend, forwarded the following e-mail to me recently. It was one of those e-mails called junk that fly about on the Internet. While I merely chuckle after reading such mails, this one is so hautingly true and real that I felt strong enough about it as to reproduce it here as food for thought for my readers. We’ll conclude it next week and then I’ll answer the above question. Meanwhile, read. And think.

Happy 1430 Hijrah!
Happy? But the situation in the Muslim world is still sad as it was 500 years ago. Global influence and power have shifted to the Christian world - and have remained there ever since. The following figures speak for themselves. They are extracts of a speech delivered by Hafez A.B. Mohamed, Director-General of Al Baraka Bank.

o World Jewish population: 14 million
o Distribution: 7m in America
5m in Asia
2m in Europe
100 thousands in Africa
o World Muslim population: 1.5 billion
o Distribution: 1 billion in Asia/Mid-East
400m in Africa
44m in Europe
6m in the Americas

o Every fifth human being is a Muslim.
o For every single Hindu there are two Muslims
o For every Buddhist there are two Muslims
o For every Jew there are 107 Muslims
Yet the 14 million Jews are more powerful than the entire 1.5 billion Muslims...
Here are some of the reasons.

Movers of Recent History
o Albert Einstein - Jewish
o Sigmund Freud - Jewish
o Karl Marx - Jewish
o Paul Samuelson - Jewish
o Milton Friedman - Jewish

Medical Milestones
o Vaccination needle: Benjamin Ruben - Jewish
o Polio vaccine: Jonas Salk - Jewish
o Leukaemia drug: Gertrude Elion - Jewish
o Hepatitis B: Baruch Blumberg - Jewish
o Syphilis drug: Paul Ehrlich - Jewish
o Neuro muscular: Elie Metchnikoff - Jewish
o Endocrinology: Andrew Schally - Jewish
o Cognitive therapy: Aaron Beck - Jewish
o Contraceptive pill: Gregory Pincus - Jewish
o Understanding of human eye: G. Wald - Jewish
o Embryology: Stanley Cohen - Jewish
o Kidney dialysis: Willem Kloffcame - Jewish

Nobel Prize Winners
In the past 105 years, the 14 million Jews have won 180 Nobel prizes whilst the 1.5 billion Muslims have achieved only 3 Nobel winners.

Inventions that changed History
o Micro-processing chip: Stanley Mezor - Jewish
o Nuclear chain reactor: Leo Sziland - Jewish
o Optical fibre cable: Peter Schultz - Jewish
o Traffic lights: Charles Adler - Jewish
o Stainless steel: Benno Strauss - Jewish
o Sound movies: Isador Kisee - Jewish
o Telephone microphone: Emile Berliner - Jewish
o Video tape recorder: Charles Ginsburg - Jewish

Influential Global Businesses
o Polo: Ralph Lauren - Jewish
o Coca-Cola: - Jewish
o Levi’s: Levi Strauss - Jewish
o Starbuck’s: Howard Schultz - Jewish
o Google: Sergey Brin - Jewish
o Dell Computers: Michael Dell - Jewish
o Oracle Computers: Larry Ellison: - Jewish
o DKNY: Donna Karan - Jewish
o Baskin Robbins: Irv Robbins - Jewish
o Dunkin’ Donuts: Bill Rosenberg - Jewish

Influential Policy-makers/Politicians
o Henry Kissinger, US Secretary of State - Jewish
o Richard Levin, President of Yale University - Jewish
o Alan Greenspan, Chairman of US Federal Reserve (i.e. Central Bank) - Jewish
o Joseph Lieberman, US Senator - Jewish
o Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State - Jewish
o CasperWeinberger, US Secretary of Defence - Jewish
o Maxim Litvinov, USSR Foreign Minister - Jewish
o David Marshal, Singapore Chief Minister - Jewish
o Isaac Isaacs, Governor-General of Australia - Jewish
o Benjamin Disraeli, British statesman - Jewish
o Yevgeny Primakov, Russian PM - Jewish
o Barry Goldwater, US politician - Jewish
o Jorge Sampaio, President of Portugal - Jewish
o Herb Gray, Canadian Deputy PM - Jewish
o Pierre Mendes, French PM - Jewish
o Michael Howard, British Home Secretary - Jewish
o Bruno Kriesky, Austrian Chancellor - Jewish
o Robert Rubin, US Secretary of Treasury - Jewish

Global Media Figures
o Wolf Blitzer, CNN - Jewish
o Barbara Walters, ABC News - Jewish
o Eugene Meyer, Washington Post - Jewish
o Henry Grunwald, Time magazine - Jewish
o Katherine Graham, Washington Post publisher - Jewish
o Joseph Lelyeld, New York Times - Jewish
o Max Frankel, New York Times - Jewish

Global Philanthropists
o George Soros - Jewish
o Walter Annenberg - Jewish

o In the entire Muslim world (57 Muslim countries) there are only 500 universities
o In USA alone, 5,758 universities
o In India alone, 8,407 universities

Not one university in the entire Islamic World features in the Top 500 Ranking Universities of the World.

o Literacy in the Christian world - 90%
o Literacy in the Muslim world - 40%

•15 Christian-majority countries’ literacy rate - 100%,
•Muslim-majority countries with 100% - None;
•98% in Christian countries completed primary education,
•Only 50% in Muslim countries completed primary education;
•40% in Christian countries attended university,
•In Muslim countries, a dismal 2% attended university;
•Muslim-majority countries have 230 scientists per million,
•The USA has 5,000 per million;
•The Christian world - 1,000 technicians per million,
•Entire Arab world - only 50 technicians per million;
•Muslim world spending on R&D - 0.2% of GDP,
•Christian world’s R&D - 5.0% of GDP.
Another way of testing the degree of knowledge is the degree of diffusing knowledge:•Pakistan: 23 daily newspapers per 1,000 citizens,
•Singapore: 460 per 1,000 citizens.
•UK book titles per million is 2,000.
•Egypt book titles per million is only 17.
The Muslim World is failing to diffuse knowledge.
Applying knowledge is another such test.
•Exports of high-tech products from Pakistan: 0.9%
•In Saudi Arabia: only 0.2%
•Kuwait, Morocco and Algeria: only 0.3%
•Tiny Singapore (4mil pop.): 68% ...!

...What I Think

Facts, it is said, do not lie. The above facts and figures, as well as the ones we published in this space last week, are proof enough that the 14 million Jews of this world have surpassed the Muslim (millions of whom are their cousins) in worldly accomplishments. From science to policy-making and politics, from inventions that changed history, to philanthropy, publishing and global business, the comparatively minority Jews have demonstrated greater clout than the Muslims (whose population is put at 1.5 billion). Here, the Jews may be seen in isolation, but their world has become part and parcel of the Christian world even though the duo have different faiths and cultural mores. From some of the reactions I received since last week, it seems that even Christians regard themselves as closer to the Jews than to the Muslims. It can, therefore, be argued that even though the focus of the above list is the Jews, the apparent competition for accomplishment in various human endeavours is strictly between the Judeo-Christian and the Muslim worlds. No doubt, the latter has been left far behind.

The list developed by Hafez A.B. Mohamed, Director-General of Al Baraka Bank, is not exhaustive, though. Many other prominent Jews have not been mentioned, such as CNN’s Larry King and French Prime Minister Sarcozy. Nor is the role being played by the Jews in the life of various countries, such as Nigeria where their companies have built bridges, roads and other structures, as well as their consulting in security matters.

The question then arises: Why are the Jews powerful and why are Muslims powerless? To answer the question, I must stress the fact that I’m not talking about spiritual superiority but achievements in mundane issues. Secondly, I am not saying Muslims did not achieve anything in history. After all, it is a known fact that Muslims had built one of the leading civilisations in world history, with Islam as the fastest growing religion in the largely Judeo-Christian Europe and America. And yes, many Judeo-Christian scientists that have etched their names in the annals of history used the seeds of knowledge and discoveries of early Muslim scientists and astronomers. Moreover, many scientific theories were found in Qur’anic verses.

But why are the Muslims less influential than the Jews and the Christians in the last 500 years? Why do the Muslim nations rely heavily on Western technology and other expertise for their comfort and security, as well as for developing their societies economically and socially? Is there anything like Muslim science and technology today?

Hafez A.B. Mohamed, in his speech, has given us reasons why Muslims are so backward compared to the Jews. In simple term, he summarised the problem thus: “The Muslim world lacks the capacity to produce knowledge.” This does not, I reckon, mean that the Muslims had never produced knowledge; otherwise the accomplishments of early Muslim scholars would not have been possible. The stark reality is that Muslims seem to have ceased producing knowledge. They have, in addition, failed to apply the knowledge that their ancestors had produced. Instead, they have embraced Western expertise, upgrading it to the status of universal knowledge. In contrast, the Chinese, for example, have been applying their pristine knowledge system even as they use the West’s in some respects.

In the e-mail I received last week, Hafez A.B. Mohamed was quoted to have advised Muslims (or was it the view of an e-mailer?) thus: “Please educate yourself and your children. Excuses like lack of money, ability or opening are nothing more than that - excuses. Always promote education, don’t compromise on it. We hate to be weak, illiterate and poor but are we too weak to give our children the opportunity to break the curse?

“Don’t ignore your children’s slightest misguidance from education... and please, for Allah’s sake, don’t use your personal contacts to promote your children in their education. If they fail, let them because it will make them learn the sweetness of success. Remember, if they can’t do it now, they can’t ever.

“With knowledge comes power, and with it even the small can rule over the big. We are world’s biggest but sadly NOT strongest nation... Our opportunity to save all humankind is best through knowledge, creativity, literacy... And nothing else.”

There are other reasons for the Muslims’ backwardness. Muslims are divided on most of the important issues. The ummah has lost its grip on the rope of unity which the Almighty decrees for it to hold fast. Islamic political and religious leaders have created the disunity and ensured that it remains so because they benefit from its fallouts.

Muslims are also averse to self-criticism. A self-reappraisal of Muslim society and attitude is misinterpreted by some as an attack on the religion. This dogma is promoted by some zealots who, in turn, derive benefits from it. The problem is global: from Saudi Arabia to Malaysia and from Canada to Nigeria.

Muslims have no reason to be overtaken by the Jews in human endeavour. We must break the psychological chains that hold us back. Five hundred years of Judeo-Christian ascendancy has created enough reasons to galvanise us to attain greater heights. This is the wake-up call of any serious-minded Muslim. Barack Obama has just announced a new dawn for America. When will the Muslims wake up to their own?


Bahaushe Mai Ban Haushi!: Why Are Muslims So Backward?

STOP posting this artical in every thread dont u have any thing usefull to contribute if not so shutup this is the nth time we have replied to ur post!!!!

Islam and Christian are religion looking for increasing headcount by Conversion. The Tactics can use Force, Tricks, Lure, Convincing etc. There interest conflict with every religion, That's why the conflict is.

The day these two religion stop propagating there religion thru conversion, World will be peaceful.

And u be Queen of all the trolls???

I can post a load of links which show forceful conversions by Hindu fanatics on innocent people.


Convert or we will kill you, Hindu lynch mobs tell fleeing Christians
Convert or we will kill you, Hindu lynch mobs tell fleeing Christians | World news | The Observer

Lady gaga shut up.
Americans Consider Indians to be the Next jews for all the right reasons,

and Muslims for all the wrong. sad.

Muslims can do something about it if they actually focused there life in the pursuit of education and science instead of...
^^^ Dumb-a$$ , this paper is oldddddddddd ...We all have seen it.Many times. Many many times. Please stop your trolls... Average global Muslim lives a WAY better life than the people living in the world's biggest open-air sh!t toilet (Bhartis) ... Talking of backwardness? A bharti? eh? :lol:

Secondly , this paper was written by a PAKISTANI writer .... Though what he is saying is right...but this post doesn't make any sense in this thread.

Please leave ...
but poor bhartis won more nobel prize(economics and science & tech,) than so called rich muslim countries and more literate than muslim .also these poor bhartis broke one islamic country in to 2 parts who called themselves islamic superpower.:azn:
And u be Queen of all the trolls???

I can post a load of links which show forceful conversions by Hindu fanatics on innocent people.
Convert or we will kill you, Hindu lynch mobs tell fleeing Christians
Convert or we will kill you, Hindu lynch mobs tell fleeing Christians | World news | The Observer
Lady gaga shut up.

This is what I am saying, In India some radical group are opposing conversion. Entire Africa is suffering due to conversion-conversion Game btwn Islam and Christian. Sudan break into two due to conversion.

Root of all evil is conversion. 1/5th of world is Muslim, same are Christian. more than dozen countries are Islamic and chirstian. What else these guys want??? 100% conversion???

War is inevitable, Its not dark age when strength use to lie in numbers, This is information age, power lies in technology.

We both are saying same thing, All evil lies due to conversion. Non Muslims/christians are afraid that there religion is overtaken by these religions, so they react..

OMG you have less than 200 posts in PDF, sorry I couldn't see it. I am deleting my response.. Usually I don't respond to some one who has lesser number of posts.
Well, I disagree with both the hate mongerers mentioned in OP who spew venom against Jewism & Islam. I dont support anti-religious ideology of any sort.
Also Comparing so called AntiSemitism in WW2 period to so called Islamophobia in present is stupid act itself.

I have a question for some logical muslims here...

If a wahabi/Salafi/Talebani beheads a women in public filled stadium or kills a non-believer & uses verses of Quran to defend their act. What should a non-muslim who is unaware of teachings of Quran conclude from this???

If some muslim himself keeps defaming islam teachings & quranic verses by their acts & killing why the hell Other Muslim expects that non-muslims will treat Quran as holy book & Islam as peaceful religion??

I see thousands of articles on internet which says what OP said, that muslims are targeted for this & muslims are discriminated by that. No article goes to the root why non-muslims or west have this image of Islam/Muslims??

No article highlights/condemns like they condemns western anti-muslim acts. Here in OP article on we see hate spewing on Robert Spencer but I seldom see educated muslim writting article which spreads hate against Moronic mullahs & jihadis who are defaming Islam.

Western World should not be much blamed for their adverse views against Islam, because they believe what they see. A jihadi when utters/uses a quranic verse before beheading or raping a non-believer or bombing girl school or blowing himself. You cant expect others to get good view of Quran.

More Blame must go to educated muslims author & scholars who target west/non-muslims for their messed up views about islam more than they need to target sh*t their own muslims are bring to their religion.

This is what I am saying, In India some radical group are opposing conversion. Entire Africa is suffering due to conversion-conversion Game btwn Islam and Christian. Sudan break into two due to conversion.

Root of all evil is conversion. 1/5th of world is Muslim, same are Christian. more than dozen countries are Islamic and chirstian. What else these guys want??? 100% conversion???

War is inevitable, Its not dark age when strength use to lie in numbers, This is information age, power lies in technology.

We both are saying same thing, All evil lies due to conversion. Non Muslims/christians are afraid that there religion is overtaken by these religions, so they react..

OMG you have less than 200 posts in PDF, sorry I couldn't see it. I am deleting my response.. Usually I don't respond to some one who has lesser number of posts.

Than what is this?

oe hoe narraz ho gaye rani?


ur avtar shows how mature u r, good del all ur post coz This is a military forum not some teddy bear forum go cry some where else.
Same old 1000-years ****.

Can somebody give me the dateline for the '1000 years'. Coz everytime I ask this the '1000 years' proponents just run away !
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