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Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

so when Hindus try to enforce their cultural norms and laws on other societies you stay quiet, yet when muslims do it you make loud noise and portray it as Islamic. How hypocritical. You, dear sirs, have all been checkmated by roadrunner ;)

where did any hindu made other country to change its laws forcefully?
I see you hardly learnt anything at your school except being a wannabe white and spew insults. Heres a little education how the real world views both countries. Pakistan is right up there alongwith Nigeria and Iraq,

Oh again that reputation thingy? :laugh:

Good to see that India is ranked with Poland and Peru :rofl:

And I'm not a bharti who would be a "wanna-be" white :azn: You YOURSELF knows how some bhartis are wanna be whites ..Sorry,you are one of them ...I know ...Also you are changing topic ...Bhartis get integrated better than Muslims..you didn't addressed any of my point..Do you think that little bhartis of your bhartimata get integrated better/more quickly than Afghans or Turks etc? HECK! Iranians? Any idea? You are just a little keyboard warrior ..typical bharti ...
so next time somebody calls you a sand-nigger you can be sure they were not doing it out of your good reputation.
Oh and "sand-nigers"? :rofl::rofl: JUST TODAY my friend JUST FCUKING TODAY we were talking about a guy who is very racist towards Indians and call them SAND-NIGERS ! :rofl::lol: OMG,what a co-incidence really !!!!!!! Again stop crying like a little baby and come to the topic ....Afghans are wayyyyyyyyyy better in getting integrated than bhartis are...are you negating that fact? Again,you didn't tell me..for how long are you in US? Which state , BTW?
And how many people did those Sikhs kill to have their demands met?

More evidence of your bigotry :disagree:

Where are all these masses of people in the west that Muslims are killing to try and force them to change their laws?
heck, where are these masses of people being killed anywhere in the world, where Muslims are killing them to change their laws?
I genuinely want to know as I don't know any place.

I will say this, for 30 years Hindu terrorist have been murdering at will, the people of Sri lanka. But of course you don't count that do you

also forgot to add that you didn't really address my first point. The one calling BS to your point that Hindus don't demand change to other countries when they move there. I can only take this as a sign that you concede that point. so let's move on
I will say this, for 30 years Hindu terrorist have been murdering at will, the people of Sri lanka. But of course you don't count that do you

also forgot to add that you didn't really address my first point. The one calling BS to your point that Hindus don't demand change to other countries when they move there. I can only take this as a sign that you concede that point. so let's move on

so whats wrong with srilankan tamils demanding seperate state for themselves and killing the lankans,dont you support kashmiris,khalistan organisation the same way
i dont see any hindu changing the social culture or law in other country,if you have give some examples
Oh again that reputation thingy? :laugh:

Good to see that India is ranked with Poland and Peru :rofl:

Screwed your claims of Indians being viewed much worse than Pakistanis. Now that we have established how the world views Pakistanis, may be you wanna do something about it.

And I'm not a bharti who would be a "wanna-be" white :azn: You YOURSELF knows how some bhartis are wanna be whites ..Sorry,you are one of them ...I know ...Also you are changing topic ...Bhartis get integrated better than Muslims..you didn't addressed any of my point..Do you think that little bhartis of your bhartimata get integrated better/more quickly than Afghans or Turks etc? HECK! Iranians? Any idea? You are just a little keyboard warrior ..typical bharti ...

Oh and "sand-nigers"? : JUST TODAY my friend JUST FCUKING TODAY we were talking about a guy who is very racist towards Indians and call them SAND-NIGERS ! :rofl::lol: OMG,what a co-incidence really !!!!!!! Again stop crying like a little baby and come to the topic ....Afghans are wayyyyyyyyyy better in getting integrated than bhartis are...are you negating that fact? Again,you didn't tell me..for how long are you in US? Which state , BTW?

See, he called people sand niggers which is a racist slur for Muslims, and you are all gaga over how your white friend abused some Indian. Poor little wannabe. :lol:

More evidence of your bigotry :disagree:

Where are all these masses of people in the west that Muslims are killing to try and force them to change their laws?
heck, where are these masses of people being killed anywhere in the world, where Muslims are killing them to change their laws?
I genuinely want to know as I don't know any place.

I will say this, for 30 years Hindu terrorist have been murdering at will, the people of Sri lanka. But of course you don't count that do you

also forgot to add that you didn't really address my first point. The one calling BS to your point that Hindus don't demand change to other countries when they move there. I can only take this as a sign that you concede that point. so let's move on

Nobody's stopping you from declaring a victory over me like your fellow country man who just beat the dead banjo again.

If you have some misplaced sense of entitlement that you deserve a reply to your retard-like posts, you are mistaken. Take a hike little prick.
Screwed your claims of Indians being viewed much worse than Pakistanis. Now that we have established how the world views Pakistanis, may be you wanna do something about it.

Are you in your senses you little child? Where did I "claim" that Indians are viewed much worse than Pakistanis? BTW genius..its "how INDIA and PAKISTAN are viewed" ...Yes,I do know that our image is not good due to the ongoing war we are fighting within..big deal,eh? :cheesy: Don't worry..once war is over..our image would be alright . . .

See, he called people sand niggers which is a racist slur for Muslims, and you are all gaga over how your white friend abused some Indian. Poor little wannabe.

:rofl::lol: My friend didn't call them.WE (Me,an Indian and a white guy) were talking and the white guy was telling how one of the guy he knows was racist towards Indians blah blah...Wanna be white? Jani I already told you..I am not a poor frustrated bharti like you:laugh: If you live in US and have been to highschool/college here..you yourself know how some poor bhartis are soo wanna be..So please..I'm NOT bharti ..I'm a Pakistan and hence not any wanna be like you and your fellow countrymen :azn: Also, sand niggers "was" for Arabs...now its for Indians :lol: Hey c'mon..don't you see Russel peters ' show? Even he tells how people call him (an Indian) a sand nigger etc . . . Again fail ! :lol:
Oh sweeto,again you're skipping the topic...The topic I picked you on was "Indians get integrated better than 'Muslims" ...So I'm asking ..do bhartis (haha I laugh at this word,...don't know why:D) get integrated more easily than Iranians,Afghans or Turks etc? Probably you never have seen it and are talking like as if you know it all..hah ! Afghanis get integrated way,way more efficiently/quickly than FOB bhartis could ever do !
There is no such thing as Radicalization , there is only going back to roots

When you are humiliated , at social level , you reject the western culture and society and you go back to roots

Radicalization is when abuse happens in western societies or when something happens abroad by will of western leaders

example - war in Libya, creation of israel or perhaps war in Iraq or perhaps even war in Sudan

Its a natural phenomenon, if you do not get proper respect or status in a society , you revert back to a form where you had a voice and status and say in social matters.

In western culture Muslim voice is generally mutted or shunned or overlooked which is why Muslim Youth is going back to old ideals and rightfully so , because we enjoyed a wonderful period in Past and there is no reason why that could not be achieved again
Nobody's stopping you from declaring a victory over me like your fellow country man who just beat the dead banjo again.

If you have some misplaced sense of entitlement that you deserve a reply to your retard-like posts, you are mistaken. Take a hike little prick.

awww someone is a little butt hurt
You misunderstood first time. I'm very consistent ;)

If living with diseased animals is against the laws of a country, why should Hindus be allowed to do it? Is it not wanting to impose a foreign culture on the host country?

No because they do not impose teachings of Geeta on the entire country.

Explain how that would be different to a set of people wanting to impose Sharia law on a non Sharia country.

They're exactly the same things.
Its not because like I said they do not impose the teachings of Geeta on the entire country. If you remove your green glasses, you may be able to see the difference but since the green glasses are on; can't help it.
I think tolerance and integration is a culture and upbringing thing street.See how tolerant the Islamic republics are to other religons and cultures.

They expect to continue this in the foreign land as well forgeting that they are new/alien culture in this new land they have gone to for a better living.
I think tolerance and integration is a culture and upbringing thing street.See how tolerant the Islamic republics are to other religons and cultures.

They expect to continue this in the foreign land as well forgeting that they are new/alien culture in this new land they have gone to for a better living.

Are you saying Muslims are not tolerant? what exactly are you basing this on? Propaganda?
Let me tell you a little story, back in the late 90s when the Taliban were still in power, I had a Sikh friend who was from Afghanistan. He was full blooded Sikh, wore a turban, had a beard, the whole 9 yards. And every time we would talk about the Taliban he was the first to defend them.
The point is, even the most "extreme" of the Muslim countries don't treat minorities like the propaganda teaches you in India and other Muslim hating countries.

No one is denying bad things happen to non Muslims in Muslim countries, but then again bad thing happen to Muslims in those countries too, and God knows really bad things happen to Muslims in India.
so whats wrong with srilankan tamils demanding seperate state for themselves and killing the lankans,dont you support kashmiris,khalistan organisation the same way
i dont see any hindu changing the social culture or law in other country,if you have give some examples

The only country Hindus are associated with is India and yes there are many examples
why do muslims talk all the time about religion??? how many of you are aware of the origin of your religion?

guys no offence...but i see people who are creating problems around the world under the brand islamic terrorism do not have any route to the religion or faith they are fighting for...just a simple question to pak muslim...what was the religion of your distant forefathers?? dont wonder if some of u learn that u ve hindu roots...

so just XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the religion...keep you faith upto you...be afraid of god..respect every human being.

We have learned the truth about life and it's properties, we haven't been forced nor have we been brainwashed we have just figured out the truth. It has taken a while but better late than never hey, many are still searching for the truth ! wink wink
I suggest people should start a more open criticism of these incidents rather than trying to hide them by equating other religious acts. Here's another, this time from France-

France and Islam
Fighting freedom with fire
Nov 2nd 2011, 15:06 by S.P. | PARIS


WHEN the French satirical weekly, Charlie Hebdo, reprinted controversial Danish cartoons of the Prophet, Muhammad, five years ago, French political leaders were ambivalent. Jacques Chirac, then the president, called it a “manifest provocation”. “Anything that can wound the convictions of others should be avoided,” he declared. Today’s political reactions to a fresh controversy surrounding Charlie Hebdo and Islam have been far more robust.

The paper’s issue dated November 2nd and entitled Charia Hebdo (a play on the French word for sharia), is “edited” by Muhammad, who threatens in a front-page cartoon “100 lashes if you don’t die of laughter!” Inside are dozens of satirical stories and cartoons depicting Muhammad, as well as caricatures featuring women wearing the burqa, the face-covering veil. The idea was to “celebrate” the victory of Islamists at Tunisia’s recent election, and the introduction of sharia law in Libya. Late last night, the publication’s offices in the 20th arrondissement of Paris were firebombed.

This time, French politicians have been unequivocal. François Fillon, the centre-right prime minister, not only denounced the attack, but declared that “freedom of expression is an inalienable value”. Bertrand Delanoë, the Socialist mayor of Paris, deplored the “act of violence against the freedom of expression”.


In some ways, this is a straightforward issue of the right to free speech. France outlaws holocaust-denial, but otherwise protects free speech. Controversial cases often end up in court. Since it was founded 19 years ago, Charlie Hebdo’s editor told Le Monde, his paper has been sued 13 times by various Catholic organisations, offended by the depiction of Christianity—but only once by Muslim groups, which went after Charlie Hebdo over the 2006 caricature issue and lost the case.

Yet the controversy comes at a delicate time for France’s efforts to reconcile its secular tradition with the demands of its Muslim minority of some 5m, which is Europe’s biggest. France has banned the wearing of the burqa in public. It recently cracked down on Friday prayers in the streets of Paris. A permit to build a big new mosque in Marseilles has just been refused on technical grounds. Any pretext can be used these days to spread (and amplify via social media) outrage at the mere hint of Islamophobia.

Hence, presumably, the more cautious reaction today of French Muslim leaders. Mohammed Moussaoui, leader of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, an official body, condemned the attack, and stated his “profound attachment” to freedom of expression. But he also “strongly deplored the very caricatural tone” of the newspaper towards Islam.

Many Muslims will indeed find the cartoons offensive, not least because they breach a convention in Islam that the Prophet should not be depicted. But Nicolas Sarkozy, the current French president who was then interior minister, put it well in 2006 during the previous controversy: he preferred, he said, “an excess of caricature to an excess of censorship”.
France and Islam: Fighting freedom with fire | The Economist
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