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Musharraf will be arrested as soon as he returns: Prosecutor

Pakistan is my country my homeland. I was born there and will die there. You are not the only one who disrespect others parent as it clearly shows that your parent taught you no manners. I can easily speak in your language but choose not to as i just read this when i started looking about Anger in Quran. It took my anger down in an instant for some reason.

The Noble Qur'an - Fussilat 41:34

The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better (i.e. Allâh ordered the faithful believers to be patient at the time of anger, and to excuse those who treat them badly), then verily! he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.

Stop justifying the terrorists of lal masjid, & stop using quran & hadiths just for the sake of your self intersts!
& remember IMAM-e-KABA was sent to talk with terrorists, who didn't surender themselves nor their weapons?
Action taken against them was as justifyed as the action against those who took the hounrable,KABA-tullaha?
So don't use lal masjid conspiracy,into play?
Your hate against musharaf is just bassed on your love to those terrorists!
Thanks for coming to the golden point?
Yes ,no indian politician & civilians with their ignorant thinking are needed to solve pakistan,s problems!
I will keep doing, your treatment! Lol
Your thoughts & fears ,about musharaf,s return to pakistan are wellcomed,here?lol lol lol
Cause its simple, loud & clear its not your dam bussiness?lol lol lol

We don't give a damn to any mushi or wushi nor we are afraid of any these rants. We can show his true 'aukat' on any day whenever he choose too whether it is Siachin or Kargil nor it will take too long to push his adventure beyond the borders.
Yea its not our business to feed numb nuts who brings shame and infuse soldier's life for personal satisfaction. :lol:
We don't give a damn to any mushi or wushi nor we are afraid of any these rants. We can show his true 'aukat' on any day whenever he choose too whether it is Siachin or Kargil nor it will take too long to push his adventure beyond the borders.
Yea its not our business to feed numb nuts who brings shame and infuse soldier's life for personal satisfaction. :lol:

shame and infuse soldier's life for personal satisfaction.
U mean genrl.V K singh?lol
Or lt genrl PAL ?

Yes he did started re-paying IMF loans.

Actually, he even took Pakistan out of the debt servicing circle... means coming govts. do not need to take loan to pay debt servicing.... i think magic was done by his PM Shaukat Aziz.

main to dar hi gaya.:P
Musharraf will be arrested as soon as he returns: Prosecutor

Chaudhry Zulfiqar Ali says the anti-terrorism court has issued perpetual warrants for Musharraf and he cannot evade arrest


Islamabad: A top Pakistani prosecutor has said that former military ruler Pervez Musharraf will be arrested as soon as he returns to Pakistan from self-exile as an anti-terrorism court has issued "perpetual warrants" for him. Chaudhry Zulfiqar Ali, a special prosecutor for the Federal Investigation Agency, said Musharraf would be arrested irrespective of whether he returned to Pakistan before or after the formation of a caretaker government to oversee the next general election.

Musharraf had announced last week that he intends to return to Pakistan a week after the installation of the interim administration to lead his party in the polls. The Pakistan Peoples Party-led government will complete its term on March 16 and the caretaker set-up is expected to be formed the same day. Ali told the media that the anti-terrorism court had issued perpetual warrants for Musharraf and he could not evade the Criminal Procedure Code, which demanded his immediate arrest.

The court issued the warrants and declared Musharraf a "proclaimed offender" or fugitive after he refused to cooperate with investigators probing the assassination of former premier Benazir Bhutto. Prosecutors have accused Musharraf of failing to provide adequate security to Bhutto when she returned to Pakistan from self-exile in 2007.

As a fugitive, Musharraf will not be entitled to any relief unless he surrenders to a court of competent jurisdiction. Musharraf will be treated in accordance with relevant sections of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1997 and produced in the anti-terrorism court after his arrest, Ali said.

Musharraf would be able to avoid arrest if he obtains protective or transitory bail from any High Court, Ali said. In a separate development, disgraced nuclear scientist A Q Khan has said that Musharraf will be sent to prison as soon he lands on Pakistani soil.

Khan told the media yesterday that Musharraf would languish in prison for a long period of time 'before he is hanged like a convict murderer'. 'I am sure that he would be handed over to Balochistan authorities immediately after returning home (for) the assassination of Nawab Muhammad Akbar Bugti,' Khan said.

Musharraf has 'no future as a free man' as he 'spent a sinful and criminal life in Pakistan', he claimed. Musharraf was in power when Khan admitted to running a secret nuclear proliferation ring in 2004. Khan was later placed under house arrest though the current government has removed many of the restrictions that were imposed on him.

Musharraf will be arrested as soon as he returns: Prosecutor

I don't know if he has future in Pakistani politics. To win an election with out any grass root support will prove to be a daunting task. Plus he has Kargil debacle and host of other serious charges on his head.
I know why hindi gave this post a thumbs up because when Gen. Musharraf was in power India was scared of Pakistan 24/7 & India use to **** out their dippers with fear. This here is the truth.

He is a great leader & Pakistan needs him. Gen. Musharraf is Million times better than these bastards PPP, PML-N, PML-Q, ANP, JUI & MQM these corrupt & incompetent politicians have only cause problems for Pakistan nothing else just problems.
Throughout Pakistan's history never has a President who was from the military who took power through bloody or non-bloody coup- such a person has never ever managed to rule the country twice. On the other hand the PMLN and PPP which (are very corrupt.) have ruled many years consecutively. The Military ruler may rule longer but there is no chance for him to come back again.

As Pakistanis it is wrong for us to support military rule nor an autocratic person-for example Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who was famous for rigging elections and imposing rules. Furthermore there is Nawaz Sharif who was hoping to adopt a resolution that confirms his desires to become an Emperor of Pakistan.
Wouldn't this be the best publicity and an ideal start for an election campaign .. provided his managers see this as an opportunity.
Throughout Pakistan's history never has a President who was from the military who took power through bloody or non-bloody coup- such a person has never ever managed to rule the country twice. On the other hand the PMLN and PPP which (are very corrupt.) have ruled many years consecutively. The Military ruler may rule longer but there is no chance for him to come back again.

As Pakistanis it is wrong for us to support military rule nor an autocratic person-for example Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who was famous for rigging elections and imposing rules. Furthermore there is Nawaz Sharif who was hoping to adopt a resolution that confirms his desires to become an Emperor of Pakistan.

Mr,damocrazy just try to speak same post in abbass town or hazara town I can ,bet peoples will burn you alive, all this fake system will break further more,in few days once caretakers are in, & then peoples will come out in real,against all the damocrazy of dam 5 years, which only has taken evry kind of revenge?
You will find , musharaf under the same sky of pakistan!
He is going to make another history!
Stop justifying the terrorists of lal masjid, & stop using quran & hadiths just for the sake of your self intersts!
& remember IMAM-e-KABA was sent to talk with terrorists, who didn't surender themselves nor their weapons?
Action taken against them was as justifyed as the action against those who took the hounrable,KABA-tullaha?
So don't use lal masjid conspiracy,into play?
Your hate against musharaf is just bassed on your love to those terrorists!

No interest in this lame topic anymore. Go bother someone else.
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