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Mar 9, 2014
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ONCE the most powerful man, a leader of the free world, Former President of the United States George W Bush, invited the American media to his oil painting art exhibition titled “The Art of Leadership: A President’s Personal Diplomacy" on Saturday April 5th, 2014. For his remarkable collection of portraits, 30 oil based painting of leaders of the free world was showcased at George Bush Presidential Library and Museum in Dallas Texas. Not professional, startling likenesses,a decent amateur work was neatly presented to the media. Former President Bush didn't tried to copy van Gogh or Picasso in his painting but brushed his expression on canvas showing, importance of personal relations to further diplomacy with the top world leaders.

Among the 30 world leader, stands the picture of Former President of Pakistan Gen. Parveez Musharraf who once held an important position on international stage, a well respected name in the corridors of world powers. His critics might say that picture lacks brightness, Musharraf is not smiling or the frame is cheap but the fact stays that in his time, Former President Musharraf did take Pakistan to the highest level in the international arena, within the top 30, I might say and if you don't believe me, the art shows.

Mind Wonders !!! Is Pakistan really so isolated in the world that it has lost touch with the reality? The world honors Pakistan with respect, we make it our agenda to turn it to disrespect. Musharraf is a traitor, Osama is our brother? Malala Yousafzai is a traitor but American convict Aaafia Saddique is a sister?.... shamefully the majority is mute but sometimes being mute becomes a sin.

In Pakistan, average Mohammad Hussain, still worries about food, shelter, electricity and security, some of the basic fundamental need of survival for humans. If asked, do you know Musharraf started 80 universities creating post graduates? he will stir at you. OK do you know that academia will recommend polices for law makers and government alike to make a better Pakistan, I bet he will shrug it off... who cares?

If I tell him that GPD grew at 6 percent from 3 percent in 1999 and Pakistan with less then a billion in reserves in 1999 went to 17 billion foreign reserves without IMF loan by 2007, he will look at me like I am speaking an alien language. From poverty and literacy level elevation, to revolutionizing Pakistan with Telecom, Free media, Women empowerment, Minority protection, anti Terrorism policies and creating millions of jobs in Pakistan but an average Muhammad Hussein will stay unmoved.

OK Musharraf develop Gawadar Seaport, a 650 km coastal highway, IT, CNG and TELCOM industries of Pakistan provided employment to millions and brought billions of dollar in foreign investments to Pakistan. Favorable investment conditions in Pakistan brought foreign world class franchisees to Pakistan markets but average Muhammad Hussain was not interested and kept busy washing his cow in the same water he drinks from.

I say, If democracy stand for public service and deliverance, Musharraf definitely brought Pakistan from dark ages to the 21st century, creating a vibrant Pakistan we see today. Pakistan's thriving new booming economy and Musharraf's tough stance on terrorism not only earned respect for him internationally but also brought prestige for Pakistan in the international arena.

Why was than he ousted out of his office then, a reader might think? If he was a Western President, Musharraf will be popular like former US President Clinton for economic growth and recovery but the story of Pakistan is different. Musharraf was a right leader for wrong people.

Seventy percent of the country's population lives a rural life fully under feudal control. How Pakistan moves forward in the international arena is not a concern for the feudal , how much they make from Pakistan is. The feudal decided who get's the vote not average Muhammad Hussain. Mostly his vote is caste on his behalf for the "Sain" or "Chaudhari", (the feudal lord) or whomever they endorses.

Another contributing factor, Religious extremism and anti American, a combo easily sold in Pakistan to the public. Musharraf was stigmatized by religious elements as an agent of the infidels. Add into this disgust, the lies of the political arena that Musharraf engaged Pakistan in American war to supported infidels over our own Muslims.

Lastly, all those moderate, liberals, religious minorities and the elite of the country which enjoyed benefits from Former President Musharraf regime are silent and at this point in time, their silence has become a sin.
This silent majority still thinks Musharraf as a great leader but only dare to expresses those views in drawing rooms discussions or through internet by clicking "like" on his Facebook page, fearing they will be stigmatized in the society.

It's a sin when someone is victimized right before your eyes and you are mute. It's evident that Musharraf never abrogated or subverted the constitution of Pakistan in his order, neither in 1999 nor 2007, as described in article 6 of 1973 constitution. Yes Pakistani constitution was put in "abeyance", a temporary strategy, to control law and order, a strategy used on many occasion in the history of Pakistan.

To victimize Musharraf, in 2010, The Pakistan political elite silently amended the constitution of Pakistan without the knowledge of average Muhammad Hussain, adding the word "Obeyance" in article 6 as a crime of High Treason. In vengeance for 1999 coup, PM Nawaz Sherif government, in consultation with his partners in judiciary, intentionally inditing former president Parveez Musharraf on High Treason charge under 2010 amended article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan with reckless disregard for article 12 of the same constitution which clearly states "No law shall authorize the punishment of a person- for an act or omission that was NOT punishable by law at the time of the act or omission;

In short, it's not about the law, constitution or judgement but only vengeance. The same "Mola Jatt" style justice and "Sultan Rahi" type statements are not acceptable to many who seek reconciliation over revenge. It's obvious, abeyance was not an indictable offense till 2010 and letting the government use 2010 amended article 6 selectively with total disregard for its retroactive use to score political mileage cast doubts not only the morality of the pillars of Government but also opposition champions of justice who pride righteousness.

Former President Parveez Musharraf's trial also challenges the intellect of those who supported and sacrificed for a " Free Judiciary" in Pakistan. Did all those who gave their lives in judicial activism to restore judiciary had revenge and selective justice in mind? It's the visual selective justice in last 6 years causing leader of the judicial movement distancing themselves from the Supreme Court.

Collective wisdom tells, Pakistani fragile democracy in its infancy can't afford administrative and judical adventurism. If immediate reconciliation plan is not adopted by the government and judiciary with Pakistan Army, Pakistan will definitely come one step closer to the justification of a coup and again no one will come out for judiciary and Nawaz Sharif's. I have a feeling, God forbid if this happens, mistake of "abeyance" will not be made but under the current security conditions, a total abrogation and subversion, with boots on ground and public execution of the accused are foreseeable.

I dont get into this dictator crap. The families which are ruling our unfortunate country are more dictatorial than Musharraf could have been.

Musharraf had his time. When he was in power, there was no challenge to his authority. People of Pakistan really liked him. For the long term, Musharraf could have done a lot more as no so called 'democratically elected' leader was as popular as he was at his peak.

Now saying he was the right leader for the wrong people will only romanticize his memory. Beyond that, whats done has been done, whats not, could have been done.
so you should be waiting for the rebirth of jinnah, to save pakistan, dream boy?

Not at all. We started killing off Jinnah's Pakistan in 1949 and succeeded in killing it off in 1971. It is never coming back.
Anyone who calls Musharraf a leader, is an enemy of democracy, and Pakistan.

He caused so many problems and weakened Pakistan so much, that PA can't even hold 23 March Parade, that it had been doing for the last 60 years, he was the man ho discontinued it.
Anyone who calls Musharraf a leader, is an enemy of democracy, and Pakistan.

He caused so many problems and weakened Pakistan so much, that PA can't even hold 23 March Parade, that it had been doing for the last 60 years, he was the man ho discontinued it.
damocrazy already has itself proven , the biggest enemy of pakistan?
cause its fake, its croupted, &its been found giving shelter to killers of 60 ,000 innocent pakistanis?
prade day, was canclled to save innocent pakistanis, unlike politicians begging thier safty, from terrorists, & giving them protocoles?
Many of us don't believe in this corrupt form of democracy. If a true democracy is installed, people will feel the benefits in daily life.
Many of us don't believe in this corrupt form of democracy. If a true democracy is installed, people will feel the benefits in daily life.
it wont happen till, you take out these croupts, till you not hang them, till you not take out of thier, hidden swiss accounts?
for that, you need a brutal & but highly accountble militry govt, to do the proper clean ups, set the new & fair parametters of electing the members of NA, & creates more provinces.
Dictator or not, but that right leader was sole powerful leader of country for eight years.
He was the only man who could change country's bad conditions but he put it in worse than ever.

But again the western democracy is not solution for Pakistan
Anyone who calls Musharraf a leader, is an enemy of democracy, and Pakistan.

He caused so many problems and weakened Pakistan so much, that PA can't even hold 23 March Parade, that it had been doing for the last 60 years, he was the man ho discontinued it.
What about Zardari? What about Altaf's continuous tyranty in Karachi? What about Gilani's looting? Why give blind eyes to these "failed leaders" and only shine all attention on Musharraf...If you want justice and fairness trial each and every bastard who caused even a 1% decrease in Pakistan....each paisa should be trialed for so that no other bastard ties it!
it wont happen till, you take out these croupts, till you not hang them, till you not take out of thier, hidden swiss accounts?
for that, you need a brutal & but highly accountble militry govt, to do the proper clean ups, set the new & fair parametters of electing the members of NA, & creates more provinces.

And that free democracy can only be installed after operation political cleanup....heheheh

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