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Musharaff : Dawood held in high esteem in Pak for Avenging Gujrat Massacre

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Yes how much you are respected the whole world knows Sir first asking to others go and punish the bigger bad evils like Modi and Advani who killed far more than Ibrahim
The word Modi seems to haunt you, I can not help you with your fantacy. I think this is the reason that you have Blashmy law in your country, when you don't like some one, you use it to get that person into trouble by accusing him of Blasphmy.
God Modi was not a Pakistani. if he is Mr Zarvan here will file a Blashpmy case against him as he does not have proof to show that court that he is responsible for Gujarat Riots.
103 posts & no one has pointed out the incongruity of Musharraf's statement. Dawood is wanted for the Mumbai blasts of 1993. How on earth could he be reacting to the riots in Gujarat occurring in 2002. Maybe he knows more of Dawood's involvement in other terrorist attacks on India.

Sir, he does not mean it literally, hence we did not correct him. What he means is that Dawood killed them kaffirs, and thats good enough. Rest all is the general mental gymnastics and apologetic mumbo jumbo thats effectively the national language across the border.
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