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Mumbai violence: Reinventing the Muslim victimhood stance

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I don't know why you people keep on blaming politicians for illegal Bangladeshi immigrants

The major mistake lies in us Indians who provide employment to these immigrants just to save a couple of bucks
If we stop employing them , they would stop coming here

It's like charity begins at home .. Everything could be changed if we citizens initiate

So basically the Raza Academy got back stabbed by the same Bangladeshis that they chose to protect. Karma really is a bi**h.

Lol yes :lol:

That organization is pretty good , it has helped many people already
Now they have become red faced and people have started calling them terrorist organization :(
Gud to see indian muslims standing up for injustice! Gujurat massacre of muslims by hindus r justified by these rss lovers here but a protest against assam violence against muslims is unjustified. Gud to see these opressed pple wake up. Next protest shud be bigger and more violent. They need to make their point and they need a good leader.
B.S basically dont complain about any attrocity,

The article is rubbish, it says that muslims have the right to protest and then tells them not to

The assamese scum and buddists are killing our people and were supposed to throw flowers on them

Hindus are the biggest twits out if the lot they revel in muslim death and are happy muslims die in burma etc and yet they demand no response and blame leaders for highlighting the issues and deaths

No one is saying Muslims shouldn't protest ..
Protesting is right of every Indian

People are angry because of violence and destruction of public and private property
1.5 billion Muslims in the world with 50+ countries being majority Islamic, rich in all type of minerals and deposits especially oil, control many strategic choke points like Suez Canal..yet Islam is in danger..beats he how they arrived at this logic.

The subcontinental muslims are dirt poor ,but rejoice in the idea of Muslim ummah and always ready to fight for it.

The rich Arab don't give **** about non Arab Muslims . Arabs consider them second hand Muslims.
Which muslims leader had told that keep bangladeshi muslims in India?
When every muslim group was asking for stop riot. they just ment to stop riot and killing of muslims. They did not discuss if to keep bangladeshis in India or not. What was the need of time? stoping the riots first.

Still many commentors here was discussing about bangladeshi illegal migrants problem.
Did indian muslims invited them? If congress brought them here, Why muslims has to be blamed?

When in Gujarat modi did nothing to stop riots, reset of indians did not protest.
When modi ordered closure of refuge camps rest of the muslims did not protest. Even though his contribution was nothing for the camps.But rest of the Indian hindus are rallying behind his sayin that he gave Bijlli-Pani. soo funny is this. You are all failing to realize that you are all of same kind of the one you are hating.

You ask any foreign nationalist who read the comments of Indians in pdf think that Indian muslims can feel safe.
You read every times of india news comments related to muslims. You read how our indian hindu brothers are commenting there.

One side you are all rallying for Hindu migrants from pakistan, Bangladesh. Another side you are fighting against the assam migrants. What does this prove? Any one can read your intentions.

Forget about bangladeshis. You are talking as if almost all the assami muslims are from bangladeshis.

Like many of lunatics here treat muslims in India as pakistanis. One of the Idiot muslim who thinks himself India for Hindus would have attacked "Amar jawan". You failed to realize that you both are of same kind and same mentality.

Like sms sent by muslims, Many of you spread fake news about these muslims all over the internet. Saying that muslims hosted a pak flag. What is the difference btw you both?

Like India protestd against pakistani hindu status, Muslims in india also wished India to protest against burma muslims. What wrong in it? India is not Hindu country yet.

Why do you think that only muslims feel other muslims as their brother? Dont you feel the same for Pak hindus? So many pakistanis come to India. Can pakistanis call Hindus as traitors? Is it not pakistan is their mother land? Why they did not like their country? Because they were not given their rights.

Yes, India was best counrtry for muslims, But Indians are changing. There are lot of intenet Hindu Jihadis infiltrated in IT. They keep saying that muslims are brainwashed but they are faild to realize what is justice and how to behave.
Like India protestd against pakistani hindu status, Muslims in india also wished India to protest against burma muslims. What wrong in it? India is not Hindu country yet.

No one denied Raza Academy their rights to protest peacefully. They had permission to protest and space was provided for them to protest.

Do you condone what happened next? Violence, arson, destruction of property. Can you please tell me who is to blame for that?
What happens when Muslims become Majority? :rolleyes:

Don't you see our neighborhood enough to understand the answer to that question?

It is the same old card of "Oh poor me old victim" that is played all over the world while secularist idiots lick up to all these fake acts.
Which muslims leader had told that keep bangladeshi muslims in India?
When every muslim group was asking for stop riot. they just ment to stop riot and killing of muslims. They did not discuss if to keep bangladeshis in India or not. What was the need of time? stoping the riots first.

Still many commentors here was discussing about bangladeshi illegal migrants problem.
Did indian muslims invited them? If congress brought them here, Why muslims has to be blamed?

When in Gujarat modi did nothing to stop riots, reset of indians did not protest.
When modi ordered closure of refuge camps rest of the muslims did not protest. Even though his contribution was nothing for the camps.But rest of the Indian hindus are rallying behind his sayin that he gave Bijlli-Pani. soo funny is this. You are all failing to realize that you are all of same kind of the one you are hating.

You ask any foreign nationalist who read the comments of Indians in pdf think that Indian muslims can feel safe.
You read every times of india news comments related to muslims. You read how our indian hindu brothers are commenting there.

One side you are all rallying for Hindu migrants from pakistan, Bangladesh. Another side you are fighting against the assam migrants. What does this prove? Any one can read your intentions.

Forget about bangladeshis. You are talking as if almost all the assami muslims are from bangladeshis.

Like many of lunatics here treat muslims in India as pakistanis. One of the Idiot muslim who thinks himself India for Hindus would have attacked "Amar jawan". You failed to realize that you both are of same kind and same mentality.

Like sms sent by muslims, Many of you spread fake news about these muslims all over the internet. Saying that muslims hosted a pak flag. What is the difference btw you both?

Like India protestd against pakistani hindu status, Muslims in india also wished India to protest against burma muslims. What wrong in it? India is not Hindu country yet.

Why do you think that only muslims feel other muslims as their brother? Dont you feel the same for Pak hindus? So many pakistanis come to India. Can pakistanis call Hindus as traitors? Is it not pakistan is their mother land? Why they did not like their country? Because they were not given their rights.

Yes, India was best counrtry for muslims, But Indians are changing. There are lot of intenet Hindu Jihadis infiltrated in IT. They keep saying that muslims are brainwashed but they are faild to realize what is justice and how to behave.

Read the below highlighted portion from a National Secretary of a supposedly secular party for your question on the highlighted portion above. And see his conclusion for the decrease in hindu population in Bangladesh.

If the apathy towards the plight of Muslims in the north-east continues it will disturb the peace of the region for a long time to come, SP national secretary Kamal Faruqui tells rediff.com's Sheela Bhatt.

"The Assam riots will make us forget Gujarat," says Kamal Faruqui, national secretary of the Samjawadi Party, in exasperation.

He told rediff.com, "Muslim youth in the country are carrying aakrosh (anguish) within them on seeing the condition of Muslims in Assam and Myanmar."

If the apathy towards the plight of Muslims in the north-east continues, he says, it will disturb the peace of the region for a long time to come.

"The situation in Assam is worse than Gujarat of 2002 because the Bodos have driven out Bengali-speaking Muslims from their homes. Last month, they lit fire to their farmland and kept one exit available. The Muslims ran for their lives when a fire broke out in the middle of the night."

Now more than 3.5 lakh Muslims are in relief camps in Assam. Faruqui says, "The worst case scenario and the most likely one is that these Muslims will not be allowed to go back to their homes unless they show their identity card or proof that they are Indian or they have migrated from Bangladesh before 1972. When their houses have been burnt down, how will they show proof of identity?"

He says, "In Gujarat, if not all, most Muslims could go back to their villages from relief camps but here it is a conspiracy. It's a war for land. Bodos want to drive out Muslims from the areas where governance is under the Bodo Autonomous Council."

He says if non-Bodo Assamese keep quiet today, they will also be hit tomorrow. "The ethnic clashes targeting Santhals, Rajvanshis etc are bound to come once Bengali-speaking Muslims are driven out from their homes from the interiors of Assam."

Faruqui says when the Nellie massacre took place in 1983 more than 3,000 Muslims were killed in a day. That time, too, Muslims were forced to live in relief camps. So many of the victims of Nellie are yet get a settlement. Therefore, the victims of the latest Assam riots have no hope, he says.

"We are stunned to see the really poor coverage in the media about the anti-Muslim violence in Assam and Myanmar. We are aghast to see how the Congress governments in Assam, Maharashtra and in New Delhi are not acting to help the minority," he says.

"Is it fair to not make any noise when Hindus of Bangladesh illegally migrate to India but brutal riots take place when Muslims migrate to India to sustain their families? When Bangladesh was liberated it had around 24 percent Hindus, now they are less than eight percent. Obviously they have migrated to different parts of India. But no hue and cry is made against the illegal migration of Hindu Bangladeshis. I have no issue with Hindu Bangladeshis migration to India, it's a humanitarian issue. But why this double-standards?" he asked.Faruqui shows a series of horrific pictures on his iPad sent from Myanmar purportedly depicting Rohingya Muslims killed in the sectarian violence. Since June, incidents of violence between Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims have shaken the Islamic world.

Faruqui angrily asks, "What is the Indian government's foreign policy on Myanmar? Are we not supposed to speak against the killings of innocents in our neighborhood?"

"Why are our government and media not helping the Muslims in Myanmar?" he asks.

Faruqui also expresses his concern over Badruddin Ajmal's politics in Assam.

Ajmal is head of the Assam United Democratic Front, which claims to represent the Muslims of Assam and his divisive politics earned him rich dividends in the last assembly election. "After Ajmal's party won, some of us thought riots in Assam will follow soon because Bengali-speaking Muslims have now got a voice and the Bodos will take note of it," says Faruqui.

"Assam's Muslims are making a huge mistake of not joining the mainstream parties or secular regional parties. It will be dangerous for them to join a party that only takes up the cause of the Muslims. I see more bloodshed in Assam in the coming days. How unfortunate it will be!" Faruqui concludes.

'The situation in Assam is worse than Gujarat in 2002' - Rediff.com India News
^^ I would like to see what these illegal migrants and their rear cleaners living in India do when ULFA (the one that actually was concerned for Assam) starts tearing into illegal fanatics.
Don't you see our neighborhood enough to understand the answer to that question?

It is the same old card of "Oh poor me old victim" that is played all over the world while secularist idiots lick up to all these fake acts.
Look at Nepalis, they were fighting themselves was a only hindu country wasn't peaceful. Look at shrilinaka where Hindus were present in good number and wasnt peaceful. Anyways i cant give
Pakistanis are learning lesson. They understood the result of being extrem. But we are going a reverse way.
Call to Boycott Bangladesh Immigrants in Nagaland


The Public Action Committee of the Naga Council of Dimapur on illegal immigrants today issued a call to all citizens of the State to boycott illegal Bangladeshi immigrants. ThePAC announced that it is launching a non-violent, peaceful campaign in the form ofboycotting all Bangladeshi immigrants and their services. The PAC issued a press release today saying that the ¡°Pledge Campaign¡± had become imperative in view of the grave threat posed by illegal Bangladeshi immigrants ( or IBIs) to the very survival of the people of Nagaland as an ethnic community. ¡°The recent conflict in Bodoland between indigenous Bodos and illegal Bangladeshi immigrants (IBIs) has confirmed our worst fears; that the safety of our land and people can no longer be guaranteed as long as aliens remain in our land illegally,¡± thePAC stated.
The campaign will be launched on August 14th, 2012 at 11 am, Naga Council building coinciding ¡°with Naga Independence Day symbolically representing the twin objective of freedom from aliens and economic independence.¡± The campaign was unanimously agreed upon by the house during the public meeting held on July 29 in the office of the Naga Council. A resolution in support was passed by the Naga Women Hoho Dimapur, GBs, Colony Chairmen Forum, YAN, senior citizens, tribal hoho presidents, tribal youth organizations as well as various colony/youth organizations, well wishers, presidents of various welfare organizations, Niuland Citizen¡¯s Forum and DNSU, past and present members both.
¡°PAC¡¯s pledge campaign is a signature campaign to arouse Naga people to socially and economically boycott illegal Bangladeshi immigrants (IBIs) at purely voluntary and individual level. This campaign takes its inspiration from the successful Swadeshi andboycott movements against British rule in India. It has its roots in Gandhian form of agitation such as Non Co-operation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement,¡± the PAC explained.
The PAC made it loud and clear that the campaign is not about Muslims nor is it abouthatred and violence but it is about the dangerposed by illegal immigration into the state. ¡°Itis a campaign to reassert our control over our land, resources and economy through peaceful means. The Pledge Campaign is an awareness campaign to counter the conspiracy of ¡®Greater Bangladesh¡¯¡± the PAC stated.

Call to Boycott Bangladesh Immigrants in Nagaland | Northeast Today
Boycotts will not send them back.. Bodos started the cleanup because the idiots started attacking them..No where in world, illegals can start massacre, destroy properties and then cry foul.. It can happen only in India..

f.king supporters of these illegal trash can very well go to hell!! Blinded with faith and Ummah concepts if they are not ready to accept law of land then let law handle them, the violators..

I think it's time India stop pretending to be good to all.. India need to either become China or America if they want to take care of the growing extremism in the land..
Look at Nepalis, they were fighting themselves was a only hindu country wasn't peaceful. Look at shrilinaka where Hindus were present in good number and wasnt peaceful. Anyways i cant give
Pakistanis are learning lesson. They understood the result of being extrem. But we are going a reverse way.

And you converted the SL issue into a hindu vs non-hindu issue? Look up who the leaders of LTTE were and what religion they belonged to. Do not paint religious color for everything.

Let me provide you another comparison which makes people like me who have a centric view and dream of a modern nation and true secularism in India, seethe in anger.

Many Indians move into tribal lands in Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Odisha and exploit the tribal lands. While most Indians oppose Maoists, they have sympathy for tribal issue.

In Assam, illegals encroach into Bodo lands(Bodos are tribals) and when Bodos riot(the latest one you need to understand that Bodos did not start it), here are some organizations painting religious color and supposedly secular parties like SP supporting the illegals. (and if the illegal hindus have migrated to Bodo land, the Bodos still would have seen them as illegals and rioted against them)

Do you see the double standards here?
Answer for you -

Idiot ummahists will use anything in the world to justify the presence of their illegal biradars..
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