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MSCI Downgrades Pakistan to Frontier Market After Four Years

Good point , Pakistan's biggest investors are not foreigners but instead People holding Pakistani Passport /Citizenship

The only thing we need to do in current environment is

1) Reduce the Imports
2) Balance the Exports so there is surplus
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We went up during a pandemic when the entire planet had their economies turned upside down and if you are going to show your intellectual dishonesty and compare to Bangaldesh please do tell when did our exports start falling and which party was in power at that time?

I am not proponing any party of Pakistanis. All parties of Pakistan are equally bad at managing economy. Imran was lucky as pandemic had given him breathing space in terms of curtailing the trade deficit for a year and postponement of principals to be paid on foreign loans for 2 years. Contrary to PDF perception, Imran didn't do anything to reduce the trade deficit as you can see that it is coming back with vengeance in the coming year.

Your countries entire reserves are made of loans, swaps and placements given by other countries. I mean present dispensation celebrated when IMF facilitated additional SDR allocated to every country as if that is their achievement (India got close to $18 billion dollars on the same account by the way).

Your exports did go down in the pandemic year from $24.2 to $22.5 billion (about the same percentage as India's). India's exports are rebounding at a faster clip than even Pakistan since then despite the severe second corona wave. India's exports will clock in a growth rate of 30% this year over pre-pandemic year (2019). It didn't need to substantially devalue its currency in the process.
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