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MQM Membership Campaign starts throughout Pakistan

Get some history lessons aqal band! That time was East VS West and you are not kid to understand who got what! Bengali East and non Bengali West equal to what? Birdari System.
Karachi was bank vote for PPP//JI/PML but get fad up and chose MQM coz all above three parties didn't delivered what was real problem of the city and it's peoples. MQM nothing but name of a struggle demanding for their fair rights.
Ah but you never understand that coz I know what's your vision on struggle of Palestine Vs Israel. Hamas are terrorists right? And Israel defending herself from that terrorists. No wonder Moulana Disel called you guys Jewish agents.

Actually this debate is going around anti & pro MQM ... And all anti-MQM have logic that MQM is responsible all mess in Pakistan ..............
Who agrees to the statement that yes, MQM is responsible?
@Norwegian @Donatello

پڑھئیے اور سر دھنیے ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

Actually this debate is going around anti & pro MQM ... And all anti-MQM have logic that MQM is responsible all mess in Pakistan ..............

MQM is not the only one responsible for any mess.......but it does have its part in the Karachi mess.
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