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Most French people think Islam is incompatible with nation's values: PM

Because French committed a genocide in Algeria!

By that logic,I should commit terror attacks in Germany ? Even if because of something that happened decades ago under former generations ?
And which muslim countries were invaded by France,Spain,Belgium ? (recently.)
Prime Minister is trying to appease the rising far right which is France's real problem. If France wants to not be targeted by these attacks it should first stop invading Muslim countries. When you bomb other people, those people you kill are going to come after you. It doesn't require a rocket scientist to figure that out.

You see,you're only confirming the crux of the matter.Those who commited terrorist acts in France were supposed to be French.They've entered a contract,became citizens and were supposed to be loyal.But in France,all over Europe in fact,many muslims don't abide by that contract and instantly turn on their adoptive countries.Ofcourse people are angry,they're being backstabbed by those who were given shelter.

This is the same for @UKBengali ,supposedly a UK citizen,all he does is cheer for China or other non UK statal entities.These people are not loyal citizens,they're a fitfh column.

Because French committed a genocide in Algeria!

And before that ,for 500 years,people from Algeria were raiding French shores and enslaving people.
Algerians were commiting terrorist attacks in France
Monsieur indeed they were. However you should know that was entirely related to and extension of the Algerian Civil War which had started in 1991. That was the price France paid in having such close relationship with Algeria which involved supporting the anti Islamists government.

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algerian_Civil_War

And just to make clear here I support the right of France to secularism as long as it does not become a veil for racist reflexes.
By that logic,I should commit terror attacks in Germany ? Even if because of something that happened decades ago under former generations ?
And which muslim countries were invaded by France,Spain,Belgium ? (recently.)

Most of Algerians 2nd,3rd generation are sons/daughters of Algerians who fought for France,as their forefathers left with the French.It's not about the imaginary genocide in Algeria,as their parents commited that "genocide" by that logic,they're rallying under a foreign religious banner against their country.
Most of Algerians 2nd,3rd generation are sons/daughters of Algerians who fought for France,as their forefathers left with the French.It's not about the imaginary genocide in Algeria,as their parents commited that "genocide" by that logic,they're rallying under a foreign religious banner against their country.

Imaginary genocide in Algeria? Really you would stoop so low?

Romanians were also involved in persecuting the Jews & Roma's during world war.. Bunch of ..
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By that logic,I should commit terror attacks in Germany ? Even if because of something that happened decades ago under former generations ?
And which muslim countries were invaded by France,Spain,Belgium ? (recently.)

Ironically .. How you lie .. How you post oneliners after losing an argument.. I remember you posting "so what are you going to do" nonsense after I busted you over the exploitation of Mali,Niger etc..

@Kaptaan Religion should only be a matter between the man and the God(s).
As long as you are in your house,you can do everything you want,wear anything you want,worship anyone you want.
If in a public place,a Christian cannot show his cross,a Jew the Kippa,why should we let muslims wear the veil ?

If you have balls I'd suggest you take a dig at Judaism in public... in your own country .. The way you take cheap shots at Muslims & Islam...

The next day Il read about your .... Being thrown in the slammer.
Imaginary genocide in Algeria? Really you would stoop so low?

Romanians were also involved in persecuting the Jews & Roma's during world war.. Bunch of ..

It was a war but I don't think it's something prooved in academical cercles....
between the man and the God
I am 100% with you on that. Please read below
I support the right of France to secularism as long as it does not become a veil for racist reflexes.

Two points I would like others to clarify.

(a) If Islam and secularism are so repugnant then why do Muslims?

(i) Continue to migrate to secular countries
(ii) Why do they continue to choose living in secular countries

(b) If Islam per se has within it's Dna terrorist tendancies then?

(i) why did we not observe them in 1960s or 1970s?
(ii) why are Iranian's, Turks, Bosnian's, Kazakhs or Kurds not being radicalized?
What? So killing a million innocent people is okay? And no it wasn't a war.. It was the systematic genocide of 10% of the Algerian population.


Ofcourse is not ok but it wasn't classified as a genocide.Plus,look at the numbers,many more Algerians fought for the French then against them.At best,they were killed by other Algerians,hardly a French perpetrated genocide.

Were they all victims of the French or many fell because of the rebels campaign of terror?
What? So killing a million innocent people is okay? And no it wasn't a war.. It was the systematic genocide of 10% of the Algerian population.


It was the Interior Minister's response to the far-right's suggestion:

(from the same source)
"On Saturday Le Pen clarified herself and said “Jewish skullcaps are obviously not a problem in our country,” but France has to “ban them in the name of equality.”

“What would people say if I’d only asked to ban Muslim clothing? They’d burn me as a Muslim hater,” Le Pen said. She added that she was “asking our Jewish compatriots to make this small effort, this little sacrifice probably,” for the sake of equality."
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