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Featured More than a pawn, Pakistan is a real player Between the U.S. and China

Always struggling with Pakistan LOL The Americans are clueless. That is what happens when you resort to ditch and embrace policy.

That Obama bastard breed started this whole thing. Today he is hiding like a coward. Writing books and venting frustration.

Pakistan did the right thing. Master stroke with ally China. Finally the dream we all had came to fruition. We saw how US officials pleaded and held daylight therapy sessions to dissuade Pakistan and its people from befriending China. LOL at debt trap. That is all there is left for the Indians and Western world to propagate. Yet despite the Western propaganda the developing world opts for Chinese investment and skills. I am not surprised the Western world is reeling. China has instilled fear and panic. I have never seen the white man so worried.

We are not going to fall for US carrots which really amount to nothing.
since your lovely post and subsequent posts I was expecting a half breed result of a one night stand between Tarik Fateh and Hussain Haqqani to arrive on this thread with its *** first with its shit *** sarcasm and usual muck he spent his first 6 months in the combined asses of Haqqani and Fateh. I am surprised he hasnt made a post yet by mocking Pakistan and telling us how great America is and by its extension the greatness we must accept in Modi whose balls he keeps in his mouth while sleeping , talking and walking.

on Topic,
America has set its course and has a single minded mindset to take down China and for that purpose it has chosen India at its tool to accomplish this. so it will continue to repeat the mistakes of the past and expect a different result and China will simply exhaust it and frustrate it.

here comes the inbred. .this post of mine is too tempting for it to swallow. it has to come out of haqqani's *** to respond.
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- Islamabad will help determine who ends up on top

Not really. Who comes out on top is the nation that works the hardest in pursuing its national interests, with every nation doing its best, whoever it might be. Nothing else matters in the long run.
Not really. Who comes out on top is the nation that works the hardest in pursuing its national interests, with every nation doing its best, whoever it might be. Nothing else matters in the long run.

The US understands that it is game over in this region. Apart from India it has no other nation it can rely on to do its dirty work. No amount of hard work can replace reliable allies. The US is handicapped.
since your lovely post and subsequent posts I was expecting a half breed result of a one night stand between Tarik Fateh and Hussain Haqqani to arrive on this thread with its *** first with its shit *** sarcasm and usual muck he spent his first 6 months in the combined asses of Haqqani and Fateh. I am surprised he hasnt made a post yet by mocking Pakistan and telling us how great America is and by its extension the greatness we must accept in Modi whose balls he keeps in his mouth while sleeping , talking and walking.

on Topic,
America has set its course and has a single minded mindset to take down China and for that purpose it has chosen India at its tool to accomplish this. so it will continue to repeat the mistakes of the past and expect a different result and China will simply exhaust it and frustrate it.

here comes the inbred. .this post of mine is too tempting for it to swallow. it has to come out of haqqani's *** to respond.

I am so glad it eventually came down to this. We always knew it would. It happened so fast and in our lifetimes. Totally unexpected. Who could have thought that Pakistan and China would pull such a massive master stroke. Who would have thought we would get to see Indian humiliation on 27th. Who would have thought Imran Khan would become the leader of this nation and looters would be in exile. Who would have thought CPEC would be a reality. It is an amazing time to witness such sea changes. Who would have thought CIA assets would bend over and hold pleading sessions. It is all happening.

The Hussain Haqqani's and Tarek Fatah among us are jealous and envious losers. They do not even represent a minority anymore. Let them scream. The decisions have already been made. It is a feast for patriots to be living in times where sea changes are unfolding before our eyes.
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The US understands that it is game over in this region. Apart from India it has no other nation it can rely on to do its dirty work. No amount of hard work can replace reliable allies. The US is handicapped.


What USA understands clearly is that the game of international politics is NEVER over, not for a moment, and not for the ages. Handicapped or not currently, it will go on to the next innings and then the one after that. Everybody plays their best game. After all, there is nothing dirty in pursuing national interests, no matter what country.
Not really. Who comes out on top is the nation that works the hardest in pursuing its national interests, with every nation doing its best, whoever it might be. Nothing else matters in the long run.

You are correct to a certain extent, however, let's just take one small example. If TODAY Pakistan changes side and goes in the US camp, it is game over for China. So you can see how important this country has become to at least give significant advantage to whom ever it supports, be it China or US.
You are correct to a certain extent, however, let's just take one small example. If TODAY Pakistan changes side and goes in the US camp, it is game over for China. So you can see how important this country has become to at least give significant advantage to whom ever it supports, be it China or US.

Woh kia hey, keh kissi siyaney ney kabhi arz kia tha:

Dil key khush rakhney ko .... :D


Seriously though, does anyone think that merely Pakistan's choosing sides will make all the hard work of a billion Chinese or hundreds of millions of dumb Murrikans just go away? Game over? Even if Pakistan were the referee, which it most certainly is not, it would not matter to the never-ending game of international geopolitics. Ever.

But as I hinted above, Pakistan kee haqiqat sab ko maloom hey.
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US Still have chance if US invest it correctly in Pakistan. US send her companies to invest in Pakistan and also help Wakan corridor so that She can tapped Central Asia but chances are very low due to US past history with Pakistan and now Pakistan don't trust them. Recently T129 helicopter is the prime example Pakistan not to trust US

The problem with the U.S is it's true owners. America has been playing host body to fight other's (israel) wars. The Zionists have a vice like grip on america since the time when JFK was assassinated. Not a single President of America has ever taken an aggressive stance against apartheid-israel. If any did, they were killed or never made it to the Oval Office.

That's where america becomes an utter failure. There is no hope in heaven or hell for america to ever be on the right side of history. And even if the americans do fight back against the zionist owners, they would shred the country into pieces. Yes, that's how powerful a grip the Zionists have over america.

My advice to americans, leave that land of plague and find some place far from the Western World. Because when the Malhama (the great war) begins, america and it's Western Allies will all but be obliterated. This is not some fantasy, it is going to happen, whether you believe or not, whether you are comfortable with it not, when you accept it or not, this will happen (in-sha-Allah).

America's days of ever getting Pakistan back in their sphere are long gone.
America's days of ever getting Pakistan back in their sphere are long gone.

The only thing I am still concerned about is the POWER OF GREED WITHIN THE PAKISTAN'S ESTABLISHMENT. Do not underestimate how corrupt these people are and what they can do for money and power even if it is to the security determent of Pakistan and its people.
More than a pawn, Pakistan is a real player Between the U.S. and China

- Islamabad will help determine who ends up on top

Ben Falcon, Opinion Columnist|March 7, 2021

View attachment 722837

For 45 years, the United States and the Soviet Union were in the highest-stakes game of chicken in human history. Yet, despite the bellicose rhetoric and military exercises, the Cold War was not decided on American or Russian soil. Instead, the two Goliath nations opted to fight proxy battles across the world for influence. While the European theater was the main stage, it was not the only one they performed their cloak-and-dagger dance. In South Asia, they used the board pieces of Pakistan and India to play their game.

This framework of rivalry and distrust continued into the 21st century as new powers rose and old ones fell. Today, the contest between China and America appears to be a similar race to the top, albeit less openly. The U.S.–Pakistan relationship will be crucial to containing the exportation of Chinese aggression as that competition intensifies. In 2011, George Clooney famously asked then-President Barack Obama, “What’s the one [thing] that keeps you up at night?” His answer: Pakistan. The fact is that we must place Pakistan at the forefront of our strategic thinking amid the rising threats from China. Over the past decade, Pakistan has become the most important partner of the PRC. In exchange for arms, investment and regional support against Indian power projection, Pakistan has helped Beijing circumvent U.S. strategy.

The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a massive infrastructure and investment project valued at over 62 billion dollars. It is the flagship endeavor of the Chinese Communist party’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Through it, the PRC has constructed for itself a modern stand-in for the imperial Chinese tributary system. CPEC has helped build a deep-water port in Gwadar, an international airport in Islamabad, and an extensive public transportation system connecting Karachi to Islamabad by way of Lahore. Programs like CPEC have revitalized a once threatened Chinese construction industry with multibillion-dollar construction projects and requirements for Chinese labor.

All of this may sound innocent, but the Belt and Road initiative has left many partnering nations indebted to China beyond their repayment capacity. The payday loan style of development is symptomatic of a broader issue with Chinese expansionism: neo-colonialism. Its investment in Pakistan is nothing more than a Trojan horse designed to expand its influence, power and territorial reach. In return for debt forgiveness, Pakistan ceded its newly constructed deep-water port in Gwadar to the Chinese for a 40-year lease.

Nonetheless, countries like Pakistan are not getting a fair deal. Why then is Pakistan continuing to get into bed with Beijing? The simple answer is “us.” In our failure to reliably meet Pakistan’s economic and security needs, we have left open a vacuum happily being filled by China. Since its inception, Pakistan has faced a Thucydidean trap of its own with India. The growing power imbalance with India and the perceived assertiveness of New Delhi is what underlines the foreign policy shift toward China.
The trillion-dollar question is whether we can turn the tide and improve our flawed relationship. Historically, we have treated Pakistan as a means to an end and not as an intrinsically important state. Policymakers considered Pakistan useful so long as it could be a conduit to India or Afghanistan. Washington would reward Pakistan for its help when it was useful and ignored Pakistan — if not punished — when it was not. Therefore, the Biden administration will have to overcome eroded public trust on top of coupled Sino-Pakistani interests.

However, like with the rest of Asia, we must avoid placing maximum pressure on countries like Vietnam, South Korea and Pakistan. Doing so may leave them feeling trapped in a tug of war we may not like the outcome of. We must increase investment in Pakistan and dissuade it from tightening its embrace with China. For nearly a decade, China has pivoted toward Africa and the Middle East, while the United States has moved its gaze toward Asia. Pakistan is at the nexus, where these two pivots face off in opposition of one another. Thus, we cannot leave Islamabad entirely dependent on China lest we risk regional stability.

Nonsensical parroting of the Indian whining. Pakistan made a sound economic decision to seek investment from China for mutual gain. The outcome has been positive both economically and militarily. Like all investments the economic gain will take a little time, hundreds of thousands of jobs have been created and hundreds of millions in trade has been achieved because of CPEC and hundreds of billions potential to be added to the Pakistani economy. There was no vacuum in the Pakistan's economy it was corruption that created holes facilitating billions of dollars to be stolen and shipped abroad and the IMF vulture feeding of decadent loans.

Pakistan did what all free nations do which is to realign strategy with their allies in their common interest. The US made it clear it was not an ally but a colonial monster on a rampage willing to trample all nations that came across it's "interests". The Neocon vision of the new world order came crashing down like the Twin towers , sabotaged by their blind greed and quest for world dominance and the unipolar world became a desperate cling for allies as the US stood alone abandoned and shamed by their own partners. Neocons fell so low that they embraced one time Soviet Ally India , a nation far dethatched from values that the US holds so dearly. India the nation which stole US jobs has a diabolical human rights record which is reflected in the daily murder and atrocities in Kashmir, the rape of mother India and the endemic child and human trafficking feeding the brothels of, Delhi, Mumbai and Calcutta.

The US threw their towel into the Indian corner failing to realise that the one time Soviet ally has it's own agenda and India's growth will be at a detrimental cost to the US. India asserted it's new found role pretty early by placing orders for the S400 discarding meekly US protests and smartly maintained it's position. As India was hammered along the border by China the US offered wordily support in a clear acceptance of the new world order one in which China is not to be messed with. The emerging Pakistan-China alliance reminded India how vulnerable it is militarily along the border and that there is no guaranteed permanence of the Indian republic. The tenacious Pakistan -China partnership presented the reality of the new changed world order and the vacuum in the US power vacuum. As the friends of the US yesterday became enemies today the world community realigned and shirked not knowing who was going to be next ; even India is cautious of the US adventures as they refuse to budge on trade and military purchases.
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What USA understands clearly is that the game of international politics is NEVER over, not for a moment, and not for the ages. Handicapped or not currently, it will go on to the next innings and then the one after that. Everybody plays their best game. After all, there is nothing dirty in pursuing national interests, no matter what country.

Let the US play. We will play our game without the US.
since your lovely post and subsequent posts I was expecting a half breed result of a one night stand between Tarik Fateh and Hussain Haqqani to arrive on this thread with its *** first with its shit *** sarcasm and usual muck he spent his first 6 months in the combined asses of Haqqani and Fateh. I am surprised he hasnt made a post yet by mocking Pakistan and telling us how great America is and by its extension the greatness we must accept in Modi whose balls he keeps in his mouth while sleeping , talking and walking.

on Topic,
America has set its course and has a single minded mindset to take down China and for that purpose it has chosen India at its tool to accomplish this. so it will continue to repeat the mistakes of the past and expect a different result and China will simply exhaust it and frustrate it.

here comes the inbred. .this post of mine is too tempting for it to swallow. it has to come out of haqqani's *** to respond.

well with you having chinas dick and balls all the way down your throat I don’t think Indians or Americans need to bother lol
well with you having chinas dick and balls all the way down your throat I don’t think Indians or Americans need to bother lol

Why don't you Americans move your mega embassy out of Pakistan?

I have never understood your duplicitous policy. You vilify, accuse and hate an entire nation since its existence. Yet you are so overly obsessed with Pakistan. The discrepancy is mind numbing. What is it that you really want from Pakistan? Do you want Pakistan your little brown colony where you can kill, exploit and do as you wish? Is that the end goal?
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Why don't you Americans move your mega embassy out of Pakistan?

why don’t you stop asking us for money at the IMF? Or buy our F16s

it goes both ways in 60s when we supplied you weapons we are the stars of your eyes. When we took it away we became the bad guys. That’s called geopolitics learn about it

Also a tidbit . We were the 1st country to invest in your country when you became idnepdentgo read about it. We actually believed u would be a good partner. But corruption and delays took the US interest. Also by sheer amount we have given you more money than any other nation
The only thing I am still concerned about is the POWER OF GREED WITHIN THE PAKISTAN'S ESTABLISHMENT. Do not underestimate how corrupt these people are and what they can do for money and power even if it is to the security determent of Pakistan and its people.

To combat corrupt politicians who traitors, is through unity of Pakistanis (even it is a small group), the only way achieve this unity is through the Noble Qur'an. The only way to approach the Noble Qur'an is through sincerity of Imaan. The only way you can have a sincere Imaan is through Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.

It is the infinite circle of spiritual quest for any Muslim and in Pakistan, we are of course, Muslim!!
why don’t you stop asking us for money at the IMF?

Why don't you stop using Pakistani supply routes and help in Afghanistan? Why don't you mind your business for once and stop meddling in our affairs? Really sincere question. We are sick and tired of your nation meddling in our matters. Piss off from Afghanistan and stop begging Pakistan to ignore China LOL

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