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More than 150 Afghan soldiers killed by Taliban suicide attackers at army base

More than 100 Afghan soldiers were killed and wounded in a coordinated Taliban attack on an army base in northern Afghanistan, the country's defence ministry said Saturday.

It is the latest in a string of deadly assaults against Afghan military sites, which underscores rising insecurity as Afghanistan braces for an intense spring fighting season.

The ministry did not give a breakdown of the casualties in the attack near Mazar-i-Sharif city Friday, which lasted several hours and targeted soldiers at a mosque and dining facility.

The US military has said that "more than 50" Afghan soldiers were killed in the assault, while an Afghan army source who was on the base at the time put the death toll as high as 150, with dozens more wounded.

Two of the attackers blew themselves up in the raid, which was claimed by the Taliban late Friday. All were dressed in Afghan army uniforms and arrived in military vehicles, the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity and adding that no civilians were killed.

The defence ministry said Afghan forces had killed all the attackers, without specifying how many there were. Earlier it had said one of the assailants had been detained.

The military source at the base said there were at least 10 attackers, adding that the soldiers were "young recruits who had come for training".

The toll could change, the defence ministry said in a statement, adding it would provide more information once an investigation was completed.

Afghan officials have been known to minimise casualty figures in some major attacks on military sites, such as in early March when gunmen disguised as doctors stormed the country's largest military hospital in Kabul, killing dozens.

Afghan officials put the death toll in that attack at 50, but security sources and survivors told AFP more than 100 were killed in the brazen and savage assault.

Military targets
General John Nicholson, the top US commander in Afghanistan, praised Afghan commandos for bringing the "atrocity to an end".

Afghan security forces, beset by killings and desertions, have been struggling to beat back insurgents since US-led NATO troops ended their combat mission in December 2014.

According to US watchdog SIGAR, casualties among Afghan security forces soared by 35 percent in 2016, with 6,800 soldiers and police killed.

The attack on the Kabul hospital in March came a week after 16 people were killed in simultaneous Taliban suicide assaults on two security compounds in the capital.

More than a third of Afghanistan is outside government control and many regions are fiercely contested by various insurgent groups, as Kabul's repeated bids to launch peace negotiations with the Taliban have failed.

Nicholson in February told the US Senate Armed Services Committee in Washington that he needed "a few thousand" more troops to help train and assist the Afghan forces.

The US has around 8,400 troops in the country with about another 5,000 from NATO allies assisting a much larger Afghan force in the war against the Taliban and other Islamist militants.

Earlier this month the US military dropped its largest non-nuclear bomb on ISIS hideouts in eastern Afghanistan, killing nearly a hundred militants.

The attack triggered global shockwaves, with some condemning the use of Afghanistan as what they called a testing ground for the weapon, and against a militant group that is not considered as big a threat as the Taliban.
unfortunate... RIP

also rip for few people mentality those always bring India for everywhere.

if anything misshapen 's with Indian Muslim in India .....than ... India responsible.

if Indian Muslim did anything wrong outside from India like misguided Muslim joins to isis .. than.... India responsible.

RIP..... hope best for Afghanistan.

The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi strongly condemned the terror attack.

"Strongly condemn the cowardly terror attack in Mazar-i- sharif. Our prayers and condolences to the families who lost loved ones," he said in a tweet.

Militants wearing Afghan Army uniforms killed at least 50 soldiers in a gun and suicide attack at a base in northern Afghanistan on Friday, the US military said, as the extremists ramp up their campaign against beleaguered government forces.

Two of the attackers blew themselves up and seven were killed in the assault near Mazar-i-Sharif city, which lasted several hours and targeted soldiers at a mosque and dining facility, the Afghan Defence Ministry said.

One of the assailants was detained.

General John Nicholson, the top US commander in Afghanistan, praised Afghan commandos for bringing the "atrocity to an end".

RIP to all that have been slain. No nation deserves this level of mourning.

Afghan Government is facing the same type of proxy war which Indian nation is going through inside Indian Borders.
Afghans have made their own beds

The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is sealed

Dont care whats happens in Afghanistan aslong indians are hunted down our interest is finished
Media claiming death toll rise to 140 soldiers. Rest in Peace
Afghan Government is facing the same type of proxy war which Indian nation is going through inside Indian Borders.
No Pak role in fomenting trouble in Afghanistan, says Petraeus
This comes from a person who was at the core of all the things who Commanded the ISAF in Afghanistan and was the Director of CIA.
So two options:-
(a)That Pakistan is NOT involved at THAT level that you or many argue.
(b)OR that the ISI and Taliban are really good at keeping secrets and the things they do, hence the best Int Agency.
Pick One.
Remember that we also have paid a higher price than India can ever digest and come strong from it due to the incompetence and duplicity of the Afghan Gov.
Afghans have made their own beds

The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is sealed

Dont care whats happens in Afghanistan aslong indians are hunted down our interest is finished

Actually Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is blessed with natural resources worth billions of dollars and Afghans are very close to the Indian nation.

Regional countries are not trying to think big and all have adopted thier own ways which in real are problems for the Mars missions and when they are butchering native people of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and trying to move them out of thier houses then they are not understanding that Indian Establishment nation is well aware what can happen in Mars. Afghan Parliament has already showed that they are brothers of Indian Nation and they are willing to work together but the small brains have different mentality.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban released to the media this picture, which it said shows the suicide bombers who attacked the army base in Mazar-i-Sharif, April 21, 2017.
KABUL — The death toll from a Taliban raid on a key army base has exceeded 160, an official said Saturday, the bloodiest single incident in an attack by the resurgent militants since their ouster in 2001.

“The figure I have heard for the deaths is 163,” the lawmaker said. “It could go higher as some of the dozens of wounded are in critical condition. For a while, there was shortage for coffins, but somehow they managed to sort that out”
Carnage all round, actual soldiers killed may pass 200 by tomorrow.
Actually Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is blessed with natural resources worth billions of dollars and Afghans are very close to the Indian nation.

Regional countries are not trying to think big and all have adopted thier own ways which in real are problems for the Mars missions and when they are butchering native people of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and trying to move them out of thier houses then they are not understanding that Indian Establishment nation is well aware what can happen in Mars. Afghan Parliament has already showed that they are brothers of Indian Nation and they are willing to work together but the small brains have different mentality.

India is a hindutva nation

We cant expect to be sympathetic towards a nation that betrays the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and supports a nation which destroys mosques for temples, kills muslims to protect cows and elects saffron robed extremists who want to rape the corpses of dead muslim women now can we
If this is the title we get for standing up to religious and cultural bullying then we don't mind it definitely.


You can officially be the hindutva gau rashker republic of india

Get rid of you flag, make it all orange, get rid of that circle in the middle and just have a big fat cow

You can officially be the hindutva gau rashker republic of india

Get rid of you flag, make it all orange, get rid of that circle in the middle and just have a big fat cow
Why are you so butthurt? on topic RIP
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