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Modi's BJP Government not responsible for Covid vaccine side effects deaths: Centre to Supreme Court | People took vaccines voluntarily

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Oh, Manu made reference to OBC ? That translation is magnificent.

Having been close to vaccinations programs both in US and India, had Indian government not done things the way they did, it would have been wildly catastrophic. It was well designed and well orchestrated.
Oh, Manu made reference to OBC ? That translation is magnificent.

Having been close to vaccinations programs both in US and India, had Indian government not done things the way they did, it would have been wildly catastrophic. It was well designed and well orchestrated.

Can you share more, without personal details.
Your Jaan Shehala has no rack. Very plain.

1. My jaan Shehla even has the Hindutvadis casting their otherwise misogynist eyes on her. She had complained to Quora to take action which they did after two years.

2. She can be asked to chubby up.

I was just making an academic observation with rheumy though experienced eyes.

Ah, we have another retired Don Juan here after @-=virus=- . :rofl:

Having been close to vaccinations programs both in US and India, had Indian government not done things the way they did, it would have been wildly catastrophic. It was well designed and well orchestrated.

Yes, only four million extra Indians died of COVID and COVID-related artificial mismanagement. But Modi jee's new PM palace in under construction nonetheless and his smiling glorious face is on the COVID vaccine certificate.
1. My jaan Shehla even has the Hindutvadis casting their otherwise misogynist eyes on her. She had complained to Quora to take action which they did after two years.

2. She can be asked to chubby up.

Ah, we have another retired Don Juan here after @-=virus=- . :rofl:

Yes, only four million extra Indians died of COVID and COVID-related artificial mismanagement. But Modi jee's new PM palace in under construction nonetheless and his smiling glorious face is on the COVID vaccine certificate.

I have yet to see a girl chubbying up and all the fat going only to her chest.
Why should it go only to the chest ? Should spread all over because that is natural, aesthetic and feminine :

I once knew two Russian Ukranian sisters. Olga and Ina. Ina the elder one was like Viktoria. Slightly slimmer. Similar rack.
Oh, Manu made reference to OBC ? That translation is magnificent.

Having been close to vaccinations programs both in US and India, had Indian government not done things the way they did, it would have been wildly catastrophic. It was well designed and well orchestrated.
I had a once removed seat to the heavy pressure to UNBAN vaccine exports. My 'closeness' is limited to that.

India did not relent. Smaller allocations were however made to several countries, mostly gratis or near gratis on a non-commercial terms basis. This is what ensured massive supplies to Indian population.

In the US, Trump was in his elements of hyperbolic deal making , signing off billions to anybody who'd offer a solution that passed even 1 step scrutiny. (U may remember the hydrochloroxin demand). A Michigan woman totally convinced him and he placed the order minutes after one of his direct conversations with her. He tried so many things - tried to buy the German company , tried to militarize distribution (which ALONE) saved USA from chaotic Civil War.

Indians created the CoWin app and pressed it into service in record time WITH A CENTRAL DB AND FULLY EXPLOITED THE BY THEN IN PLACE SERVICE PROVIDER AND PATIENT IDs for dosage tracking. I for example took my 1st dose in a private city hospital, the second in a tiny rural village center and my booster in the US. Each involved < 15 mins in and out and seamless. And because I was traveling commercial frequently even during the ban, acceptance of US and Indian vaccines that had been negotiated upfront was critical. Such negotiation was what subsequently enabled the bubble travel that India's airliners could do. Imagine without this, the fate of thousands of elderly ancestors in India with their kids all abroad ! I'm not even touching the commercial benefits this yielded. (Recall complaint by several non Indian airlines tat AI was getting spl treatment - which they were - and were told to adopt process steps as AI, which they did and were then allowed).

The Consulate General Office in NYC/GOI Embassy in Washington and Air India NY worked out modalities for bubble travel beautifully. For one of my trips, I initiated request at 11pm and when I woke up at 5am the Embassy had already emailed me back and I was dumbfounded to rcv a call from CGI NY before 8am ...never seen any private or govt org function this effectively. Oh, by the time I called my AI contact for tkt they already had rcvd the EOI permission for travel. (I so wish GOI agencies and depts work half as beautifully and effectively in normal times as they did during g covid). BTW, EOI Washington (I later learnt) had to communicate with Delhi Airport before each such travel permission so it was doubly impressive. (In another trip this led to a strange situation where they wouldn't let me take flight to Mumbai but instead said they'll let me fly to Delhi immediately- because of some database access issue from Mumbai that day). I took the delhi flight and connected to blr.

Last but not least, can you imagine the level of organization q.control and oversight required to ensure the refrigerated cold chain for vaccines to every remote village corner for a country of India's scale, language diversity?

And some seriously gutsy decision making. For example when some idiots from MH and TN govts tried to negotiate direct deals from Pfizer ,swift msg to that company (presumably) from the center.

While both US and India allowed extra count dosing (ie increase the number of doses from a vial ), in India this happened from day 1, increasing supply. In the US probably due to liability litigation environment, it took a while to
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