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Message to Vegetarians

1. Vitamin B12 : Milk.

2. creatine : not needed at all even for body building..so many vegetarian and even vegan bodybuilders out there.....creatine deficiency affects brain function?? Go search for thousands of vegetarian scientists out there.

3.Vitamin D3 : Sunlight is the best source for Vitamin D3 and not the meat.

4.Carnosine : Even the meat eaters are deficient in carnosine as they can not get enough even from the meat
Dr. Gabriel Cousens on Vitamin Deficiency - B12 and carnosine | Vegan Mainstream

5.Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) : Again not found exclusively in meat but also in seaweed.

God has created us differently from animals..we are superior as we have a choice...a choice not to kill animals.

Those were just some examples but like I later said as long as you are having dairy and eggs then being a vegetarian is fine. :)
human beings are killing and eating animals since the beginning, only recently some humans started to think its a bad idea to kill and eat other animals.

In the beginning human beings wore no clothes, were wanderers , had no sense of family and in many ways were equal to animals....but later human beings started to think and learned how to farm and developed choice...the best choice as far as I am concerned was to settle down, start family & give up eating meat.
In the beginning human beings wore no clothes, were wanderers , had no sense of family and in many ways were equal to animals....but later human beings started to think and learned how to farm and developed choice...the best choice as far as I am concerned was to settle down, start family & give up eating meat.
why give up eating meat. We are animals still.
BTW I might be switch when scientists are able to artificially produce meat ... :)
pffff I would rather die than giving up on this:

Giving up meat was the best thing I did. I have more energy, don't fall sick and don't feel fresher all day.
why don't religiously motivated Vegetarians experiment with meat and fish food? try for a month or so as to acquire/appreciate the superior taste. it effectively increase muscle mass also(red meat). many Hindus these days don't care for the strict vegetarianism religion and castes enforced onto them. why not more people be open with the idea of non-Veg food.

defending Vegetarianism is because you are religiously motivated to do so. 99/100 times this is true with Indians. but, the fact is Non-Veg food is as good or better than Vegetarian items. if not daily take, take atleast a week. I hope one day our nation will be open to Pork and Beef as well(in Sakahari uttar bharat)

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