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Meet Marcos

Well The only real Version of it is the Japanese HAL-5.... No other Country is Known to research on it...

Nobody knew about the stealth helicopter also until it crashed in you know where. So who knows?? Some mad scientist in some top secret laboratory is making this suit, breeding super soldiers, putting the finishing touches on" Aurora" or making invisible man.
Nop its Operation "Laal Masjid" Red mosque 2006 (Islamabad) and these are the students of that Masjid conflict against PAkistan Armed forces...

Attached herewith SSG Special Forces!










MARCOS are Marine Commandos. Post pictures of Pakistan's marine commandos, like the Special Service Group Navy.

MARCOS are Marine Commandos. Post pictures of Pakistan's marine commandos, like the Special Service Group Navy.

ok sure!! (same SSG) are in NAVY ... let me post SSG Navy...
There's a huge desparity b/w the salaries of a SEAL (2 Lac Rs/month)and a MARCOS (28000 Rs/month).
Atleast GoI should pay these elite grps such as NSG, SPG a respectable salary.

What the hell..! have u ever heard about 6th pay commision? plus defence personals get many many many facilities like free water, 24 hours free electricity, free cereals, canteen etc. etc. etc.
MARCOS dont even have the permission to tell their family or wife that they are marine commandoes..!
MARCOS dont even have the permission to tell their family or wife that they are marine commandoes..!

that used to happen long back,many families know that their husband/father is with the MARCOS.MARCOS all live in the same base in different locations in the south mostly.
that used to happen long back,many families know that their husband/father is with the MARCOS.MARCOS all live in the same base in different locations in the south mostly.

no, they r not allowed to tell anyone be it their parents, children, wife or friend.
My father is in MI and he has told me this and he know much more than us.
i dont believe the pics that are posted here which are without masks actually are marcos..!
MARCOS dont even have the permission to tell their family or wife that they are marine commandoes..!

Lolz, if someone from their family gonna visit this thread, he will know that secret now.
What is it man!! Looks like G.I. JOE stuff, although, its cool!! Can you please provide us more knowledge regarding Nano suites

It's a fictional body armor used by the most elite special ops in the video game "Crysis" and "Crysis 2" (Nanosuit 2)
Even in the video game only a handful of these suits are seen.

Crynet Nanosuit - Crysis Wiki
Nano-Muscle Suits (Nanosuits) are powerful, technologically advanced, and extremely versatile battle armor. This is permitted through the suit's ability to adapt and absorb energy in various forms from heat, solar, electrical, carbon and radiation. In addition, the suit's CryFibril (artificial muscle) can be programmed for a variety of purposes (such as hardening, muscle augmentation, or invisibility), leading to drastically enhanced combat and physical performance, and allowing the operator to execute super-human feats. These suits are the most technologically advanced piece of equipment within human hands by the year 2020; they are capable of even rivaling Alien technology.

Also check out nanosuit 2 (lol)

Crynet Nanosuit 2 - Crysis Wiki

Footage :

Although it's just imagination, it's a lot of fun to fight aliens with.
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I think India should stop dreaming about having the capability of the US. It need to first take care of its poor and improve the malnutrition first before worrying about matching US on everything.

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