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Massarce of Muslims by Burma/Myanmar state -- Rohingyas community massacre


Sep 7, 2010
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thousands of Rohingyas Muslims have been killed by Burma/Myanmar state forces...

and the world is silent like as if its not happening... UN, Muslim world, Ban ki moon, sab kay moun mein lun wara howa hai.. :angry:





@Zabaniya - Really tragic link. What a sizable minority of Muslims live there, under such persecution. Bangladesh enjoys considerable military superiority over Myanmar. Has there been any indication that BD's political leaders plan on pressuring Myanmar on this?

Moving some forces to the border would teach Myanmar a lesson. But the US is behind them.

even if not, atleast stop pushing the poor out of their country, see them as muslims and not as alleged burmanese... even if they cannot see them as muslims, just see them as humans !!

zara si tou insaniyat honi chahiye yar....

Imagine the media coverage if (God forbid) Muslims did this...

The deafening silence of the west and Islamophobes on this forum who blame Muslims for even a fly on their shoulder speaks volumes of their hypocrisy

Whats even more disgraceful is that the west paints these murdering buddhists as men of peace!

Yes the west and the Islamophobes on this forum who blame Muslims for even a fly on their shoulder are all quiet speaks volumes of their hypocrisy

Whats even more amazing is that the west paints the buddhists as peaceful people

so much so for their peacefulness !! bloody racist terrorists buddists
even if not, atleast stop pushing the poor out of their country, see them as muslims and not as alleged burmanese... even if they cannot see them as muslims, just see them as humans !!

zara si tou insaniyat honi chahiye yar....

Judda hoh Din Siyasat say,
Toh reh jahtee hai Genghaizee
- Allama Iqbal

(When Religion is seperated from politics, what's left is the brutality of the likes of Genghaiz Khan)

All religions teach that one is accountable for one's deeds, and would be held responsible for what they do. The secularist system of the west killed so many in the past 100 years, on a scale humanity had never ever seen before. Even now, the West and it's puppet states are like pathetic predators, they only prey on the weak.

We should land a few Ghauri IRBM missiles on this pathetic US-puppet regime. Tell 'em if they don't stop this slaughter, the next Ghauri comes with a complimentary Nuke, free of cost.
thousands of Rohingyas Muslims have been killed by Burma/Myanmar state forces...


and the world is silent like as if its not happening... UN, Muslim world, Ban ki moon, sab kay moun mein lun wara howa hai.. :angry:

This man is a Tibetan who set himself on fire protesting against Hu Jintao Delhi visit for BRICS conference. You can also see Tibetan flag.

so much so for their peacefulness !! bloody racist terrorists buddists

lets see if the baniyas who blame Pakistan even when their *ss itches have anything to say about their terrorists buddhists brethren
^^First lets see what you like to say about masscare of Muslim in China....and if you still ask me i will say
No Comments as its their internal matter......
China has more influence in burma than any other country whats their stand on this issue
What can they say when they have done or are doing same in Tibet,East Turkistan......forget about all this In 2011 China even ban fasting in Ramzan
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